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Unleash Mark Sanchez Please!!!!!!


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Not because we're going up against the Titans, but we've always been a "Run first" team. Our run isnt setting up the pass and we're putting Sanchez in ALOT of 3rd and long situations. IMO this is the toughest defense that we've faced (lets face it, the Pats are not the Pats of old....cheaters) and doing the typical will only put Sanchez in a situation where he may get that "3 INT rookie" game that we're seriously trying to avoid. My opinion....THIS is how we avoid it.

Let Sanchez throw the ball. Stop putting him in positions that the opposition knows that we're going to pass. I think we will win tomorrow, but this isnt a team we're just going to push over. Yeah, they're not as good as last year defensively, but they have a coaching staff that knows how to take advantage of situations. This isnt the Same'ol Jets...we dont have to stick to the run game just because thats what we do. Maybe thats what we DID. Sanchez shows that he can move the football. This will open up the running game and we'll really be in business then.

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I agree completely!I would love to see us come out throwing early and often as I think it would take the Titans completely by surprise and get them back on their heels.Our runs will be there after we loosen them up a bit.

Exactly. We've had Lucas, Penny, Vinny, Kellen and Carter. Penny didnt have the arm strength to stretch a field but he had great accuracy...we HAD to be a run first team.

Vinny Carter and Kellen had the arm strength, but not the accuracy at all. Vinny had the best accuracy out of the three but lets face it, he wasnt "dead accurate". We had to be a run first team.

With Mark Sanchez we originally thought we had to be a run first team...but what was the reason? It was because he was a Rookie. We already see that he has "it". Im not saying go all out on some Peyton or Breez thing, but I am saying that we dont have to be so damn predictable. If teams can catch on to our tendencies then it'll be a hard game to win, even if on paper we're clearly the better team. We need to be as unpredictable on Offense as we are on Defense. Throw the ball on 1st and 10. ****, throw a bomb on first and 10. even if its incomplete, its better than 2nd and 9 for a 1 yard game from a run that everyone knew was coming. Keep that defense honest. and with Sanchez great mix of strength, accuracy and decision making, they'll have to be extremely honest. Jones will be a beast in a situation like that.

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Well said.

We gotta attack their last in the league pass defense. Look for a heavy dose of Keller tomorrow. I'm gonna predict 80+ yards and a TD.

Some play action on first down wouldn't hurt at all.....Schotty...

Sh1t, I feel that if they go air that Sanchez can get his first 300 yd game. Watch out for Stuckey on the low too. We dont talk much about him but he's becoming a f'ing stud on the field. Really proud of dude.

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Sanchez is doing great!!!

But, it's still on the defense, at least this year.

No rush, he'll get his chance to shine.

I feel ya. Just think that we can help the Defense too if we can. We need not to throw him out to the wolves, but we need to set a precedent that when you come see us expect a long day on both offense and defense. We need to protect him in regards to him picking up the playbook, not just because he's a rookie. If he's gifted to the point that he doesnt play like a rookie then lets get what we can out of him, he's only going to grow from it anyway.

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