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Serious- need advice

L.S. Dylan

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anyway, this whole thing kinda started when he felt physically ill and he started reading all this **** on webmd. that wasnt the best idea because being a hypochondriac, he started getting really paranoid. he went to doctors quite a lot for few months, they ran all kinds of tests, couldnt find anything wrong, and that really freaked him out. then it took its toll mentally.

i keep telling him that he'll be ok and i really believe it. once he comes out of this he'll feel great and have a new perspective in day to day life and probably enjoy it more. i know when i started to come out of my funk i believed in myself more than ever.

While that feels like the right thing to do and you definitely did it with the best intentions, he was probably just saying to himself "He just doesn't understand."

To go back and add to the hard work thing that I mentioned before. The other reason why hard work helps is not only self-confidence but it helps you think about something else such as a goal, instead of your problems. You guys play music together, do you guys do gigs or just mess around? Is there anyway that you could set up either show or something where he's forced to concentrate on something other than his problems? That will definitely help. What I'm getting at is you should help him to basically just forget that he even had a problem. That's like the one of best things someone else can do.

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by the way, thank you everyone. never posted anything like this before. i really was lost before, this has helped a lot so far just to understanding everything.

hope it all works out drums. he's lucky to have you for a friend.

hopefully since he's young it's just kinda of a phase/funk he's in that he'll soon get past.

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While that feels like the right thing to do and you definitely did it with the best intentions, he was probably just saying to himself "He just doesn't understand."

To go back and add to the hard work thing that I mentioned before. The other reason why hard work helps is not only self-confidence but it helps you think about something else such as a goal, instead of your problems. You guys play music together, do you guys do gigs or just mess around? Is there anyway that you could set up either show or something where he's forced to concentrate on something other than his problems? That will definitely help. What I'm getting at is you should help him to basically just forget that he even had a problem. That's like the one of best things someone else can do.

that is exactly what he is saying.

true it does help you take your mind off your problems. we do play gigs but mainly have just been messing around and ive wanted to play shows, hes been a bit more hesitant (even if we sucked, the bands around here are far worse). im a bit more easy going so ill play anytime and always want to but since hes the guitar/singer we basically have to play when he's ready. lately he's said he just wants to go back to how he was feeling and get serious with this music thing.

this is what ive been looking for: "What I'm getting at is you should help him to basically just forget that he even had a problem. That's like the one of best things someone else can do."

i dont know how i couldnt figure that out but that makes perfect sense. thank you!

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hope it all works out drums. he's lucky to have you for a friend.

hopefully since he's young it's just kinda of a phase/funk he's in that he'll soon get past.

thanks jw, but i dont know, i havent done the best job with this situation. i let him down and am doing my best to make up for it.

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How old is he???

If he is still tokin up daily and he is in mid/late 20s/30s AND he hasnt really settled on what he wants to do in life,,well,,bad combo..

He may be on meds,,but is he off the pot????

tell him to go a month or so and see if it clears up his 'why am i stil la student/no direction kind of guy' while my other pals sorta have thier act together..

If he is in teens or 20/21 then see a shrink asap..

does he take that anti acne medicine????

that aint good either...

has his TSH tested,,anything over 2.5 is high and depression is side effect of hypothroidism...should be between 0.2 and 2.5..if TSH is high, take Armour, not Synthroid

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How old is he??? 22

If he is still tokin up daily and he is in mid/late 20s/30s AND he hasnt really settled on what he wants to do in life,,well,,bad combo..

yeah this is a stressful time period, finishing up college and everything

He may be on meds,,but is he off the pot????

he barely smokes anymore. he's on meds for asthma and allergies, not sure what else, well now antidepressants

tell him to go a month or so and see if it clears up his 'why am i stil la student/no direction kind of guy' while my other pals sorta have thier act together..

true but he always had his plan set (music) but i can see what you mean.

If he is in teens or 20/21 then see a shrink asap..

does he take that anti acne medicine????

that aint good either...

no acne stuff. i didnt know that had side effects like that

has his TSH tested,,anything over 2.5 is high and depression is side effect of hypothroidism...should be between 0.2 and 2.5..if TSH is high, take Armour, not Synthroid

what is a tsh test? a while ago he mentioned that his thyroid might be messed up but i havent heard about it after that.

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How old is he??? 22

If he is still tokin up daily and he is in mid/late 20s/30s AND he hasnt really settled on what he wants to do in life,,well,,bad combo..

yeah this is a stressful time period, finishing up college and everything

He may be on meds,,but is he off the pot????

he barely smokes anymore. he's on meds for asthma and allergies, not sure what else, well now antidepressants

tell him to go a month or so and see if it clears up his 'why am i stil la student/no direction kind of guy' while my other pals sorta have thier act together..

true but he always had his plan set (music) but i can see what you mean.

If he is in teens or 20/21 then see a shrink asap..

does he take that anti acne medicine????

that aint good either...

no acne stuff. i didnt know that had side effects like that

has his TSH tested,,anything over 2.5 is high and depression is side effect of hypothroidism...should be between 0.2 and 2.5..if TSH is high, take Armour, not Synthroid

what is a tsh test? a while ago he mentioned that his thyroid might be messed up but i havent heard about it after that.

BINGO, thats probably it,,one of most undiagnosed illness in world..

does he gain weight easily, always cold???

dry skin??

get freakin TSH test,,blood test,,test for T3 and T4..

if over 2.5/3 range insist on Armour Thyroid medicine, NOT synthroid, and tell doc to get him between 0.2 and 2.0 for optimal reduction of symptoms..

i say no synthroid cause synthroid only replaces the T4 and the depression part is lack of T3,,armour gives u both T3 and T4

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so he is on anti depressants? which ones? they just don't give these things away. he musta sought professional help to get these.

well yeah a physician but i dont trust them. one of the main ones, avalar? i mean obviously he is depressed but that doesn't mean you just say here swallow this pill.

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BINGO, thats probably it,,one of most undiagnosed illness in world..

does he gain weight easily, always cold???

dry skin??

get freakin TSH test,,blood test,,test for T3 and T4..

if over 2.5/3 range insist on Armour Thyroid medicine, NOT synthroid, and tell doc to get him between 0.2 and 2.0 for optimal reduction of symptoms..

i say no synthroid cause synthroid only replaces the T4 and the depression part is lack of T3,,armour gives u both T3 and T4

i really don't know but i will try to bring it up. thanks SJ

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well yeah a physician but i dont trust them. one of the main ones, avalar? i mean obviously he is depressed but that doesn't mean you just say here swallow this pill.

agreed drums. many are quick to prescribe pills. not a fan of that myself. why mask the problem?

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ya,,if hypothyroid, like i suspect,,,then a depression pill will make it worse...

ain't that a pisser too? I know of so many incidents where drugs were dispersed by doctors that in fact negatively impacted the exsisting ailment due to bad assumptions.

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u never said,,is he overweight???

no he isnt

ain't that a pisser too? I know of so many incidents where drugs were dispersed by doctors that in fact negatively impacted the exsisting ailment due to bad assumptions.

pretty sure side effects include suicide

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thanks sj i appreciate it. i will get to reading those now

thanks again everybody. i know you are good knowledgable people, thats why i came here.

remember,,its more important to do whats right and say the hard things to him, and thereby risking his friendship and trust,,then by sitting idly by protecting his friendship and in a month or two or three crying at his wake that you should have said or done more...

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I just saw TSH pop up and that reminded me of an essay I did on how that's a negative feedback system, what diseases can arise from it, the whole thing. How the **** I can still remember what I wrote word for word astounds me.

If he's not fat could it be hyperthyroidism? If he's skinny and eats a lot, it could be the too fast metabolic rate is getting to him. If he's either:

a) Skinny and eats a lot, doesn't work out too much,

or B) Fat and doesn't eat a lot.

Get him to get a look at his TSH levels. If those get out of wack his whole body might lose its internal homeostasis, allowing for things like depression to kick in. I'm saying he should definitely get that looked at because he mentioned a thyroid problem. That might just be what is causing all of this.

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I just saw TSH pop up and that reminded me of an essay I did on how that's a negative feedback system, what diseases can arise from it, the whole thing. How the **** I can still remember what I wrote word for word astounds me.

If he's not fat could it be hyperthyroidism?

You've got me

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You've got me

Sorry, I edited my post. See if he meets any of that criteria.

Basically, hyperthyroidism= too much thyroxine. Thyroxine speeds up metabolic processes (ie digestion, burning fat) so too much will make someone skinny and find them very hard to gain weight.

Hypothyroidism= too little, the opposite.

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I just saw TSH pop up and that reminded me of an essay I did on how that's a negative feedback system, what diseases can arise from it, the whole thing. How the **** I can still remember what I wrote word for word astounds me.

If he's not fat could it be hyperthyroidism? If he's skinny and eats a lot, it could be the too fast metabolic rate is getting to him. If he's either:

a) Skinny and eats a lot, doesn't work out too much,

or B) Fat and doesn't eat a lot.

Get him to get a look at his TSH levels. If those get out of wack his whole body might lose its internal homeostasis, allowing for things like depression to kick in. I'm saying he should definitely get that looked at because he mentioned a thyroid problem. That might just be what is causing all of this.

he's just normal weight but he lost some weight because he wasnt eating as much. he got a lot of tests done i will see if that was one of them. thanks

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I just saw TSH pop up and that reminded me of an essay I did on how that's a negative feedback system, what diseases can arise from it, the whole thing. How the **** I can still remember what I wrote word for word astounds me.

If he's not fat could it be hyperthyroidism? If he's skinny and eats a lot, it could be the too fast metabolic rate is getting to him. If he's either:

a) Skinny and eats a lot, doesn't work out too much,

or B) Fat and doesn't eat a lot.

Get him to get a look at his TSH levels. If those get out of wack his whole body might lose its internal homeostasis, allowing for things like depression to kick in. I'm saying he should definitely get that looked at because he mentioned a thyroid problem. That might just be what is causing all of this.

ya 99% true on fat/skinny thing,,except in rare cases, some hypothyroid people can be skinny with ungodly ability to eat virtually nothing to stay thin,,models, ballet dancers etc...

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ya 99% true on fat/skinny thing,,except in rare cases, some hypothyroid people can be skinny with ungodly ability to eat virtually nothing to stay thin,,models, ballet dancers etc...

he's just normal weight but he lost some weight because he wasnt eating as much. he got a lot of tests done i will see if that was one of them. thanks

ya, he might fit in tha tcategory,, hypothyrpoid but thin,,which in very unusual..

my wife , a ex-model was in that category,,they didnt give TSH test cause she was still thin ,,but she was eating virtually nothing...

finally insisted on test,,TSH was very high,,and meds cured all,,,

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ya 99% true on fat/skinny thing,,except in rare cases, some hypothyroid people can be skinny with ungodly ability to eat virtually nothing to stay thin,,models, ballet dancers etc...

Well, yeah, that could happen. Basically hypo- makes it easier for you to get fat by eating, hyper- makes it hard to gain weight by eating. But there can still be fat people with hyper by eating absolutely everything and skinny people that eat hardly nothing.

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Well, yeah, that could happen. Basically hypo- makes it easier for you to get fat by eating, hyper- makes it hard to gain weight by eating. But there can still be fat people with hyper by eating absolutely everything and skinny people that eat hardly nothing.

yup,,just throwing out there as it does happen and those are the case sthat dont get diagnosed quickly

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