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Martinez Traded to Boston

Lil Bit Special

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NESN just had an interview with Masterson... poor kid... still wearing a red sox t shirt.

he'll really miss Heidi Watney... she's a looker.

radio guy castiglione interviews him next, Masterson didnt know if he should hug him or just shake his hand...

but he did get handed a gift certificate for appearing on the pregame show.


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I wouldn't go that far. Or was that sarcasm?


It's a good move. Still doesn't solve all of the Sox problems and possibly takes away a strength with Varitek not calling the games unless he'll be doing it from the dugout.

Masterson IMO could have been good. Luckily for the Red Sox they have arms to give.

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Great trade for the Red Sox. They didn't give up anybody to get VMart. I can't believe that no other team (METS) could match this offer.

Don't get the Kotchman trade. Why get another first baseman?

SNY reports the METS turned down getting Martinez because they didnt want to give up Fernando Martinez and someone else.

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Great trade for the Red Sox. They didn't give up anybody to get VMart. I can't believe that no other team (METS) could match this offer.

Don't get the Kotchman trade. Why get another first baseman?

I don't get that either. Thing was they had Martinez playing 1st to keep him fresh. Now he can't platoon out there. I guess they'll work it out. It was definitely a good move by them.

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fmart? christ we need a f#cking catcher and he doesnt do a trade to give up a single hitting of?

f#cking idiot.

Uhhh...Fernando Martinez is 20 and is a better hitting prospect than Austin Jackson.

I think Omar knows what he's doing here, friend.

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