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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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Jack where have you been travelling?

I'm in Camebridge OH. It's a nothing size town. I'm in construction. I build houses, and just about any kind of building. We also do excavating work. I don't do the building, not anymore, I'm the Job manager. So I go on the road with the crew and manage them. Keep them in line and make sure everything gets done.

I love traveling and being involved so it's awesome.

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Heh, USA got creamed.

No surprise there. We're talking about a Spanish team that only lost two international matches in their road to the World Cup. Granted, one of those losses were to the US in the Confederations Cup, but that was a bit of an anomaly.

This is what we get for keeping Bob Bradley around. Nearly every other international power changes coaches every World Cup cycle, but for whatever reason we stuck with Bradley despite a very "meh" coaching effort in 2010. I doubt we make it out of our group in 2014 in Brazil.

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No surprise there. We're talking about a Spanish team that only lost two international matches in their road to the World Cup. Granted, one of those losses were to the US in the Confederations Cup, but that was a bit of an anomaly.

This is what we get for keeping Bob Bradley around. Nearly every other international power changes coaches every World Cup cycle, but for whatever reason we stuck with Bradley despite a very "meh" coaching effort in 2010. I doubt we make it out of our group in 2014 in Brazil.

We did look pretty bad T_T

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So you want to kill off a player that everyone assumes is a townie, instead of moving on to scum hunt? That's behaving strange. Notice I say assume, becsause I'm not confirmed in any way, and I'm not pushing my innocence, because let's face it, I've said everything I can in my defense, so lets cut all the red tape and scum hunt. If you think I'm a distraction well suck it up, because I'll haunt all of your asses for the rest of the game, so the argument to lynch me based on annoyishness and being in the center is null and void.

Slats any play that a townie sets into motion to keep townies alive and scum hunt is in essence a townie play. If the play doesn't work out, or if people don't necessarily agree doesn't change the fact that it is a townie play. So again that argument is null and void.

Then there is the whole switch back onto my train if the deadline gets to close, dude, isn't that blatant bandwagoning? Over justification of a vote just so you won't get called down for placing it where it is? I think so.

Pac is claiming roleless, Dan is claiming roleless to, which I find interesting that you didn't lump her in there. Not everyone in the game is going to have roles, in fact the majority of players usually don't have roles. Well they don't where I'm used to playing. I'm not to sure about how you all do it. Anyways you chose to put me with Pac, who has the second most votes. That in itself is a noteworthy omission, you leaving out Dan.

Also why sooner rather then later? Is it not more beneficial to the town to have more members alive going into later days? If I know I'm town, and the majority of people think I'm town, then why get rid off a suspected townie? That's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. It may be a good idea at the time, but then you realize you've been brash, and reckless. Neither are good qualities for a townie.

EDIT: I had to change admission to omission to make sense.

You dropped a couple posts about what they do where you're from - well, you're not there right now. Townies don't rolefish for docs around here, and they don't falseclaim doc.

I'm willing to switch to you for the reasons I stated: I don't think the scum will bother to take you out, so that leaves it up to the rest of us to either vote you off or trust a guy who lied about being the doc when his back was against the wall until end game. Listen Jack, you're the high vote-getter right now, hardly the nearly-confirmed townie you've been trying to make yourself out to be since you first lied about your role. So why don't you get off your soap box and do some scum hunting yourself.

We also tend to play roled up games -some games with no roleless players at all- although I'm starting to think that this one has a lot of people who are roleless. But I pointed out that both you and Pac are roleless because I'm willing to vote either of you today. Didn't need to add Dan, because we already ran her up once and I bought what she had to say. Unlike you, she seemed to be telling the truth about her role.

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On an average I've found scum to usually rest 3-6 on a bandwagon. Although that isn't set in stone, and it has also been known for scum to vote each other day 1 to disperse suspicion in later days. It has also been noticed for scum to randomly scatter their votes on days 1 through 3 after that they all start to vote together because they need more influence. Also scum rarely hammer for the fear of the lynched player being a bomb, and also for fear of being looked at first. You can't really determine scum from a lynch ballot, unless the person being lynched is scum. Then you can bet one person on that lynch is scum, maybe two. A lynch ballot is just an indicator of where to look, IMO. Which is apparently what you're doing above.

You had JiF, Brett, and Pac pile onto that train late moving it to L1 - again, a general no-no around here because of potential double-voters or quick hammers - and the three of them + Crusher continued to post in the thread for a half an hour without someone unvoting to put him at a safer L2, and then a silent/double vote came in and took Wombat out. Despite the monkey's ramblings, I have to go with that silent vote being a scum vote at that point in the game.

So their behavior was scummy just for sitting around letting him hover at L1, and the fact that a silent vote took the player out makes it look worse.

Of course, scum could've been smart enough to get on that train and not post in that half hour. But I'm just going with what I have to work with. Pac's the one who made the questionable play of putting him at L1 in the first place, and that's a big part of the reason I have my vote on him now.

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You dropped a couple posts about what they do where you're from - well, you're not there right now. Townies don't rolefish for docs around here, and they don't falseclaim doc.

are you sure I'm not there? I couldn't tell. Rolefishing is subtly asking. I just came across with it and stated my reasons.

I'm willing to switch to you for the reasons I stated: I don't think the scum will bother to take you out, so that leaves it up to the rest of us to either vote you off or trust a guy who lied about being the doc when his back was against the wall until end game. Listen Jack, you're the high vote-getter right now, hardly the nearly-confirmed townie you've been trying to make yourself out to be since you first lied about your role. So why don't you get off your soap box and do some scum hunting yourself.

if scum won't take me out, isn't that a better reason to keep me around?

It was kind of hard to really scum hunt until now. With all the douchebaggery going around. I had to defend myself and give my reasons for doing what I did. I told you before I wouldn't have fake claimed if I didn't think it would have helped me find scum. Yeah I wanted to stay alive but I wouldn't have been that selfish if I didn't think I could get something useful out of it.

I haven't been pushing the nearly confirmed townie, that's the first time I mentioned it.

I Have been scum hunting. Remember my failed campaign on Lily. Who I still believe is scum? Notice how I'm asking questions and analyzing posts? That's scum hunting.

We also tend to play roled up games -some games with no roleless players at all- although I'm starting to think that this one has a lot of people who are roleless. But I pointed out that both you and Pac are roleless because I'm willing to vote either of you today. Didn't need to add Dan, because we already ran her up once and I bought what she had to say. Unlike you, she seemed to be telling the truth about her role.

so you are assuming Dan is telling the truth when she claimed the most easily claimed role? I believe Pac's claim more but I'm still skeptical of them both. Neither has really lended strength to their argument. PAC seemed like a disgusted townie and Dan acted like someone disinterested in the game until the votes piled up. So either is far from confirmed innocent. Dan seems the more scummy to

You just gave away a little something there slats. You just said you play rolled up games here where no one is roleless but your starting to believe this is game has a lot of roleless. Which would mean you are either scum or you've been rolled from the start.

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Why couldn't it mean that I'm also a roleless townie, and that I can see that they're starting to pile up?

Don't like you're style of play so far, Jack. Could very well be that you're just from somewhere else, but this post again reads like you're rolefishing.

And you pulled the "practically confirmed townie" BS when you first came after Lily for having the audacity to be skeptical of your previous lies.

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Why couldn't it mean that I'm also a roleless townie, and that I can see that they're starting to pile up?

it was my opinion and my initial observation whats tge need of rolefishing on this site anyways? All you have to do is put together a half way reasonable argument and run up a lynch.

Don't like you're style of play so far, Jack. Could very well be that you're just from somewhere else, but this post again reads like you're rolefishing.

And you pulled the "practically confirmed townie" BS when you first came after Lily for having the audacity to be skeptical of your previous lies.

that again is where your wrong. I came after Lily because she was trying to cast doubt on a doctor claim that had not been countered. If a claim goes uncountered it's pretty much an almost confirmed claim. When it's a logical role. If it's a crazy off the wall role then yes it is still very plausible that person lied but if it's a bread and butter role and it goes uncontested then for the benefit of the doubt I'll believe that person.

Lily wasn't skeptical of my previous lies. She wasn't skeptical of any of my lies becaus at the time no on knew it was a lie. So that is just complete and utter misinformation and a lie on your part. Slats are you one of the people who like to lynch all liars? Some would consider misdirection a lie. I know I do.

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You're a little spin doctor, aren't you, son?

You lied, Lily sought a counter claim. Just because no one rushed forward after you fished for a doc and then claimed doc doesn't mean that your claim was anywhere remotely close to being verified. Again, you need to learn how we do things around here, not tell us how they're done.

Continuing to make this case that your lie should've been believed as gospel is actually kinda amazing to me. Carry on.

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You're a little spin doctor, aren't you, son?

pot calling the kettle black?

You lied, Lily sought a counter claim. Just because no one rushed forward after you fished for a doc and then claimed doc doesn't mean that your claim was anywhere remotely close to being verified. Again, you need to learn how we do things around here, not tell us how they're done.

that argument doesn't make sense to me. Honestly, I'm not trying to be difficult I just can't get where your coming from.

Reasons being. 1. At that time no one knew it was a lie.

2. Without a counter claim IMO the reasonable thing to do is believe the person until you have reason not to.

3. Where do you get me trying to tell you what to do here? I'm just playing my game and giving my reasons. If everyone played just alike then how can you tell if someone is lying? Where is the fun in the game?[/color{

Continuing to make this case that your lie should've been believed as gospel is actually kinda amazing to me. Carry on.

funny thing is, I was on a good road to people believing it like a gospel if I wouldn't have revealed that I lied.

Slats why do you keep painting me as a villain and not addressing any points I'm making?

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Because I don't agree with your points and I don't trust you.

I voted Lily before you did, so let's not pretend I don't know what you're talking with her. But I really didn't trust your reveal at the time, and I think it's perfectly reasonable to be skeptical rather than immediately trusting. Again, you need to learn how we play here. People aren't super quick to counterclaim roles here. Scum could have a roleblocker, or something else to counter or take out the doc. No real reason for that player to come forward if he/she doesn't have to. A lying scum doc isn't as dangerous to the town as a lying scum cop, for instance.

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Because I don't agree with your points and I don't trust you.

I voted Lily before you did, so let's not pretend I don't know what you're talking with her. But I really didn't trust your reveal at the time, and I think it's perfectly reasonable to be skeptical rather than immediately trusting. Again, you need to learn how we play here. People aren't super quick to counterclaim roles here. Scum could have a roleblocker, or something else to counter or take out the doc. No real reason for that player to come forward if he/she doesn't have to. A lying scum doc isn't as dangerous to the town as a lying scum cop, for instance.

What about me don't you trust. And don't say, "you lied once you can do it again."

I know you voted Lily first, which makes it even more odd you countered my earlier statement with, "your suspicious because she didn't believe your lie." because at that time it wasn't a lie. If I remember correctly you agreed with me on that point earlier.

I'm trying to learn how you play and about all the players here. I just have my own style and I'm going to use it. The only way I can learn is try things out. I'm not one to sit quiet and watch, well notto often anyways. So if I say or do something and you all have a different way of doing things, then call me down for it. I'll relate how I'm used to doing things and we may come to understand each other. I try not to be hard to understand, but sometimes trying and succeeding are pretty far apart.

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When I voted Lily, it was largely because I didn't believe your lie, either, and it felt to me like the two of you running a game of "find the doc."

She votes to put you at L7.

You reveal.

She invotes, and seeks a counter.

Right or wrong (probably wrong, that's how D1's go), that was my impression. That you were up to something together. I was voting her largely because I didn't buy your claim. You voting her really didn't change my mind on that, either, because like you said - scum vote each other for distancing purposes.

And sorry, sport, but false claiming doc is a big lie. That's gonna be the elephant in the room for a while.

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When I voted Lily, it was largely because I didn't believe your lie, either, and it felt to me like the two of you running a game of "find the doc."

She votes to put you at L7.

You reveal.

She invotes, and seeks a counter.

Right or wrong (probably wrong, that's how D1's go), that was my impression. That you were up to something together. I was voting her largely because I didn't buy your claim. You voting her really didn't change my mind on that, either, because like you said - scum vote each other for distancing purposes.

And sorry, sport, but false claiming doc is a big lie. That's gonna be the elephant in the room for a while.

I know it was a lie. I said so myself.

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Jack, in one of your earlier posts you mentioned that you thought I would appreciate your effort to pull off the play you were working on. Solve a mystery for me, and tell me where you got that idea.

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Jack, in one of your earlier posts you mentioned that you thought I would appreciate your effort to pull off the play you were working on. Solve a mystery for me, and tell me where you got that idea.

You already asked but I'd be more then happy to answer again.

Over at Dm I read old threads and I got the sense you love over the top. You love elaborate and grandiose plans to reach a means or a desired result.

My fake claiming doc to save my game life and find scum was unexpected and over the top.

That's why I thought you'd appreciate it

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Jack, in one of your earlier posts you mentioned that you thought I would appreciate your effort to pull off the play you were working on. Solve a mystery for me, and tell me where you got that idea.

What's your thoughts on slats and my interaction? What did you think of my questions and answers. What did you think of Slats's questions and answers?

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What's your thoughts on slats and my interaction? What did you think of my questions and answers. What did you think of Slats's questions and answers?

I think Slats has taken you to the woodshed and we should lynch your a$$ to remove the distraction.

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You already asked but I'd be more then happy to answer again.

Over at Dm I read old threads and I got the sense you love over the top. You love elaborate and grandiose plans to reach a means or a desired result.

My fake claiming doc to save my game life and find scum was unexpected and over the top.

That's why I thought you'd appreciate it

Oooh!!! Do me next!! Hmm wait. Maybe I don't want to know. :P

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Oooh!!! Do me next!! Hmm wait. Maybe I don't want to know. :P

Apparently you have the best boobs on either side of the grave. You seem to set back and wait for just your time before you make a move. I'd consider you calculative, fair, and someone who knows what they want and you'll try whatever it takes to bring it about.

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Jack, in one of your earlier posts you mentioned that you thought I would appreciate your effort to pull off the play you were working on. Solve a mystery for me, and tell me where you got that idea.

I find it curious that you bring this up again. Especially when your reply after I told you the first time was. "Ahh I see, we need proper introduction. I'm DPR, I love the grandiose and the over the top." It was more to it than that but I don't think it matters and I don't want to look it up to quote.

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Lynch me. I come back as a ghost so the distraction argument is crazy

I thought I made good points.

Nah...my guess is once we lynch you, your posting is over...you already left once...don't think you'd hang around to further rationalize how your lie was just the perfect mousetrap to catch scum...just can't see you doing that Jack.

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Nah...my guess is once we lynch you, your posting is over...you already left once...don't think you'd hang around to further rationalize how your lie was just the perfect mousetrap to catch scum...just can't see you doing that Jack.

Well you don't really know me do you? I went a little emo, but I've got to much invested now. I'll stay around, trust me. There is no further rationalizing it. I explained my thought process, and why I did it. That's all I can do in that situation. If people want to keep bringing it up that's there issue. I've said my peace on the matter now I'm moving on and trying to play the game. If you want to continue to discuss my plays and courses of actions and keep them at the forefront, be my guest, although we need to really move on.

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You had JiF, Brett, and Pac pile onto that train late moving it to L1 - again, a general no-no around here because of potential double-voters or quick hammers - and the three of them + Crusher continued to post in the thread for a half an hour without someone unvoting to put him at a safer L2, and then a silent/double vote came in and took Wombat out. Despite the monkey's ramblings, I have to go with that silent vote being a scum vote at that point in the game.

So their behavior was scummy just for sitting around letting him hover at L1, and the fact that a silent vote took the player out makes it look worse.

Of course, scum could've been smart enough to get on that train and not post in that half hour. But I'm just going with what I have to work with. Pac's the one who made the questionable play of putting him at L1 in the first place, and that's a big part of the reason I have my vote on him now.

Well you don't really know me do you? I went a little emo, but I've got to much invested now. I'll stay around, trust me. There is no further rationalizing it. I explained my thought process, and why I did it. That's all I can do in that situation. If people want to keep bringing it up that's there issue. I've said my peace on the matter now I'm moving on and trying to play the game. If you want to continue to discuss my plays and courses of actions and keep them at the forefront, be my guest, although we need to really move on.

Alrighty then...if your here to contribute why don't comment on Slats idea that one the four who were posting after Pac's L-1 and the hammer PM is most likely the scum...you buying his idea...do you suspect one or more of his suspects...or are you just interested in the ladies (Lily and now Dan)?

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FINAL Vote Count:

Wombat (10): Jack, Crusher, JC, 80, Sharrow, Verb, JiF, Brett, Pac

Pac (1): CTM, Slats

Smash (1): Vic

Slats (1): AVM

Verb (1): Wombat

With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

I find that block is usually where at least one scum is.

Since we know Verb was innocent along with JF80 that leaves JC and Sharrow as possible scum.

As far as the double voter goes, it seems that that may have been a one time power because it hasn't been used again. I think we need to wait and see the pattern of the double voter before we can absolutely say one way or the other. It would appear as either a scum player, or a townie trying to hurry the day along, if it is a role and not a one shot ability. I think we shouldn't really worry about the double voter at this time because it is just an extra detail to confuse the game, right now.

I think also the mafia would want to either spread their votes or not vote at all. So CTM, SLATS, VIC, AVM and all the other non voters should be looked at carefully. Where were they on the other lynch ballot? Where was JC and Sharrow at on the other ballot?

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I don't really have a read on Brett or Jif. I want to say Jif is on my radar a little, but I don't want my judgement to be clouded because he was one of the loudest players against me. So I can't be a fair judge of him.

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Official FINAL Vote Count:

JiF (1): Brett

Dan X (1): Smash

JF80 (10): Crusher, JiF, Sharrow, JF80, Primate, CTM, DPR, Dan, Slats, Jack

Jack (3): Verb, Lily

Lily (3): AVM, Vic,

Vicious (1): JC

Not voting: Duke, Pac

With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch


Again Sharrow is in the key block to get a bandwagon rolling. So as far in as voting patterns would go, I think Sharrow's votes on the lynch ballots is pretty scummy.

Brett, Smash, Lily, AVM, Vic, JC, Pac, and Duke all had votes on people that weren't likely to get lynched that cycle. You can call them safe votes.

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Vic, Lily, and AVM also have suspicous voting patterns. Neither of the three were on either lynched player's ballot. Instead they were safely placed votes. So the top four scummy voters IMO are Sharrow, Vic, Lily, and AVM.

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What's your thoughts on slats and my interaction? What did you think of my questions and answers. What did you think of Slats's questions and answers?

I think that if you read enough games on DM to form an opinion about me, then you would have read enough games on JN to know how it works (all of the points you've been sparring with Slats over). Instead, you're just bulldozing arguments and picking fights.

I see you going after Lily, who also has a reputation on DM, and Slats, who has a reputation here. Earlier, when reading the convo between you and Slats, I got the impression that you were just exercising him to try and get under his skin.

You're also way too careful to not contradict yourself (even when you do, you catch it up later, which is a trap in and of itslef), and that's usually a mafia tell for someone trying to work a plan, which you've obviously been doing.

So, in a nutshell, you show up with lots of knowledge about mafia, and about DM games - but you don't know anything about JN games? You Big Game Hunt for Lily, Ape, and Slats among others, and prod me a bit, then retreat under an emo shell? You sling insults like you've been playing here for years, then you vote for yourself and threaten to quit - for about 5 minutes - then you're back, and ready to scumhunt?

I love that you are trying to pull plays, I really do, but I'm seriously leaning toward thinking that you are scum and just trying to tangle other players up to meta and wifom the hell out of the game. It would be a brilliant strategy from a team that wanted to maximize the confusion that a new guy could cause. I also get the distinct impression that you are being guided by someone who has a thing for Lily and Slats.

I'm very interested in your response.

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I think that if you read enough games on DM to form an opinion about me, then you would have read enough games on JN to know how it works (all of the points you've been sparring with Slats over). Instead, you're just bulldozing arguments and picking fights.

I haven't been picking fights. Now that's just completely random and untrue. It was me against 90% of the players yester game day. I'm returning the favor and playing the game. I see questions and responses, and I want answers, so I post my thoughts. I didn't read game threads. I read threads about games. Like the toot your mafia story. I never said I read game threads. Now that was presumptuous of you.

I see you going after Lily, who also has a reputation on DM, and Slats, who has a reputation here. Earlier, when reading the convo between you and Slats, I got the impression that you were just exercising him to try and get under his skin.

why let reputation blindside me? I see a player, no matter how long they've been playing or what master plans they've pulled off and I go after them, when I see something worth replying to, or something that doesn't sit right with me. Yeah I had a back and forth with Slats, I had questions, and I'm satisfied with my answers. I think you are trying to get under my skin now, so what does that say about you?

You're also way too careful to not contradict yourself (even when you do, you catch it up later, which is a trap in and of itslef), and that's usually a mafia tell for someone trying to work a plan, which you've obviously been doing.

Have you ever thought that I'm not careful that I don't contradict myself? That I just know my story, and the thoughts in my brain? I explain myself as best that I can. I thought contradictions was a mafia tell. So let me get this straight. You say I'm to careful of making any, so I've got to be scummy for not contradicting myself? Sorry for not making your job easy DPR.

So, in a nutshell, you show up with lots of knowledge about mafia, and about DM games - but you don't know anything about JN games? You Big Game Hunt for Lily, Ape, and Slats among others, and prod me a bit, then retreat under an emo shell? You sling insults like you've been playing here for years, then you vote for yourself and threaten to quit - for about 5 minutes - then you're back, and ready to scumhunt?

Even if I read a DM game or two, JN games quickly spiral to mountains of pages. Like I said earlier, I work all week, excepting weekends. Somedays I've got phone signal some I don't. So it would be hard to read games while I work. You really think I would debate signing up on this site for a couple of weeks and read games because I want to have the advantage of being a knowledgeable newb for maybe two games? I'm not a masochist and I've got better applications of my time. That is just altogether random and nonsensical for you to suggest that. Yeah I insult people. People on here are flinging insults, so why can't I? I'm a person who likes to jump in the middle of things. But maybe you couldn't tell that by my play style? Big Game Hunt, DPR please. Every argument I've posted I thought has had valid points. Check back to them and highlight the parts you thought unnecessary. Or go back and ask yourself do I have a point with my questions. Is it a crime to jab back and forth with players to get reactions? I didn't think so. Yeah I wanted to quit. I said why to but then I read people's responses and it enlivened me. I wanted to show people here what I could do.

I love that you are trying to pull plays, I really do, but I'm seriously leaning toward thinking that you are scum and just trying to tangle other players up to meta and wifom the hell out of the game. It would be a brilliant strategy from a team that wanted to maximize the confusion that a new guy could cause. I also get the distinct impression that you are being guided by someone who has a thing for Lily and Slats.

I'm actually more interested in you now. You have barely been playing this game. Dropping in to post here and there to steer the game where you think it needs to go. Placing dividing lines between AVM and Dan, popping in to solidify points on my lynch. Then this rather long attack on myself, which could be considered your most involved post all game. You accuse me of a meta play, and playing to carefully to contradict myself. You feel like I'm being guided by someone who has a vendetta against Lily and Slats, how about Primate, and yourself. You said earlier how I'm all big game hunting for all of you. So you thinking I'm scum, would have to entail me being on a team with someone who plays prolifically on DM and here. Someone else who would have that opinion that you love the over the top and the grandiose. Tell me DPR how many people fit that description. I would have said verb, but he's dead, Lily is the only player left who fits that criteria, so by calling me a newbie scum being molded by his team, is Lily the player doing the molding?

I'm very interested in your response.

I hope that satisfies your interests.

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