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Why is the lounge so dead?


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Did something happen that I don't know about? What gives? :wtf:

People are focused/stunned at the Favre signing, so they're locked into the NY Jets/NFL forum. Frankly, I can't even think straight this morning thinking about #4 as our new QB. Can't tell you if I'm happy or sad, but I feel better about this acquisition than I did when the Yanks signed Roger Roidman.

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People are focused/stunned at the Favre signing, so they're locked into the NY Jets/NFL forum. Frankly, I can't even think straight this morning thinking about #4 as our new QB. Can't tell you if I'm happy or sad, but I feel better about this acquisition than I did when the Yanks signed Roger Roidman.

Favre's a Jet? :rl: Sorry dude this ain't April fools. I ain't fallin' for that $hit. :rl::rl::rl:

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People are focused/stunned at the Favre signing, so they're locked into the NY Jets/NFL forum. Frankly, I can't even think straight this morning thinking about #4 as our new QB. Can't tell you if I'm happy or sad, but I feel better about this acquisition than I did when the Yanks signed Roger Roidman.

c'mon borgo, this is jetnation lounge. something other than farve signing musta happened. ;)

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Favre's a Jet? :rl: Sorry dude this ain't April fools. I ain't fallin' for that $hit. :rl::rl::rl:

I also heard Toon's making a comeback as a third down receiver. The Montana as Jet backup QB fell through this morning after he realized that the Jets don't routinely stock Ovaltine in the clubhouse.

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I also heard Toon's making a comeback as a third down receiver. The Montana as Jet backup QB fell through this morning after he realized that the Jets don't routinely stock Ovaltine in the clubhouse.

What about Chrebet? Surely he's on his way back too. And Curtis Martin?

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What about Chrebet? Surely he's on his way back too. And Curtis Martin?

No, Martin is busy trying to buy a team. There is some interest in Johnny Hector coming into camp to "give it a go". Johnny Mitchell also expressed a desire to "get the monkey off his back", and finally make good on all that promise. Problem was that his boss wouldn't let him travel to NY Metro Area because his expertise as a ranch hand/horse stall "technician" at an Austin, TX area Dude Ranch prevented his foray "up north". Also, Browning Nagle has the inside track to lock up the custodial duties at the new training facility in New Jersey. He bought a case of rubber gloves, and everything.

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