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Patriot fans, question


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do any of you remember a 1980s draft pick with the last name Seccareccia? he was featured in SI once I believe and was cut when he was caught using steroids.

just curious, used to have him as a gym teacher in middle school

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If you are drafted in the 19th round of the USAFL draft there is a pretty good chance you suck at playing football.

Seccareccia was probably the worst Gym Teacher of all time. He probably took out his frustrations of not going pro on the kids.

That explains everything about blackout :P


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If you are drafted in the 19th round of the USAFL draft there is a pretty good chance you suck at playing football.

Seccareccia was probably the worst Gym Teacher of all time. He probably took out his frustrations of not going pro on the kids.

That explains everything about blackout :P

Those that can do.

Those that can't teach.

Those that can't teach, teach gym.

Clarence Verdin was a pretty decent player and went in the 17th round of that draft.

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If you are drafted in the 19th round of the USAFL draft there is a pretty good chance you suck at playing football.

Seccareccia was probably the worst Gym Teacher of all time. He probably took out his frustrations of not going pro on the kids.

That explains everything about blackout :P

we had 2 gym teachers, him and a lesbian

between the 2 of them Gym class was hell, nothing like what it SHOULD be.

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