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2010 looking back and looking ahead


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Well 2010 is supposed to be our year. Most have said its this year or bust considering all of the hired guns and big salaries and gambling on a lack of depth over superstar starters like Holmes and Edwards and Tomlinson and Taylor. Problem is the Pats just whipped our asses. And they have depth and are built for the long term. Looking back at the april draft I see a major disparity in the players acquired. The pats stockpiled picks and have struck gold with a draft of Gronkowski, Spikes, Mesko, Hernandez, McCourty, Cunningham. The Jets draft netted us zero starters. One guard who doesn't dress, a CB who is buried on the depth chart, an unneeded fullback, and a running back that cost two draft picks and, indirectly, Danny Woodhead who is now playing very well for the Patriots. Love or hate Tannenbaum, there is no question that he has hisorically spent draft picks like a drunken sailor in order to sign more expensive free agents. These signings have necessarily caused a lack of quality depth--as you can't spend a ton of money on both stars and backups. The bad news is, the Pats have stuck to their formula and will have a slew of quality draft choices again next year. The question is: does Tannenbaum re-commit to the draft if this season goes belly-up, thereby building toward long-term success? Or does he go all-in again and throw the dice on big names with his fingers crossed in an attempt to catch lightening in a bottle in 2011?

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Well 2010 is supposed to be our year. Most have said its this year or bust considering all of the hired guns and big salaries and gambling on a lack of depth over superstar starters like Holmes and Edwards and Tomlinson and Taylor. Problem is the Pats just whipped our asses. And they have depth and are built for the long term. Looking back at the april draft I see a major disparity in the players acquired. The pats stockpiled picks and have struck gold with a draft of Gronkowski, Spikes, Mesko, Hernandez, McCourty, Cunningham. The Jets draft netted us zero starters. One guard who doesn't dress, a CB who is buried on the depth chart, an unneeded fullback, and a running back that cost two draft picks and, indirectly, Danny Woodhead who is now playing very well for the Patriots. Love or hate Tannenbaum, there is no question that he has hisorically spent draft picks like a drunken sailor in order to sign more expensive free agents. These signings have necessarily caused a lack of quality depth--as you can't spend a ton of money on both stars and backups. The bad news is, the Pats have stuck to their formula and will have a slew of quality draft choices again next year. The question is: does Tannenbaum re-commit to the draft if this season goes belly-up, thereby building toward long-term success? Or does he go all-in again and throw the dice on big names with his fingers crossed in an attempt to catch lightening in a bottle in 2011?

Good post, Lance. F Tannenbaum.

Now that my principle thesis is out of the way, allow me to pontificate under the guise of responding to the OP, because I am a douche with several learning disabilities related to reading comprehension.

To first defend MT, CPA, it's necessary to point out that there's oodles of young talent on this team that will serve as the foundation of a competitive team for years to come. In Revis, Mangold, Brick and Sanchez, he's filled some crucial spots with players who are signed long-term that aren't even 26 years old yet. If he's able to sign Braylon and/or Santonio, then he'll have another top young player in the fold for years to come.

So, there's that.

The apocalypse scenario is that both Santonio and Braylon get swept off their feet by other teams with better QB's (think Peyton would love to have Santonio in Marvin Harrison's old slot?) and we find out that Mark Sanchez is really just a dopier Alex Smith.

Personally, I think Braylon is gone and Santonio gets all that avaiable receiver money. That will create another hole draft-wise, to go along with safety, running back, DT, DE and OLB.

As for Sanchez, if he struggles down the stretch here for any reason, it will be blamed entirely on Schottenheimer anyway and you'll see a new OC in here next season. Bittersweet much? That said, Mark likely isn't Alex Smith and will likely get better and will likely not look like his head is going to explode when he's forced to drop back and throw a big pass on third and long.

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Good post, Lance. F Tannenbaum.

Now that my principle thesis is out of the way, allow me to pontificate under the guise of responding to the OP, because I am a douche with several learning disabilities related to reading comprehension.

To first defend MT, CPA, it's necessary to point out that there's oodles of young talent on this team that will serve as the foundation of a competitive team for years to come. In Revis, Mangold, Brick and Sanchez, he's filled some crucial spots with players who are signed long-term that aren't even 26 years old yet. If he's able to sign Braylon and/or Santonio, then he'll have another top young player in the fold for years to come.

So, there's that.

The apocalypse scenario is that both Santonio and Braylon get swept off their feet by other teams with better QB's (think Peyton would love to have Santonio in Marvin Harrison's old slot?) and we find out that Mark Sanchez is really just a dopier Alex Smith.

Personally, I think Braylon is gone and Santonio gets all that avaiable receiver money. That will create another hole draft-wise, to go along with safety, running back, DT, DE and OLB.

As for Sanchez, if he struggles down the stretch here for any reason, it will be blamed entirely on Schottenheimer anyway and you'll see a new OC in here next season. Bittersweet much? That said, Mark likely isn't Alex Smith and will likely get better and will likely not look like his head is going to explode when he's forced to drop back and throw a big pass on third and long.

I dunno. prior to the start of the season, our weaknesses were pass rush (OLB and DE), Kicker, Safety, and guard. We drafted a cornerback, guard, fullback and RB. Now our weaknesses are: pass rush (OLB, DE), Kicker, Safety, QB and a lack of depth at guard/tackle. 9-3 or not, our offense hasn't been very good (Josh Freeman's QB rating is ten points higher than Sanchez without LT, Greene, Holmes, Edwards, Keller, Brick and MAngold). Our defense isn't nearly as dominant as last year either. I fear we're a short-term team in a division with a long-term bully at the top.

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I dunno. prior to the start of the season, our weaknesses were pass rush (OLB and DE), Kicker, Safety, and guard. We drafted a cornerback, guard, fullback and RB. Now our weaknesses are: pass rush (OLB, DE), Kicker, Safety, QB and a lack of depth at guard/tackle. 9-3 or not, our offense hasn't been very good (Josh Freeman's QB rating is ten points higher than Sanchez without LT, Greene, Holmes, Edwards, Keller, Brick and MAngold). Our defense isn't nearly as dominant as last year either. I fear we're a short-term team in a division with a long-term bully at the top.

The Pats are always going to be a problem, but giving Belichick a ton of draft picks doesn't scare me at all (anymore). He, too, likes to burn picks, but he burns them on projects that he almost always loses patience with anyway. That said, he's put together a lot of speed and youth on defense and has been working with underwhelming offensive talent. I wouldn't be shocked if goes the Tannenbaum route and trades some of those picks for a veteran player on offense--a back like Steven Jackson maybe.

As for our picks, it's hard to write them off as yet. Ducasse was raw when we drafted him, but he's got Bill Callahan coaching him. Slauson has played like a guy who's ready to be replaced, so Ducasse will be thrown into the fire next season. Wilson is a bit troubling, imo. He obviously has the wheels, but he's shown zero ability to track the football. I don't even know if you can teach that to a guy. Every pre-season, the waiver wire is filled with corners who run 4.4.'s but don't make plays on the ball. I definitely didn't love the Conner or McKnight picks--like you said, they definitely had bigger needs at DE and S that could have been filled there.

All told, it's gotta play itself out. The Jets (and Tannenbaum) have gambled and won that they wouldn't get hit with a ton of big injuries a la the Giants. Imagine what the Jets offense would look like if they lost Santonio and Braylon for any length of time? Next off-season will be huge for Tannenbaum. He's going to have to find a way to re-sign a bunch of dudes, he'll inevitably lose a couple key guys (B. Smith, Harris), and he'll have to draft well enough to replace what is lost while keeping an eye on what New England does. Tall order.

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Oh bullsh*t. We split the season series with the Pats. Home and home. Big shock. Sure they got their asses kicked, but the pain is fresh. Let it dissapate a little. The team is NOT old. There are some older guys, but they are not core players. Jason Taylor? LT? C'mon. Woody and Ellis are the only ones that are core guys and they are far from irreplaceable. Are we that worried about losing Holmes and/or Edwards? We still have Cotchery. He's a solid #2. We went into 2008 with him and Coles and people here were happy. 2009 with Cotchery and Chansi Stuckey. Am I supposed to be worried about not having Edwards AND Holmes? They have no depth? Eh. They have survived injuries along the OL, to Jenkins, to Pace, to Revis, the suspension of Holmes, and they went into last week with the top record in the entire league. Oh, and they don't play in a marshmallow division like Tampa.

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Oh bullsh*t. We split the season series with the Pats. Home and home. Big shock. Sure they got their asses kicked, but the pain is fresh. Let it dissapate a little. The team is NOT old. There are some older guys, but they are not core players. Jason Taylor? LT? C'mon. Woody and Ellis are the only ones that are core guys and they are far from irreplaceable. Are we that worried about losing Holmes and/or Edwards? We still have Cotchery. He's a solid #2. We went into 2008 with him and Coles and people here were happy. 2009 with Cotchery and Chansi Stuckey. Am I supposed to be worried about not having Edwards AND Holmes? They have no depth? Eh. They have survived injuries along the OL, to Jenkins, to Pace, to Revis, the suspension of Holmes, and they went into last week with the top record in the entire league. Oh, and they don't play in a marshmallow division like Tampa.

The team is not old. But the old players we do have will need to be replaced due to salary/age/performance. Who replaces them? Normally its your high to mid round draft picks. we haven't hit on any of those this season, and didn't have many to begin with due to a bunch of trades. We trade away picks to acquire short-term vets and at some point there is going to be a vacuum wherein we have no more picks to trade, and no projects to fill the vacated holes. Thats a problem.

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We trade away picks to acquire short-term vets and at some point there is going to be a vacuum wherein we have no more picks to trade, and no projects to fill the vacated holes. Thats a problem.

It is, but that's been the same problem the Jets have had for the last decade. Believe me, I've been trying to bury Tannenbaum and Bradway forever for this, and they wriggle their way out of it somehow. Slippery pricks.

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You can't on the one hand complain about a lack of depth and building for the future, and on the other hand complain that the Jets drafted Ducasse who everyone knew was a little raw and was a future pick. True, he might have started this year, but it wasn't like he was considered 100% ready. So he is sitting there and he is your depth on the line, who will eventually replace Woody at tackle most likely.

Wilson vs. McCourty: I still like Wilson better, I think he has better coverage skills. McCourty was exposed early, and now is looking a little better - because he's been starting in every game. Wilson, realistically, was never intended to be the starter. Recognize that the Pats don't have a Revis and a Cromartie in front of McCourty, so of course McCourty is going to start. The Jets do, so of course Wilson won't. His growth will be slower and measured because of this. I can't understand people that are upset about Wilson, you honestly expected him to beat out Revis or Cro? Ok, so you expected his presence to be known in the nickel? Granted, but again our depth here has been very solid. Coleman showed up to play this season, Lowerey has been alright as well. Give Wilson time - and playing experience - and he's going to be a very solid corner.

And again, now vs. future. You say the Jets are a now only team and they drafted like one... not true. John Conner is also a future pick. I think we should be using him more and using the FB position more in general, but he's definitely a guy that is going to stick around for years to come.

So basically this draft got us: a future starter at CB, a future starter at tackle and a future starter at FB, who right now are all providing DEPTH and YOUTH.

In retrospect, it would have been nice to have added an immediate impact front 7 player, but I'm comfortable with how this worked out.

Remember Tannenbaum also gave us Santonio Holmes and Antonio Cromartie in this draft. Not bad at all. Where is the love for that? He robbed other teams on those!

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Tannenbaum will be the same guy next year. He's gotten a lot better at trading. Getting Holmes for a 5th is a huge deal that you have to want your GM to do over and over again. Edwards and Jenkins each for a 3rd and a 5th were smart deals (even if Jenkins didn't work out). He will wheel and deal next offseason no matter how this season plays out.

I'd like to see less trading up, and more trading down/stockpiling, but I'm unlikely to get that.

I'm not writing this draft off yet. Wilson's a concern. He's the whole package physically, not so mentally. Worst case scenario for him is that they figure out someplace in the secondary where he can be effective - be it at nickel or safety. Best case is that he takes over the starter spot opposite Revis next season.

Ducasse was drafted as a project, and is one. He's big, strong, and bright, and still has the potential to be a quality OL.

Everyone hates McKnight, but he has the inside to track to take over for Brad Smith when he walks via free agency next season.

Drafting a FB is certainly a luxury pick, but next year when Tony Richardson is retired, the Jets will have a veteran player who knows the system and will be ready to step in full time.

Jets have holes that will need to be addressed next year. It'll be good to have Dealer Mike making phone calls to get them filled.

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The team is not old. But the old players we do have will need to be replaced due to salary/age/performance. Who replaces them? Normally its your high to mid round draft picks. we haven't hit on any of those this season, and didn't have many to begin with due to a bunch of trades. We trade away picks to acquire short-term vets and at some point there is going to be a vacuum wherein we have no more picks to trade, and no projects to fill the vacated holes. Thats a problem.

The players you are worried about replacing are mostly backups and role players. Every team is trying to replace more than that. You don't like the Jets picks, but you like the Pats? All those young defensive studs the Pats have constitute a bottom 3 defense in the NFL. That's despite having an all-time great HOF defensive mind as coach.

You can't complain about mid-level picks, but complain that they kept them at the expense of studs like Woodhead. The fact is, the Jets plucked Woodhead from nowhere. They can find another the same way. Know why? They have a good personnel man in place.

The only real problem you mentioned is that the Pats just whipped our asses.

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The players you are worried about replacing are mostly backups and role players. Every team is trying to replace more than that. You don't like the Jets picks, but you like the Pats? All those young defensive studs the Pats have constitute a bottom 3 defense in the NFL. That's despite having an all-time great HOF defensive mind as coach.

You can't complain about mid-level picks, but complain that they kept them at the expense of studs like Woodhead. The fact is, the Jets plucked Woodhead from nowhere. They can find another the same way. Know why? They have a good personnel man in place.

The only real problem you mentioned is that the Pats just whipped our asses.

We will likely have to replace at least two WR's (Holmes/Edwards and Brad Smith), may need to replace a RB (Tomlinson) A linebacker (Harris), one or possibly two DL's (Ellis, Pryce), an OLB (Taylor) and upgrade at Kicker, OL and safety. When you have Woodhead, you don't spend two picks on McKnight. When you have Slauson/Faneca, you don't spend a #2 on a project guard. When you have a dozen DB's in camp and have just aquired Cromartie and have a pro-bowler, you don't spend a #1 on a CB who can't crack the starting lineup. DL, Safety, OL, OLB--were all needed but ignored or filled with old vets who won't likely be on the team next season. As much as Devito and Kroul are feel-good stories, they aren't cutting it longterm.

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We will likely have to replace at least two WR's (Holmes/Edwards and Brad Smith), may need to replace a RB (Tomlinson) A linebacker (Harris), one or possibly two DL's (Ellis, Pryce), an OLB (Taylor) and upgrade at Kicker, OL and safety. When you have Woodhead, you don't spend two picks on McKnight. When you have Slauson/Faneca, you don't spend a #2 on a project guard. When you have a dozen DB's in camp and have just aquired Cromartie and have a pro-bowler, you don't spend a #1 on a CB who can't crack the starting lineup. DL, Safety, OL, OLB--were all needed but ignored or filled with old vets who won't likely be on the team next season. As much as Devito and Kroul are feel-good stories, they aren't cutting it longterm.

Did you seriously just list Mike Devito in there? He is cutting it as long term as anybody. The guys you are talking about replacing suck. They are nobodies. They can resign Harris and Ellis. Trevor Pryce? Tomlinson? Taylor? Kicker? They have a kicker, they can get another the same way. Out of that group they will need to replace 1 WR and possibly Cromartie. Wilson is specifically there to hedge bets on Cromartie. Dumping Faneca is a money move to save space for the guys you are worried about replacing. You want OL depth and are worried about drafting a guy this year? You want 4th and 5th round picks for depth next year, but you aren't happy that we will have 2010's #1 and #2 as depth?

Please don't mention Danny Woodhead again. He fits the Pats very well, but he is not the guy you think he is.

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Did you seriously just list Mike Devito in there? He is cutting it as long term as anybody. The guys you are talking about replacing suck. They are nobodies. They can resign Harris and Ellis. Trevor Pryce? Tomlinson? Taylor? Kicker? They have a kicker, they can get another the same way. Out of that group they will need to replace 1 WR and possibly Cromartie. Wilson is specifically there to hedge bets on Cromartie. Dumping Faneca is a money move to save space for the guys you are worried about replacing. You want OL depth and are worried about drafting a guy this year? You want 4th and 5th round picks for depth next year, but you aren't happy that we will have 2010's #1 and #2 as depth?

Please don't mention Danny Woodhead again. He fits the Pats very well, but he is not the guy you think he is.

Mike Devito is JAG. Good depth guy but limited as a starter. The guys I'm talking about cutting may suck as you say...but who plays their positions next year? Kicker is a big enough problem that we have to game plan around him (going for it on 4th and four ring a bell?). Kickers are not as replaceable as most here seem to think. #1 and #2 players are drafted to be starters, not depth. Depth is drafted in the 4-7t rounds and UDFA, like Slauson, Devito, Coleman Ihedigbo, Kroul. As for he-who's-head-is-made-of-dense-fibrous tissue-consistent-with-the-planet's-more-outsized-foliage, no he's not a star--but he cost nothing and is better than the guy sitting the bench who cost two draft picks. So, we have personnel issues on the horizon, no matter how you spin it.

and now for a completely unrelated smiley: :Trk:

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Mike Devito is JAG. Good depth guy but limited as a starter. The guys I'm talking about cutting may suck as you say...but who plays their positions next year? Kicker is a big enough problem that we have to game plan around him (going for it on 4th and four ring a bell?). Kickers are not as replaceable as most here seem to think. #1 and #2 players are drafted to be starters, not depth. Depth is drafted in the 4-7t rounds and UDFA, like Slauson, Devito, Coleman Ihedigbo, Kroul. As for he-who's-head-is-made-of-dense-fibrous tissue-consistent-with-the-planet's-more-outsized-foliage, no he's not a star--but he cost nothing and is better than the guy sitting the bench who cost two draft picks. So, we have personnel issues on the horizon, no matter how you spin it.

and now for a completely unrelated smiley: :Trk:

Worry about next year next year. They actually cleared some cap space - assuming there is some sort of cap next season, or a season next season - up for next year with Faneca and Gholston. Ducasse is a project. Everybody knew that. Whether kicker is a "problem" or not is irrelevant. The next guy will be signed off the street, not drafted. Just like the last 300 kickers the Jets have had except that midget from Ohio St. McKnight > Woodhead. Watch him on ST coverage then watch clips of Woodhead sh*tting the bed against the Dolphins last year. This team is stacked.

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