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Armando the fin fan is at it again...


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Was it illegal cause Polite turned your 40 million dollar LB into jello?

if you're gonna come here and act like an idiot who doesn't know the rules then why bother? you just make yourself look like a trolling moron. the video you posted clearly shows the initial contact made was of polite's helmet to scotts helmet. i can't remember if he was penalized for this hit or not...but he should have been penalized and fined as well. here's the rule since you seem to be completely ignorant of it:

"Using any part of a player’s helmet (including the top/crown and forehead/hairline parts) or facemask to butt, spear, or ram an opponent violently or unnecessarily; although such violent or unnecessary use of the helmet is impermissible against any opponent, game officials will give special attention in administering this rule to protect those players who are in virtually defenseless postures.”

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i'm just gonna reiterate what ha sbeen said already since you posted this. your proof that polite is so great is an illegal helmet to helmet cheap shot on bart scott? and fwiw, i think polite is very good. btu this video only proves that he's good at making a dirty hit.

Oh c'mon. Why is everybody here acting like a *****? Sure it was helmet to helmet, but Scott was dropping his head too. It was a crushing hit. Big deal. That's what football is about.

Was it illegal cause Polite turned your 40 million dollar LB into jello?

Don't get too happy. I remember the play and even though Scott got blown up, you'll notice that he continued into the path of the play. Thomas is there to make the play despite your offensive line and FB that according to this article are comparable or better than the Jets. Doesn't look like Thomas is going to finish the play, but considering the Dolphins had around 50 yards rushing on 25 carries in the second game, I'm not too concerned.

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Was it illegal cause Polite turned your 40 million dollar LB into jello?

Really? That's a nice troll-like response. I would expect this coming from some of your brethren or the likes of PR37 but you've actually demonstrated a little bit of football knowledge in the past.

Do you not feel well? Are you in a bad mood today? Cramps?

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if you're gonna come here and act like an idiot who doesn't know the rules then why bother? you just make yourself look like a trolling moron. the video you posted clearly shows the initial contact made was of polite's helmet to scotts helmet. i can't remember if he was penalized for this hit or not...but he should have been penalized and fined as well. here's the rule since you seem to be completely ignorant of it:

I didn't post the video, however, if Landshark 13 hadn't posted it, I would've done it by now.

It's not being ignorant of the rules, it's not giving a **** that there wasn't a flag thrown and to be honest, in the 6 months since that game was played, this is the 1st time I've heard the Jets fans complain ablout the hit. Heck, maybe this hit could be parlayed into an excuse for why the Jets lost that night. I mean, obviously the ref's were rooting for Miami to win that night.

Come on, not even you are that stupid...oh wait, never mind

You hurt my feelings with that post. No you didn't.

Oh c'mon. Why is everybody here acting like a *****? Sure it was helmet to helmet, but Scott was dropping his head too. It was a crushing hit. Big deal. That's what football is about.

Don't get too happy. I remember the play and even though Scott got blown up, you'll notice that he continued into the path of the play. Thomas is there to make the play despite your offensive line and FB that according to this article are comparable or better than the Jets. Doesn't look like Thomas is going to finish the play, but considering the Dolphins had around 50 yards rushing on 25 carries in the second game, I'm not too concerned.

Still won the game.

Really? That's a nice troll-like response. I would expect this coming from some of your brethren or the likes of PR37 but you've actually demonstrated a little bit of football knowledge in the past.

Do you not feel well? Are you in a bad mood today? Cramps?

I have a case of the Mondays.

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I really want to steal the Dolphins DL talent...or at least just two of them (Starks and Langford).

Otherwise, f them.

Also, D'Brick > Jake Long. Fck Jake Long.

Not sure about that. If anything Long and Ferguson are equals. There's a myth growing around Jake Long that he's an all-timer after only two years which is ridiculous. LT is one of the strongest positions in the league right now. In the last 4-5 years a bunch of studs have entered the league in Long, Ferguson, Ryan Clady and Joe Thomas + a few others.

The truth is they are all very good and no one is really head and shoulders above the rest.

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Yes you did, but 14 of those points are on the 49ers and 7 are on the Jets. Good luck replacing them with your 104 yards of total offense.

Oh gawd, so tired of that argument. It started with fat Rex blubbering in his press conference about the yardage differential and hasn't stopped since.

I'll lay it out 1 more time. In the 3rd quarter, the score was 3-6 and the yardage totals were very similar.

Ginn returns 1st kickoff. Dolphins offense stays on the sidelines, Jets go back out and rack up yards.

Shonne Greene fumbles the ball and Taylor returns it for a TD. Again, Miami's offense is still on the sidelines.

Jets go back out, score and kickoff to Ginn who returns his 2nd kickoff for a TD. Again, Miami's offense stays on the sideline while the Jets offense goes back on the field.

Miami's offense finally got on the field in the 4th quarter and drove the field for a go ahead TD (Henne to Haynos).

The yardage differential is a BS argument, especially since the Dolphins won the game.

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Not sure about that. If anything Long and Ferguson are equals. There's a myth growing around Jake Long that he's an all-timer after only two years which is ridiculous. LT is one of the strongest positions in the league right now. In the last 4-5 years a bunch of studs have entered the league in Long, Ferguson, Ryan Clady and Joe Thomas + a few others.

The truth is they are all very good and no one is really head and shoulders above the rest.

Whooa, 2 time Pro Bowler, and that's a fact.

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Oh c'mon. Why is everybody here acting like a *****? Sure it was helmet to helmet, but Scott was dropping his head too. It was a crushing hit. Big deal. That's what football is about.

i'm not acting like a b*tch. the reaosn why whats his name hasn't heard us complaining about the hit is because we haven't bothered to make any excuses. but you're obviously gonna look bad when someone takes the crown of their helmet and drives it full force into the jaw of yours. you can't get much leverage with your head snapping back from the force of 250 lbs being driven directly to your chin. there's a reaosn the nfl has made these type of hits illegal. they are dangerous, especially to the player on the receiving end. and the fact that i'm satying somethign is in direct response to an ignorant troll posting it as proof of polite's dominance. if you're gonna make an argument, at least show a play where the guy made a dominant play with a legal block....not an illegal helmet to helmet shot. it woudl be like trying to show how great your lineman is by showing him making an illegal chop block. it's just stupid.

and btw, clearly scott was leadign with his shoulder. and of course he was dropping low. you can't get much leverage standing upright.

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Oh gawd, so tired of that argument. It started with fat Rex blubbering in his press conference about the yardage differential and hasn't stopped since.

I'll lay it out 1 more time. In the 3rd quarter, the score was 3-6 and the yardage totals were very similar.

Ginn returns 1st kickoff. Dolphins offense stays on the sidelines, Jets go back out and rack up yards.

Shonne Greene fumbles the ball and Taylor returns it for a TD. Again, Miami's offense is still on the sidelines.

Jets go back out, score and kickoff to Ginn who returns his 2nd kickoff for a TD. Again, Miami's offense stays on the sideline while the Jets offense goes back on the field.

Miami's offense finally got on the field in the 4th quarter and drove the field for a go ahead TD (Henne to Haynos).

The yardage differential is a BS argument, especially since the Dolphins won the game.

The Dolphins won. I'll give you that, but you act like they intentionally got sacked for 60 yards worth of losses. No sense arguing about that game. It's over and the Jets lost, but I'm not exactly expecting another 30 points to go up on the board either. Whether your offense is on the field or not.

i'm not acting like a b*tch. the reaosn why whats his name hasn't heard us complaining about the hit is because we haven't bothered to make any excuses. but you're obviously gonna look bad when someone takes the crown of their helmet and drives it full force into the jaw of yours. you can't get much leverage with your head snapping back from the force of 250 lbs being driven directly to your chin. there's a reaosn the nfl has made these type of hits illegal. they are dangerous, especially to the player on the receiving end. and the fact that i'm satying somethign is in direct response to an ignorant troll posting it as proof of polite's dominance. if you're gonna make an argument, at least show a play where the guy made a dominant play with a legal block....not an illegal helmet to helmet shot. it woudl be like trying to show how great your lineman is by showing him making an illegal chop block. it's just stupid.

I apologize for quoting your post. I didn't mean to single you out. That block is illegal because people can get hurt, not because it is any more effective. In fact, the way that Scott is lowering his head it would be hard not to hit it. It was a big hit, probably illegal, likely to cause a fine, but still a big hit. I'm sure there are dozens of clips of Richardson making very similar blocks.

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i'm not acting like a b*tch. the reaosn why whats his name hasn't heard us complaining about the hit is because we haven't bothered to make any excuses. but you're obviously gonna look bad when someone takes the crown of their helmet and drives it full force into the jaw of yours. you can't get much leverage with your head snapping back from the force of 250 lbs being driven directly to your chin. there's a reaosn the nfl has made these type of hits illegal. they are dangerous, especially to the player on the receiving end. and the fact that i'm satying somethign is in direct response to an ignorant troll posting it as proof of polite's dominance. if you're gonna make an argument, at least show a play where the guy made a dominant play with a legal block....not an illegal helmet to helmet shot. it woudl be like trying to show how great your lineman is by showing him making an illegal chop block. it's just stupid.

and btw, clearly scott was leadign with his shoulder. and of course he was dropping low. you can't get much leverage standing upright.

Dude they both lowered their heads and hit. Polite got the best of him on that one...end of story. Going back to the article that Armando wrote, yes the dolphins have a advantage at certain positions over the Jets but it seems that our position advantages are just a slight advantage and maybe you coudl have an argument the the Jets are even better at those particular positions than the Fins. When you look at the Jets position advantages it's clear cut theyre guys are better at this point (CB,OLB,NT). The Dolphins will challenge for a playoff spot this year and possible a run at the Division.

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Dude they both lowered their heads and hit. Polite got the best of him on that one...end of story. Going back to the article that Armando wrote, yes the dolphins have a advantage at certain positions over the Jets but it seems that our position advantages are just a slight advantage and maybe you coudl have an argument the the Jets are even better at those particular positions than the Fins. When you look at the Jets position advantages it's clear cut theyre guys are better at this point (CB,OLB,NT).

Stop being a blind homer. Polite clearly lowers his head and leads with the crown of his helmet while Scott is turned sideways, leading with his shoulder. Polite is lucky he wasn't flagged on the play as it was a blatant violation.

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Stop being a blind homer. Polite clearly lowers his head and leads with the crown of his helmet while Scott is turned sideways, leading with his shoulder. Polite is lucky he wasn't flagged on the play as it was a blatant violation.

LOL you guys are ridiculous.

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LOL you guys are ridiculous.

Dude, this is not a matter of opinion. One doesn't even need football knowledge. All you need is a pair of eyes. This is not up for interpretation. That is clearly what happens in the video.

Claiming its not what happens makes you look like a retard.

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Dude, this is not a matter of opinion. One doesn't even need football knowledge. All you need is a pair of eyes. This is not up for interpretation. That is clearly what happens in the video.

Claiming its not what happens makes you look like a retard.

Dude contact like that from Fullback's happen all the time, no ref calls that. Scott got blown up on a nice block. If that were T-Rich laying that hit on Crowder i would say nice hit.

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Not sure about that. If anything Long and Ferguson are equals. There's a myth growing around Jake Long that he's an all-timer after only two years which is ridiculous. LT is one of the strongest positions in the league right now. In the last 4-5 years a bunch of studs have entered the league in Long, Ferguson, Ryan Clady and Joe Thomas + a few others.

The truth is they are all very good and no one is really head and shoulders above the rest.

Yes, but D'Brick is usually the odd man out in that group because he came out first and his team's fanbase often underrates the crap out of him.

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The Dolphins won. I'll give you that, but you act like they intentionally got sacked for 60 yards worth of losses. No sense arguing about that game. It's over and the Jets lost, but I'm not exactly expecting another 30 points to go up on the board either. Whether your offense is on the field or not.

I apologize for quoting your post. I didn't mean to single you out. That block is illegal because people can get hurt, not because it is any more effective. In fact, the way that Scott is lowering his head it would be hard not to hit it. It was a big hit, probably illegal, likely to cause a fine, but still a big hit. I'm sure there are dozens of clips of Richardson making very similar blocks.

If he keeps leading with his head like that, he'll be carted off one day.

Nice head first block. What's your point?

Your "proof" that Polite is good is a video of him performing an illegal block?

i'm just gonna reiterate what ha sbeen said already since you posted this. your proof that polite is so great is an illegal helmet to helmet cheap shot on bart scott? and fwiw, i think polite is very good. btu this video only proves that he's good at making a dirty hit.

Dude, this is not a matter of opinion. One doesn't even need football knowledge. All you need is a pair of eyes. This is not up for interpretation. That is clearly what happens in the video.

Claiming its not what happens makes you look like a retard.

I think whats happening here is you guys are taking this rule....


Use of

Helmet and


using any part of a player’s helmet (including the top/crown and forehead/“hairline” parts) or facemask to butt, spear, or ram an opponent violently or unnecessarily; although such violent or unnecessary use of the helmet and facemask is impermissible against any opponent, game officials will give special attention in administering this rule to protecting those players who are in virtually defenseless postures (e.g., a player in the act of or just after throwing a pass, a receiver catching or attempting to catch a pass, a runner already in the grasp of a tackler, a kickoff or punt returner attempting to field a kick in the air, or a player on the ground at the end of a play). All players in virtually defenseless postures are protected by the same prohibitions against use of the helmet and facemask that are described in the roughing-the-passer rules (see Article 11, subsection 3 below of this Rule 12, Section 2)


Which was put in place to protect defenseless players as well as would be tacklers and implying it to what is and what is not allowed in the blocking game.

Here is the rule that should be applied.


Rule 12 Player Conduct

Article 3

Legal Block

by Offensive


An offensive player is permitted to block an opponent by contacting him with his head, shoulders, hands, and/or outer surface of the forearm, or with any other part of his body. A blocker may use his arms, or open or closed hands, to contact an opponent on or outside the opponent’s frame (the body of an opponent below the neck that is presented to the blocker). If a blocker’s arms or hands are outside an opponent’s frame, it is a foul if the blocker materially restricts him. The blocker immediately must work to bring his hands inside the opponent’s frame, and as the play develops, the blocker is permitted to work for and maintain his position against an opponent, provided that he does not illegally clip or illegally push from behind.


According to the above rule that block was legal.

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I think whats happening here is you guys are taking this rule....


Use of

Helmet and


using any part of a player’s helmet (including the top/crown and forehead/“hairline” parts) or facemask to butt, spear, or ram an opponent violently or unnecessarily; although such violent or unnecessary use of the helmet and facemask is impermissible against any opponent, game officials will give special attention in administering this rule to protecting those players who are in virtually defenseless postures (e.g., a player in the act of or just after throwing a pass, a receiver catching or attempting to catch a pass, a runner already in the grasp of a tackler, a kickoff or punt returner attempting to field a kick in the air, or a player on the ground at the end of a play). All players in virtually defenseless postures are protected by the same prohibitions against use of the helmet and facemask that are described in the roughing-the-passer rules (see Article 11, subsection 3 below of this Rule 12, Section 2)


Which was put in place to protect defenseless players as well as would be tacklers and implying it to what is and what is not allowed in the blocking game.

Here is the rule that should be applied.


Rule 12 Player Conduct

Article 3

Legal Block

by Offensive


An offensive player is permitted to block an opponent by contacting him with his head, shoulders, hands, and/or outer surface of the forearm, or with any other part of his body. A blocker may use his arms, or open or closed hands, to contact an opponent on or outside the opponent’s frame (the body of an opponent below the neck that is presented to the blocker). If a blocker’s arms or hands are outside an opponent’s frame, it is a foul if the blocker materially restricts him. The blocker immediately must work to bring his hands inside the opponent’s frame, and as the play develops, the blocker is permitted to work for and maintain his position against an opponent, provided that he does not illegally clip or illegally push from behind.


According to the above rule that block was legal.

Clearly you are the one who is mistaken and is either not reading or can't read.

From the first rule you quoted: "using any part of a player’s helmet (including the top/crown and forehead/“hairline” parts) or facemask to butt, spear, or ram an opponent violently or unnecessarily; although such violent or unnecessary use of the helmet and facemask is impermissible against any opponent"

What part of "any opponent" do you not understand? The rest of the rule after that point is what officials are directed to give special attention to, not limit the application of the rule to.

The second rule you quoted has absolutely nothing to do with the play in question as that is the holding rule.

Reading comprehension is a good thing if it is used as it prevents you from looking stupid.

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Oh my G-d. I can't ****ing believe it is possible to be this stupid. Just ****ing read.

Yes, maybe you should.

Rule 12 Player Conduct

Article 3

Legal Block

by Offensive


An offensive player is permitted to block an opponent by contacting him with his head,

End argument/

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The second rule which is specific to blocking and was put in place to determine what does and does not constitute a legal block clearly supersedes the rule on personal fouls.

From the NFL rule book:

ARTICLE 3. a. No player shall initiate contact and target an opponent with the crown (top) of his helmet. When in question, it is a foul.


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From the NFL rule book:


Nice try and misinterpreting the rules on what is and what it not a legal block.

An offensive player is permitted to block an opponent by contacting him with his head, shoulders, hands, and/or outer surface of the forearm, or with any other part of his body. A blocker may use his arms, or open or closed hands, to contact an opponent on or outside the opponent

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