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no thread about the crappy SB commercials?


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Probably because the only women that post on this board actually know football (except for one or two that I won't name). And nobody outside of women and effeminate men actually care about commercials.

There's only one time of the year that its acceptable to like commercials, and that's the Super Bowl. Excuse me if I'd like to see a few of the $1-$2M attempts to get me to buy something in 30 seconds or less.

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my favorite one was definitely this one:

This was easily the best commercial. Was a really good one. The rest sucked hard.

To be honest just about every commercial was mindless nonsense made me feel like an Idiot for even watching them. Worst year in commercials Ive ever seen by far.

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Probably because the only women that post on this board actually know football (except for one or two that I won't name). And nobody outside of women and effeminate men actually care about commercials.

we're all thinking it anyway... looking at you jiffy..

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