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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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Official Day 2 Vote Count

CTM (5): JiF, Verbal, Smash, Lily, Slats

Lily (3): Vicious, Hess, Wombat

Hess (3): Pac, AVM, Primate

Vicious (1): Crusher

Smashmouth (1): J80

Pac (1): CTM

Not voting: Jetscode

With 15 people alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch


Deadline has been set for Monday at 4PM ET

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Yeah. Sorry about that. I still love you, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I thought CTM was at 4 when I voted, so I think you're all right, Dan.

Thanks, I just checked again and think I have it right.

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so just to clarify .. You hink I crafted my reveal the way I did because I'd have been a likely target for a n1 action... Yet want to vote me because you think it was unlikely I was targetted with a n1 action?

This is why I'm not trusting you this game ....this is monkey speak.. We both know I'm often targetted by something on first night or two yet you think itls impossible I was targetted by an item destroyer last night. I was and I announced it just like last game when I was attempted nk on n1

First of all, fvck you with the monkey speak.

You said it yourself; why would a player who destroys items target you when the Monkey flat out said he had an item in his possession? A cop, watcher/tracker, etc., is a whole lot different than a role that specific choosing to target you. So yes, much more likely that one of those types of roles would be interested in you over the item breaker.

Also, your case against the Monkey is fatally flawed. Why would he or his team target you and destroy the letter? It was literally a bullet-proof vest with his name on it! He knows it's useless to anyone else, there's no reason for him to destroy it!

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You vile ape I have three theories dependant on the alignment of the item destoyer. I think the you as scum explanation makes th best sense ATM.. AND if town, You are roless at best, at worst you will single handidly lose thE game for town. Not a bad deal for town even I I'm wrong... Slats and others were willing to Lynch avm and jf80 for non valuable roles and your only role is MVP. It's mind boggling why the ASPCA isn't hear asking why we beat and killed a helpless animal

3 theories eh? Good for you.

I've got a theory that you destroyed the letter after you stole it.

I've got a theory that you stole the letter, and teh destroyer has the ability to remove an item from teh game no matter where it moves to in night phase.

I've got a theory that scum has a item tracker and a destroyer, they watched it go from me to you, then destroyed it once you got it. Because, since the night phase has multiple phases it is very conceivable that you stole and I got watched in phase 1, then the item got destroyed in phase 2. THIS aligns with your 2 PM reveal too.

Anyway, in a game where items move from person to person, I could be roleless today, and not tomorrow. It is advantageous to keep town numbers high this game for the sheer odds of improving the chances of town getting items versus scum, on top of the normal reasons to keep town numbers high.

You need to back out away from the badgering and look at the big picture CTM, really. This narrow-minded perspective you've shown here is NOT like you.

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First of all, fvck you with the monkey speak.

You said it yourself; why would a player who destroys items target you when the Monkey flat out said he had an item in his possession? A cop, watcher/tracker, etc., is a whole lot different than a role that specific choosing to target you. So yes, much more likely that one of those types of roles would be interested in you over the item breaker.

Also, your case against the Monkey is fatally flawed. Why would he or his team target you and destroy the letter? It was literally a bullet-proof vest with his name on it! He knows it's useless to anyone else, there's no reason for him to destroy it!

Wow... If ape is scum they'd target me cause I was one of the ones that didn't want to talk about items day 1 .. They might of thought I had one. That's my whole point .. If item destroyer is scum the primary reason to target someone other then ape is cause ape is scum.. ( the other reason is that scum subscribes to the jif theory and would want ape alive at all cost)

to your second point. Why do you think scum would know I stole the item or what item they were targetting in particular .. That's a leap I don't understand you making... I assume they picked me because of my day 1 anti item talk stance.. I can tell you that my role as thief is that I can steal items from a person.. If the person I target has no item, then

I don't steal anything. I can only assume the item destroyer works the same

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Not saying.. It's too valuable..

Look at monkey tomorrow when my role is confirmed

look at PAC.. He never pulls punches like he is this game..(also when fos'ing me for stalled train I believe he left out the ape.. Need to check)

look at verb.. Gut feeling

look at slats ... Monkey avoidance to extreme.. Won't even consider my points and even offered alternate suspects by saying several people hinted at items.. Not just ape.. This will come up tomorrow when town wonders why ape wasn't targetted

jetsc ode starte pinging recently.. But only if ape is town... He got way more interested in Lyn hing me when it became clear it would lead to ape

now someone hammer and send me deadthread.. I want to join smc and get head start on calling you all stupid

This is something that jumped out to me as well. Jetscode was all over your "Ape slipped while drunk" case, the ONLY person who was. When you taunted me about not OMGUS voting you I told you that Jetscode was my #1 for scum. He's now trying to push a gambit theory on the 2 of us.

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Wow... If ape is scum they'd target me cause I was one of the ones that didn't want to talk about items day 1 .. They might of thought I had one. That's my whole point .. If item destroyer is scum the primary reason to target someone other then ape is cause ape is scum.. ( the other reason is that w um subscribes to the jif theory and would want ape alive at all cost)

to your second point. Why do you think scum would know I stole the item or what item they were targetting in particular .. That's a leap I don't understand you making... I assume they picked me because of my day 1 anti item talk stance.. I can tell you that my role as thief is that I can steal itemsNfrom a person.. If the person I target has no item, then

I don't steal anything. I can only assume the item destroyer works the same

Oh, for crying out loud... ONLY if the roles work exactly as YOU insist they do. You have yet to budge on the reality that the roles could in fact NOT work the way you've naively assumed they do.

You are saying the same thing OVER AND OVER... full Ape.

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Ohh... Jif 2... His #1 early game plan as town is to lynch MVP... Didn't even consider it this game.. Just odd

JIF actually voted me, you probably didn't notice as you feverishly posted the same crap over and over.

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I'm also going to add that if you are both town, you're a serious distraction.

Hi, I've been saying this all game. I've tried to take care to ONLY respond to CTM's nonsense when he's introduced new elements of it. Keeping my side of the back-and-forth light on redundancy... but he's gone full Ape.

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Not saying.. It's too valuable..

Look at monkey tomorrow when my role is confirmed

look at PAC.. He never pulls punches like he is this game..(also when fos'ing me for stalled train I believe he left out the ape.. Need to check)

look at verb.. Gut feeling

look at slats ... Monkey avoidance to extreme.. Won't even consider my points and even offered alternate suspects by saying several people hinted at items.. Not just ape.. This will come up tomorrow when town wonders why ape wasn't targetted

jetsc ode starte pinging recently.. But only if ape is town... He got way more interested in Lyn hing me when it became clear it would lead to ape

now someone hammer and send me deadthread.. I want to join smc and get head start on calling you all stupid

Scum don't go to the dead thread.

Kinda fvcked up that you said you'd reveal the item if it got to that point, but now you won't.

Actually agree with you about Pac and JC, so lynching you and determining your alignment will be useful there.

You've got monkey on the brain in a game where he seems to be playing pretty level headed. Don't get it.

Kinda having second thoughts on CTM. Also, Jetscode is unmitigatedly scummy right now.

I said earlier that JC was starting to bother me. Now I'm seeing a few other people saying it. 23 hours or so before the deadline, I'm willing to...


vote: Jetscode

And see what the seeker of reveals has to say.

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This is something that jumped out to me as well. Jetscode was all over your "Ape slipped while drunk" case, the ONLY person who was. When you taunted me about not OMGUS voting you I told you that Jetscode was my #1 for scum. He's now trying to push a gambit theory on the 2 of us.

If were both town it's a twofer for scum... Now that I think about it, it's unlikely but not impossible that not stealing from you last night and instead targetting me would set us on this course.. As the first question I asked when it got destroyed was why didn't they target ape last night. Think that's unlikely but will applause scum if that was the case

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Hi, I've been saying this all game. I've tried to take care to ONLY respond to CTM's nonsense when he's introduced new elements of it. Keeping my side of the back-and-forth light on redundancy... but he's gone full Ape.

I know you have, but sadly, that doesn't change anything.

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Kinda having second thoughts on CTM. Also, Jetscode is unmitigatedly scummy right now.


CTM is so convinced I'm scum - yet I'm not even ******* voting him. I've tried to patiently respond to all his claims as he's layered them together, but he's clearly being narrow-minded, to an extent I've never seen from him, and he apparently has it all figured out in his head.

Even after him being monumentally wrong about me last game, he won't listen when I tell him he's once again barking up the wrong tree. Not sure what to do about it, its frustrating.

If we lynch CTM and he flips town, it'll confirm every bit of suspicion I have for Jetscode. Only scum would have jumped on the "Ape slipped when drunk" case like Jetscode did, and the effort to push a gambit theory is that much scummier imo.

If we lynch CTM and he flips scum, then we party and the game gets a bit more tolerable.

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Slats, I might be just being stupid here, but are you deliberately seeking more reveals? Is that really a good idea? It sounds like you're pretty set on CTM being scum, yet you want a reveal from JC. I'd like to hear the thinking behind this.

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Wow... If ape is scum they'd target me cause I was one of the ones that didn't want to talk about items day 1 .. They might of thought I had one. That's my whole point .. If item destroyer is scum the primary reason to target someone other then ape is cause ape is scum.. ( the other reason is that scum subscribes to the jif theory and would want ape alive at all cost)

to your second point. Why do you think scum would know I stole the item or what item they were targetting in particular .. That's a leap I don't understand you making... I assume they picked me because of my day 1 anti item talk stance.. I can tell you that my role as thief is that I can steal items from a person.. If the person I target has no item, then

I don't steal anything. I can only assume the item destroyer works the same

The problem is that your reveal has too much convenience to it. The monkey had his item stolen, and the mod reports said item was destroyed. In comes you with the explanation that you stole the item, but then someone stole it from you - in a later PM.

I don't get that.

If an item destroyer targeted you, why wouldn't you've gotten a single PM from JVoR saying that you stole and item, but that it had been subsequently stolen from you.

Whether or not someone may've thought you sorta hinted at an item, why target you when they knew for certain that the monkey had one? The way you, as thief, chose to target him for exactly that reason?

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If were both town it's a twofer for scum... Now that I think about it, it's unlikely but not impossible that not stealing from you last night and instead targetting me would set us on this course.. As the first question I asked when it got destroyed was why didn't they target ape last night. Think that's unlikely but will applause scum if that was the case

Not for nothing but you've made a LOT of assumptions and led yourself into having your mind made up.

It is NOT a given that item destroyer is a scum role. It is NOT a given that item destroyer targets people, and not items. It is NOT a given that thief is a town role. It is NOT a given that you are telling the truth...

You've basically formulated a case your willing to go to the mat for, on ONE assumption, that there is NO evidence to support.

I usually like the dimensional aspect of how you play, where you work with different layers of information towards suspicion.

This game you've taken a flatline approach and ignored the one piece of information you were able to confirm (me not lying about having a letter) and worked it into an outcome, not even suspicion at this point. You've over-committed to your own uninformed and frankly biased take on the game. You want to be right about me, and you are forcing yourself to think it... rather than trying to solve.

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The problem is that your reveal has too much convenience to it. The monkey had his item stolen, and the mod reports said item was destroyed. In comes you with the explanation that you stole the item, but then someone stole it from you - in a later PM.

I don't get that.

If an item destroyer targeted you, why wouldn't you've gotten a single PM from JVoR saying that you stole and item, but that it had been subsequently stolen from you.

Whether or not someone may've thought you sorta hinted at an item, why target you when they knew for certain that the monkey had one? The way you, as thief, chose to target him for exactly that reason?

Slats that's the same question I asked myself.. If you believe the item destroying role is scum role then you have to be looking hard at the ape.. Let me ask you, when I turn up town thief, will you then see why I voted him right away and maybe consider it yourself?

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You aren't seriously buying that.. I've gone out of my way not to respond to him

You respond to almost every single one of my posts. If you really believe what you just wrote, you should take a game off.

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Holy sh*t its hot out. Tried to do some triking and boozing...had a couple of margaritas and almost passed out it was so hot. The trike back to my condo was awful.

Ohh... Jif 2... His #1 early game plan as town is to lynch MVP... Didn't even consider it this game.. Just odd

I voted Ape. I'm town. At this point, you've now voted for half the game and now FOS'd half the game. Either this is your best Ape imitation or you're playing the worst game of your career no matter your alignment.

For some reason though, I'm starting to get a townie feel and you are just playing awful.

Jetscode is intriguing. I dont think I ever recall some many lengthy posts, like he's trying to hard almost.

Not sure what to do. You're a distraction. Cryptic. Dont like it. Kind of want you out of the way just to get focused, but I'm second guessing myself...again and we need all the help we can get at this point.


Need to reread.

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Slats, I might be just being stupid here, but are you deliberately seeking more reveals? Is that really a good idea? It sounds like you're pretty set on CTM being scum, yet you want a reveal from JC. I'd like to hear the thinking behind this.

I said earlier that I think reveals help the town more than hurt it. Also said earlier that JC was starting to concern me, and I see that's an opinion shared by a few others. It's D2 and I'm not dead certain about CTM - he's simply my #1 right now. But we have time, so why not investigate a number of people's suspicions about Jetscode?

Still think you're a little scummy, too, but your train faded away.

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Scum don't go to the dead thread.

Kinda fvcked up that you said you'd reveal the item if it got to that point, but now you won't.

Actually agree with you about Pac and JC, so lynching you and determining your alignment will be useful there.

You've got monkey on the brain in a game where he seems to be playing pretty level headed. Don't get it.

I said earlier that JC was starting to bother me. Now I'm seeing a few other people saying it. 23 hours or so before the deadline, I'm willing to...


vote: Jetscode

And see what the seeker of reveals has to say.

I've been saying it since D1 and since Jetscode dropped a vote on me after CTM's "Ape slipped" case to start D2.

Even in the midst of bickering with CTMongloid I told HIM that I felt Jetscode was scummier than him. CTM has Ape on the brain for the 2nd straight game.

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Ape I'm voting 0pac.. My mind isn't made up... The item destroyer could be town just like the town thief is.. If the destroyer is town then suspicion on you goes way down.. That's why I was trying to figure it out

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I said earlier that I think reveals help the town more than hurt it. Also said earlier that JC was starting to concern me, and I see that's an opinion shared by a few others. It's D2 and I'm not dead certain about CTM - he's simply my #1 right now. But we have time, so why not investigate a number of people's suspicions about Jetscode?

Still think you're a little scummy, too, but your train faded away.

Okay. Thanks for clarifying.

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Slats that's the same question I asked myself.. If you believe the item destroying role is scum role then you have to be looking hard at the ape.. Let me ask you, when I turn up town thief, will you then see why I voted him right away and maybe consider it yourself?

I think you're fixated on the Ape. If he and I are still alive a couple days from now, I'll certainly revisit him, but he's just low on my list right now.

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I think the Ape/CTM back and forth needs to stop, whether they are both town or one is scum. It's overshadowing everything else. I do think CTM is scummy, and I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but it has to stop.

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I think the Ape/CTM back and forth needs to stop, whether they are both town or one is scum. It's overshadowing everything else. I do think CTM is scummy, and I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but it has to stop.

Meg.. The only reason this is a focus is cause I'm the lynch favorite and the most interesting things that occured last night That we know about involves me and the ape..

We can go back to discussing you playing weirdly if you want :)

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I think you aren't thinking.. You said yourself why would an item destroyer target me rather then ape .. If the item destroyer is scum the most likely answer should be obvious

No, you're just dangerously fixated.

I caught a couple better hints than your supposed hint during the course of D1 that I think there were better options for targeting a player with an item than you if the Ape were off the table for being part of the scum team.

Sorry, but your reveal that you stole an item, but someone else stole it from you and destroyed it stinks. It just does. Sucks for you if it's true, but I have a very tough time believing it.

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Ape I'm voting 0pac.. My mind isn't made up... The item destroyer could be town just like the town thief is.. If the destroyer is town then suspicion on you goes way down.. That's why I was trying to figure it out

I can appreciate what you were trying to do... however, at this point IF the person who is the item destroyer is town, they know not to be drawn to a reveal at your request. Because you are entrenched in the scummiest mess of the game so far. Why would they hand themselves to you if they think you are scum?

This is why, no matter how much noise you make, this whole proposal of yours is flawed.

It doesn't matter if you are scum or town, at this point if the destroyer is town, they are NOT going to reveal because you asked them to. It puts them at risk in the next night phase, and for what? To satisfy your irrational suspicion of me? You said yourself I am roleless now. So, why would a roled townie come forward to save a roleless one? Not logical.

If the destroyer right now is scum. Well, its obvious why they are not coming forward.

This proposal is a lose-lose for me, because you are selling my alignment as immediately tied to the alignment of the destroyer and yet you propose a scenario to "figure out" the destroyer's alignment which just won't pan out. You should know this wouldn't have panned out. So you saying "no destroyer steps forward = destroyer is scum = Ape is scum" is a leap, the type of leap you never make.

I think you need to pump the breaks and look at the bigger picture. How did you really feel about that case you used about me slipping? You know it was garbage right? So, did you notice Jetscode was the only person to jump on it? I was surprised to see you just ignore that. Shelve the "must convince everyone Ape is scum" bit for a while and look at the rest of the game, please.

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