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TV Land Mafia Game Thread


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They're coupled together because they essentially have the same role, although for opposing sides. Investigators see the miller as guilty while he's really innocent, and the godfather is seen as innocent when he's really guilty. I don't think there's anything deeper to it.

If you look into the role, a cop would be Vicious's worst enemy. Being that JVoR has been offed Vicious didnt' want to seem like he contributed to getting JVoR killed. Although Vicious admits he cast suspicions on JVoR Vicious never really hopped on the JVoR train.

Wouldnt Vic be the worst enemy for a cop? I mean, that could send a cop down a the wrong path and ultimately might make the town turn on him?

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I hope everything is alright.

Damn - sorry to hear that, hope everything's ok.

Woody, you may be mafia scum, but i'd never wish ill on someone's mother. ;)

Seriously though, hope everything's good.

Thanks guys. Shes being discharged tonight so apparently it's nothing too serious. I;m not too sure whats wrong with her because I'm at school and am relying on my sister for information and unfortunately shes pretty much useless in these situations.

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Wouldnt Vic be the worst enemy for a cop? I mean, that could send a cop down a the wrong path and ultimately might make the town turn on him?

Yeah, but when they lynched the miller because of the cop's suggestion they'd find out that he truly looks guilty to the cop. So it's not really much to go on if they're going to turn on the cop--he did just what he was supposed to. However, when a cop investigates Vic and finds out he's guilty, he's screwed. Both the town and the mafia will want him dead (town because he's guilty, mafia because he's not mafia).

Although it can be a double-edged sword, it will always hurt Vic. The cop, it might hurt.

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Thanks guys. Shes being discharged tonight so apparently it's nothing too serious. I;m not too sure whats wrong with her because I'm at school and am relying on my sister for information and unfortunately shes pretty much useless in these situations.

That's good to hear she's fine. That sucks and I hope everything works out for the better.

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Yeah, but when they lynched the miller because of the cop's suggestion they'd find out that he truly looks guilty to the cop. So it's not really much to go on if they're going to turn on the cop--he did just what he was supposed to. However, when a cop investigates Vic and finds out he's guilty, he's screwed. Both the town and the mafia will want him dead (town because he's guilty, mafia because he's not mafia).

Although it can be a double-edged sword, it will always hurt Vic. The cop, it might hurt.

Possibly. Like Vicious said. Worst... Role... Ever

LOL. I guess so.

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Oh, and you've been driving the CTM bandwagon from day one, don't you have something to answer for?

I thought he seemed shady?

And FWIW, my first vote went out for Norway. I switched to CTM when he started to get more suspicious.

My bad?

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How many friggin times do I have to tell everyone that I'm on the road a lot for work and don't always have access to a computer?

Probably four or five more times...

I'll put you on my FOS backburner.

WP and Rutgers still have to esplain themselves... I'm only marginally satisfied with EY's answer.

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If we assume that one of CTM's voters has a double vote, then you can reasonably conclude that this same double voter was not a part of the vote for JVOR. If the double voter had voted for JVOR, then Doggin would have put his killing vote in when 8 votes were reached.

Um, there is no double-voter. CTM's role allowed him to die with one vote less than the "minimum." Doggin inserted his own name as the extra vote. We're wasting our time debating this.

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Just to clarify, based on these posts:

CTM was definitely a hated townie, and he knew it. He needed one less vote to get lynched, so once he got 6 votes he put the final nail in the coffin with his self-vote (8-1, 7 is what was needed). After that he was dead and just waiting for Doggin to announce it.

For all we know, there could or could not be a double-voter. So far, however, it doesn't seem likely. If there is, it's not mafia or they would've put the final vote on JVoR after finding out he's an investigator and before giving others time to unvote him. That way they wouldn't be a mafia bullseye and still got the guy they wanted during the day.

Thanks War, I thought maybe my earlier post on the matter would've closed the door on this. I think it is clear that CTM was the Hated Townie, and died with 7 votes rather than 8. He knew it, and acted like he did. As Doggin said, the hints are in the thread... there are no hints that point to double-votes as far as I can see.

Vicious figures he's next.

Not for me. I plan to vote for one of the non-voters, or EY.... Probably leaning WP right now.

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ugh... just got to the WP post re: Mom...

Sorry dude. You're not off the hook as a mafia, but I'll give you a pass on the vote.


There is no explanation related to the game. The honest answer is that currently, I am in grad school and mid-terms are coming up in 2 weeks, and I'm also prepping a writing sample for PhD apps...I wasn't aware of the commitment for this game in keeping up, as I'd never played, and for that I apologize. I'll do my best to frequent it more often.

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I thought he seemed shady?

And FWIW, my first vote went out for Norway. I switched to CTM when he started to get more suspicious.

My bad?

Not your bad. Just interesting that the guy leading the charge to kill of CTM is now looking at all the people who voted for his as possible suspects.

You haven't earned a leadership role in my book.

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There is no explanation related to the game. The honest answer is that currently, I am in grad school and mid-terms are coming up in 2 weeks, and I'm also prepping a writing sample for PhD apps...I wasn't aware of the commitment for this game in keeping up, as I'd never played, and for that I apologize. I'll do my best to frequent it more often.

Who would give you a phD?

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Vicious thinks we should follow CTM's train of thought of going after an inactive. It's clear he was a townie, Vicious knows he's an intelligent guy, and perhaps we should go in that direction.

yea i also dont like the fact that some does arent really in the game that much it make it really easy to look past then when trying to find a goos solid suspect... when does night end?

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yea i also dont like the fact that some does arent really in the game that much it make it really easy to look past then when trying to find a goos solid suspect... when does night end?

Vicious thinks it ends tonight at 9. That or once all the night "actions" are done. Staying in the background is a typical scum move, but on day 1 and even day 2 it's hard to tell who isn't in the game. At this point we can see who has been more or less active then other people.

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I think day and night phases need to be shortened. Maybe that will get more people involved? This game seems to be dragging...

If I make the phases any shorter, folks like Jets Things won't get to post at all. Wait a few more hours, then be active for the next two days :biggrin:

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Not your bad. Just interesting that the guy leading the charge to kill of CTM is now looking at all the people who voted for his as possible suspects.

You haven't earned a leadership role in my book.

I'm not looking at ALL of the people who voted. Just the ones who joined the bandwagon late.

I was more interested in our non-voters, but they all seem to have legitimate excuses.

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The kid shivered as he walked down the street, dialing his girlfriend's number

"Yeah, Kelly, I know I said we'd get together at the Maxx tonight, but with Kermit murdered and all, they aren't letting us leave. Beside, after what happened to Max, I'm not sure I want to eat there anyway. . . . I know. . . . No, don't go with Slater! Kelly? Kelly! . . ." He looked down. "She hung up on me."

He didn't hear the footsteps coming up behind him, but he did hear the voice. "Maybe she'd like you better if you upgraded from that ancient hunk of junk, kid. Not that it's going to matter very much in a minute or two . . ."

And that's when the pain began.


UART IS DEAD. Day 3 Has Begun. With 12 players remaining, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

Updated Roster:

1) JVoR - Killed, Night 1

2) EY

3) Bleedin Green

4) Lil Mick

5) Irish

6) Uart - Killed, Night 2

7) JiF

8) War Ensemble

9) Vicious

10) Rutgers

11) WoodyPaige

12)Thor 99

13) CTM - Lynched, Day 2

14) Jet Things

15) Norway - Random Lynched, Day 1

16) Double Down

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Vicious says let's move on this quick and go with a less active player lynch. Vicious knows WP has had a excuse for the past day or two but prior to that he was still not nearly as active. Vicious thinks the 3 we should focus on are JT, WP and Thor. Let's come to a consensus. Vicious will put in his vote now but is very open if other townies have other reasons.

Vote: Woody Paige

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Vicious says let's move on this quick and go with a less active player lynch. Vicious knows WP has had a excuse for the past day or two but prior to that he was still not nearly as active. Vicious thinks the 3 we should focus on are JT, WP and Thor. Let's come to a consensus. Vicious will put in his vote now but is very open if other townies have other reasons.

Vote: Woody Paige

Uart was a guy I was somewhat suspiscious off, seeing as how he didn't have a role, I'm glad that gets rid of a guy I'd have considered voting for.

I wanted to vote WP last time, early on. I have no problem going in that direction again.

Vote: Woody Paige.

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