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Cimini interviews Schotty


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On how the offense never seemed to find a sustained comfort level:

A: Midway through the season, at 8-3, we did find our groove. Unfortunately, our groove dried up a little bit. Maybe that's because we didn't have as big a package as we would've liked to and teams caught on. I really don't think that's what it was. It came down to more us not executing, and not always calling the right play in the right situation - and having limited opportunities because of the turnovers and the inability to covert on third down.

No a-hole, it's because you and your lover Mangini might be two of the worst coaches to enter this league in the history of the world.

Keep living on your daddy's name.

As if the players and their mistakes have anything to do with how YOUR offense works. Stop calling INT's and maybe we'll do something.

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No a-hole, it's because you and your lover Mangini might be two of the worst coaches to enter this league in the history of the world.

Keep living on your daddy's name.

As if the players and their mistakes have anything to do with how YOUR offense works. Stop calling INT's and maybe we'll do something.


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Q: On speculation that his hands were tied last season by Eric Mangini at the end of the season:

A: I'm being very honest, I haven' given a lot of thought to the last five games. I'll speak a little to the things I can recall, but I don't want to take you down the wrong path. I really haven't studied it or looked at it like I would have if all this other stuff hadn't transpired. The big thing for us, obviously, was the turnovers. Late in the season, ball security becomes more important. Obviously, that hurt our ability to score points and it cost us some momentum at times. We struggled on third down. We weren't able to sustain drives.


way to avoid the question :rolleyes:

Q: On the inability to get Leon Washington consistently involved in the offense:

A: You're getting tired of hearing me say this, but we have a number of good players. Unfortunately, until the league changes the rule, we only get one ball. Each week, we have plays for Leon. One of the things we tried to do in the last game of the=2 0year against Miami was to try to get Leon the ball. Leon plays a unique position. It's not like Thomas (Jones). He plays tailback, he plays in the slot., he plays fullback, he plays all over the place. Sometimes when you put him out in space, you can't guarantee you can get him the ball. Believe me, we're committed to getting the ball to Leon.


well, he got the ball and score a long TD when the QB turned around and handed it to him

not really that hard

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Seems to me Brett's mental and physical limitations tied his hands more then anything

As if the players and their mistakes have anything to do with how YOUR offense works. Stop calling INT's and maybe we'll do something.

WHAT..Please tell me your kidding

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Q: On speculation that his hands were tied last season by Eric Mangini at the end of the season:

A: I'm being very honest, I haven' given a lot of thought to the last five games. I'll speak a little to the things I can recall, but I don't want to take you down the wrong path. I really haven't studied it or looked at it like I would have if all this other stuff hadn't transpired. The big thing for us, obviously, was the turnovers. Late in the season, ball security becomes more important. Obviously, that hurt our ability to score points and it cost us some momentum at times. We struggled on third down. We weren't able to sustain drives.


way to avoid the question :rolleyes:

The way I see it, he did answer it by not denying it. That's a "yes" to me, otherwise he would have said "absolutely not." It's conspicuously absent in his reply.

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Seems to me Brett's mental and physical limitations tied his hands more then anything

As if the players and their mistakes have anything to do with how YOUR offense works. Stop calling INT's and maybe we'll do something.

WHAT..Please tell me your kidding

I'm trying to be a Jets fan dude. Any Jets fan who watched last season knows that Schotty called most of those INTs and turnovers to get the ball away from Leon Washington.

He was actually commanded to do so by Mangini, who hoped to make it a battle of turnovers/INTs with his prevent D that never, ever, ever blitzed this season.

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The way I see it, he did answer it by not denying it. That's a "yes" to me, otherwise he would have said "absolutely not." It's conspicuously absent in his reply.


I don't know what people want him to say there. Is he supposed to throw Mangini under the bus? That would be pretty unprofessional--not to mention slimy, considering Mangini gave him his first coordinator job.

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The way I see it, he did answer it by not denying it. That's a "yes" to me, otherwise he would have said "absolutely not." It's conspicuously absent in his reply.

I think thats a reach there Spermy..If he says no he's admitting it was his show and in essence his fault or Brett's..which of course he won't say because it would be idiotic..The best answer he could have given was the one he gave..no answer.

The rule of thumb is never answer the question your asked.. answer the question you wished you were asked.

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I think thats a reach there Spermy..If he says no he's admitting it was his show and in essence his fault or Brett's..which of course he won't say because it would be idiotic..The best answer he could have given was the one he gave..no answer.

The rule of thumb is never answer the question your asked.. answer the question you wished you were asked.

I don't agree. He could have said something like "we all made mistakes, but Eric didn't handcuff me." Most people would say that. Just like BS isn't throwing it all on Favre even though the opportunity is right there (and he could blame it on an injury so it's not a simple "Yeah, Favre blows" reply.

So you're the only one left standing with a red rose for dear Eric. Even BS is glad he's gone. Doesn't appear to be making too many friends in Cleveland yet. Let's see...

1. Antagonize the longstanding fans by painting over their Browns heroes. Check.

2. Snub my starting NT who wanted to meet me very badly. Check.

3. Give another franchise false hope. Pending, but it's early yet.

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I don't agree. He could have said something like "we all made mistakes, but Eric didn't handcuff me." Most people would say that. Just like BS isn't throwing it all on Favre even though the opportunity is right there (and he could blame it on an injury so it's not a simple "Yeah, Favre blows" reply.

So you're the only one left standing with a red rose for dear Eric. Even BS is glad he's gone. Doesn't appear to be making too many friends in Cleveland yet. Let's see...

1. Antagonize the longstanding fans by painting over their Browns heroes. Check.

2. Snub my starting NT who wanted to meet me very badly. Check.

3. Give another franchise false hope. Pending, but it's early yet.

It's great to be a Brownies fan=D>

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jack ass. One carry, 47 yards and TD is not "committed". Schotty sucks, i can't believe he was pissed he didn't get the HC job, he should be happy to have a damn job.

+ 1,000,000

That "we tried to get him the ball" crap doesn't work with RBs. It could work with a WR because so many things have to go right to get a WR the ball but not with RBs. You can simply put him in and call a running play or put him in and call a screen pass. Boom. Done. If you wanted to get him the ball a minimum of 10-12 times .... there they are.

This guys is an *ssclown that wasn't qualified to be an OC when he was given the job and has done jacksh*t to prove he deserved to keep it over the last 3 years. This is the only thing that has really disapointed me thus far this offseason.

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I'm with Drago. I find it hilarious that this jerk off thinks he's qualified to be a head coach and then throw a mini temper tandrum when he doesn't get the job. I was pissed that they even interviewed Schotty.

3rd and 1.... shotgun

4th and 1.... shotgun

Pouring down rain.... double reverse pitch

down by 3... don't kick

offensive penalties

the dude seemed to like to play to other teams strengths. I bet he really sucks at Chess

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I'm with Drago. I find it hilarious that this jerk off thinks he's qualified to be a head coach and then throw a mini temper tandrum when he doesn't get the job. I was pissed that they even interviewed Schotty.

3rd and 1.... shotgun

4th and 1.... shotgun

Pouring down rain.... double reverse pitch

down by 3... don't kick

offensive penalties

the dude seemed to like to play to other teams strengths. I bet he really sucks at Chess


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