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Are you in a Jerry Bruckheimer movie?


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Guide to Determine

If You Are in a Jerry Bruckheimer Movie.


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1. Your girlfriend is a waitress, but could be a model.

2. A bus explodes.

3. A psychopathic millionaire devises an elaborate plan to murder you or someone you know ...

4. ... and you feel compelled to stop it.

5. You are Nicholas Cage.

6. Despite a total lack of training, you are able to shoot and fight with the accuracy and ability of a special-forces soldier.

7. You are a cop or scientist, but could be a model.

8. A building explodes.

9. After capturing you, a terrorist with a foreign accent reveals the details of his plot in a long-winded speech.

10. The light always hits your face in just the right way.

11. You are in a shootout on the streets of a major city ...

12. ... and it involves helicopters and rocket launchers.

13. Everyone around you is a model.

14. Teams of well-trained henchmen are shooting at you, but they all miss.

15. You are engaged in a knockdown-dragout brawl with the leader of a major crime organization ...

16. ... in slow motion.

17. Everything that has not yet exploded explodes.

18. You save the world.

19. Your name is Jack.

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Bugg wrote:

Guide to Determine

If You Are in a Jerry Bruckheimer Movie.


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7. You are a cop or scientist, but could be a model.

Why yes, yes I am.

Sent this to 1 friend and a cousin who are in fact NYPD ESU cops with the caption"A lot of this may be true of you."

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Most of those could apply to any and all John Wu movies too...especially the slow motion one.

Anyone ever see the article in The Onion, right after 9/11? Headline of "Terrorists turn NYC into scene from bad Bruckheimer movie" - or something to that effect. At the time, was a bit of levity that I think everyone needed.

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