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A-Rod to end his silence with ESPN interview today


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Are you really so shocked you had to say wow 3 times?

A-Rod admitted to taking performance enhancing drugs, and gave us a time frame, for when he did them. Not sure if you missed that part, but you're right, he does have a little more explaining to do, but he's off to a good start. Gammons didn't exactly follow up on any of Alex's answers, so hopefully when he gets to Spring Training he can explain himself a little better when it comes to what he took and how he got it. But lets not act like A-Rod didn't take responsibility yesterday, because he clearly did. But I don't expect everyone to be satisfied.

He gave some truths and also a bunch of lies. These are the biggest lies and anyone who think otherwise you either have your Yankee colored glasses on or you need your head checked out.

1) He did not know what he was putting in his body.

2) He did not know he had flunked a drug test until Selena Roberts approached him. You mean to tell me Gene Orza calls him to tell him he may or may not have flunked a drug test and he never followed up on that. A-Rod must literally think everyone is stupid.

3) He didn't lie to katie Couric because he was not being honest with himself. That comment was actually pretty funny. I give him credit for that.

There were just a ton of inconsistencies and obvious lies. Gammons did as bad a job as you can as an interviewer, but I am sure he was restricted by certain boundaries in terms of follow up questions.

There is no way anyone can possibly say without and doubt that he is not a juicer before and after the Texas years.

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What did you honestly want him to tell Katie Couric? THat he did steroids? Please man.

He never thought that report was going to come out. Why even mention it?

Funny, he said he wanted to come clean. I didn't care what he told katie Couric, we all know that's a lie. I am sure he never thought the test results would come out, and that's why he lied. I mean why admit to something that you don't think you will get caught for right? The fact of the matter is, if he really wanted to come clean, all had to do what say exactly that. I lied because I never thought I would be caught, but instead he gives the lame excuse about not knowing what he took, about not being honest with himself? Who would buy that? If he really wanted to be honest, he wouldn't have left any gray area and told you things you know are obvious lies.

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Funny, he said he wanted to come clean. I didn't care what he told katie Couric, we all know that's a lie. I am sure he never thought the test results would come out, and that's why he lied. I mean why admit to something that you don't think you will get caught for right? The fact of the matter is, if he really wanted to come clean, all had to do what say exactly that. I lied because I never thought I would be caught, but instead he gives the lame excuse about not knowing what he took, about not being honest with himself? Who would buy that? If he really wanted to be honest, he wouldn't have left any gray area and told you things you know are obvious lies.

He never said he didnt know what he took if I'm not mistaken. He just made mention to back in the early 2000's you could pruchase things from GNC that would trigger a positive test today.

And if he came out and said he didnt think he would have gotten caught, I'm sure we'd still be having this conversation today. He thought it'd be the path of least resistance and Alex sure as never been accused of being the smartest guy in the world.

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He never said he didnt know what he took if I'm not mistaken. He just made mention to back in the early 2000's you could pruchase things from GNC that would trigger a positive test today.

And if he came out and said he didnt think he would have gotten caught, I'm sure we'd still be having this conversation today. He thought it'd be the path of least resistance and Alex sure as never been accused of being the smartest guy in the world.

You are mistaken, because he clearly said he didn't know what he took. He did make references to supplements from GNC that would cause a test to be positive today. He did not say he directly took GNC supplements, he implied that he could have done that. Gammons told him what was detected in his failed test. He said he didn't know what that was.

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SHould he have just avoided the media forever? The question was going to come up regardless.

The problem is he lied and having a chance to clear the air which he claims to be glad to have been able to do. All he did was give you some half truths and a whole lot of lies.

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You are mistaken, because he clearly said he didn't know what he took. He did make references to supplements from GNC that would cause a test to be positive today. He did not say he directly took GNC supplements, he implied that he could have done that. Gammons told him what was detected in his failed test. He said he didn't know what that was.

Even so. He admitted taking a banned substance, do you want a live demonstration on how he took them?

Alex lied about taking steroids. I'm over it. Lets play baseball.

All of this posturing and analyzing everything he has said is frankly boring. But I guess that's what happens in February.

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A-Rod is now just another POS ego who after continuously lying about his steroid use, now openly admits it only because he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And somehow I'm supposed to have respect for him because he came clean about his use only after the evidence was shoved in his face.

A-Rod has shown absolutely nothing in his career to suggest the man cares about anything other than himself. I had figured he would have waited until the World Series started before trying to secure a national-tv interview to admit his use. A few Yanks fans can defend him all they want, but the rest of the baseball world is still going to look at him as a pile of horsesh**.

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A-Rod is now just another POS ego who after continuously lying about his steroid use, now openly admits it only because he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And somehow I'm supposed to have respect for him because he came clean about his use only after the evidence was shoved in his face.

A-Rod has shown absolutely nothing in his career to suggest the man cares about anything other than himself. I had figured he would have waited until the World Series started before trying to secure a national-tv interview to admit his use. A few Yanks fans can defend him all they want, but the rest of the baseball world is still going to look at him as a pile of horsesh**.

are people really defending him? I really haven't picked that up at all...

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