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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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Yeah that was better. Still not lights out hanging from a chandelier glitter t!ts in your face awesome. But it's better

-walks over and comforts Jack and then motions for the glitler titted JF80 to wiggle them for Jack to make him feel even more better-

How's that for you?

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Honestly? I though DPR came at you pretty aggressively after earlier declaring that you were most likely town - but that's also in hindsight that you were town, and he's not really high on my list right now. I'm voting Pac, willing to move to JiF, and get the suspicion on AVM (who I was voting earlier) and Sharrow (always!).

I believe DPR could possibly be scum. I just don't really feel his play this game. I doubt Hess would have made him full scum but I believe he is a symp. His posts makes me feel like he is on a team. Trying to direct people in one direction and away from others.

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How else do you propose we get people to talk so that we can judge what they say? I know that the 8 ball is popular...

Plenty of ways to get talkign without creating the ideas that there's teams operating on both sides of the dan / avm cases... We both know town be on both sides, even if 1 of them is scum

going to read through now to see what I missed

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Whatever, like I care. You are way to caught up in a very silly day 1 lynch. My vote, was a joke. The double voter, was unknown. We also didnt know that Hess wasnt going to be revealing any information with the death scene.

What would you rather, a long day 1, with a bunch of filler, a dead townie, with very little info to go on? Please. You pushing this theory, imo, is scummy. Seems to me you are grand standing on this one in an almost distancing fashion, as if you are saying...."look at me, I didnt lynch wwwbat on day 1, everyone who did must be scummy." Very elementary for someone like you.

I've got to go back and read still, but I do agree with this and am increasingly skeptical of Slatsy's motives.

Grandstanding now, combined with the concrete assertion he made (and I argued) over the double-voter role being scum... Do not like.

There was a reason I was arguing with him about the DV role/alignment, I let it linger and stayed vague, because I was waiting for a response from Hess until I explained why I was making the points I did. Hess sent me a PM Saturday night to let me know I could talk about this...

In the middle of THIS day phase, Bleedin gave me the 1-time ability to double-vote during THIS day phase. I don't have to use it, and it will expire at the end of this day. Basically it said it was giving me the ability to be more influential in killing a demon.

If this ability was given to another townie on D1, then its conceivable that they would have wasted it on the Wombat train for sh*ts and giggles... its also conceivable that on D1 Hess/BG gave the ability to a scum player. No way to know at this point. Which is why I argued that we should not assume anything.

I wasn't on the Wombat train, so its clear its either a transferable ability dictated by the Mods, or there is a scum DV and I also was given this 1-time ability too. Again, too dangerous to assume. Slats has always given me a hard time for assuming I've figured out things in the game prematurely, which is why I'm compelled to believe that seeing him doing what he tells me not to has to be tied to an agenda.

Anyway, THIS is why I argued the point that double-voter didn't necessarily mean scum alignment. This is why I argued that we shouldn't assume anything until we see more of the setup.

Making a concrete assertion about a role's alignment like he did is generally a scummy move. The reason I voted Slats was because I got a strong sense that he was trying to lay the groundwork that the double-voter was 100% scum, so perhaps because he knows the D1 double-vote wasn't placed by a scum player, and this was all maneuvering.

I am town.

Vote Slats

For the record I am town.

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You had JiF, Brett, and Pac pile onto that train late moving it to L1 - again, a general no-no around here because of potential double-voters or quick hammers - and the three of them + Crusher continued to post in the thread for a half an hour without someone unvoting to put him at a safer L2, and then a silent/double vote came in and took Wombat out. Despite the monkey's ramblings, I have to go with that silent vote being a scum vote at that point in the game.

That's a good point, maybe rather then be a douche and put them at L-1, scum would be more likely to hold thier vote while waiting for the double vote and take advatange of pac's douchiness..

have to see who was on and posting, but not unvoting..

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Hey CTM, what exactly do you do for a living? Just curious. I'm thinking of switching to CS when I go back to school.

Software/Web Developement, but I originally went to school for marketing/business so I have a league up in that I understand both sides. I'd highly recommend it, as long as you're willing to work and be career orientated, things change very rapidly and you have to continually educate yourself..

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Dude, JF80 ignores your scene altogether, and you accuse me of not being surprised? You've certainly had dust-ups with enough players, though, so I wasn't exactly hands-to-my-face shocked.

1) I think shooting jack was a good move, regardless of his alignment. Scum wasn't going to kill him, and I don't think anyone here would've let the possibility of him riding a fake claim/unclaim to victory in his first game here

2) This is the second person that seems to be confusing the living with the dead. Not sure how to take that as a tell yet, but get your head in the game

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Software/Web Developement, but I originally went to school for marketing/business so I have a league up in that I understand both sides. I'd highly recommend it, as long as you're willing to work and be career orientated, things change very rapidly and you have to continually educate yourself..


Plus you get to spend 23 hours a day on the computer being a sarcastic prick, while wearing the same dirty clothes 4-5 days in a row, amiright? :P

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You said it twice, so it must be true.

You're an idiot.

You're an idiot.

Heh, no... I'm just trying to catch up and rushing as I type. I guess if there was anything I coudl be redundant about, that's it.

To the rest of you, take notice of how Slats doesn't want to respond to me in a civil manner at all (OR acknowledge the game content in my post) ... he thinks if he can keep digging into me and piss me off, that I'll get all crazy and drown out my own case as I've done in the past. Remember when I had SMC a couple games ago, and he purposely pissed me off so I'd drown out my own case on him and people wouldn't listen? Yep.

Thank you for calling me an idiot Slats, I appreciate it. Really.

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1) I think shooting jack was a good move, regardless of his alignment. Scum wasn't going to kill him, and I don't think anyone here would've let the possibility of him riding a fake claim/unclaim to victory in his first game here

2) This is the second person that seems to be confusing the living with the dead. Not sure how to take that as a tell yet, but get your head in the game

1) I didn't think people here would be petty douches towards someone for trying to pull a play.

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1) I didn't think people here would be petty douches towards someone for trying to pull a play.

The problem is not that you tried to pull a play. Its the actual play call, read the football part of the board... you'll quickly learn how Jets fans feel about bad play calling. You are the Brian Schottenheimer of teh mafia.

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Meh, i saw 100+ missed posts and thought i missed more content.. I went to AC saturday->sunday and didn't have the energy to go through last night, not a lot of meat anyway..

Jack reminds me of the ape, which should be freaken great when those two are on opposite sides of the arguement..

I noticed DPR said VIc was lurking again but not posting, vic's someone I'm willing to lynch today..

Going to look back around day 1 lynch, and se who had a chance to unvote but didn't..

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1) I didn't think people here would be petty douches towards someone for trying to pull a play.

Meh, the only one petty here is you. For some reason, you're unwilling/unable to accept that those of us who didn't know your alignment were suspicious of your intentions.

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Official Vote Count

Dan (1): Pac

AVM (2): Sharrow, Dan

Smash (1): DPR

Jetscode (1): JiF

Pac (3): Brett, CTM, Slats

Sharrow (1): AVM

Slats (1): Primate

With 16 alive it takes 9 to lynch

Not voting: Crusher, Brett, Lily, Duke, Smash, Vic, JC

Deadline 8:00 pm Monday

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The problem is not that you tried to pull a play. Its the actual play call, read the football part of the board... you'll quickly learn how Jets fans feel about bad play calling. You are the Brian Schottenheimer of teh mafia.

Yeah well your the A&W root beer of life. Ugly can and bad taste

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In the middle of THIS day phase, Bleedin gave me the 1-time ability to double-vote during THIS day phase. I don't have to use it, and it will expire at the end of this day. Basically it said it was giving me the ability to be more influential in killing a demon.

If this ability was given to another townie on D1, then its conceivable that they would have wasted it on the Wombat train for sh*ts and giggles... its also conceivable that on D1 Hess/BG gave the ability to a scum player. No way to know at this point. Which is why I argued that we should not assume anything.

I believe you were given this power.

I also believe that if a townie was given this power on D1 and used it to lynch Wombat's "joke" train, that they are also an idiot.

You're barking up my tree because I debated this point with you? Why? Because you knew said power could be handed out and I didn't? I'm supposed to assume that a townie would happily hammer on Wombat there? I don't. I don't now, either. It's possible that the mods are throwing such a one-time power into random.org and giving it to either town or scum on any given day.

Do we know? No. All I have to go with is what I think is reasonable. Like I said with the people leaving Wombat at L1 to begin with, I get the idea of running him up for laughs, but it's scummy to actually lynch there.

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Meh, the only one petty here is you. For some reason, you're unwilling/unable to accept that those of us who didn't know your alignment were suspicious of your intentions.

I could understand why people wouldn't believe me. I'm not dense. I didn't really like the part about people letting me slide to endgame after I fake claimed because I'm a newb. It made it sound like I've got to earn the right to do so.

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That's one good thing. I doubt though my kill was by a townie vig. If it was a vig doing the town a favor then they'd of killed me when I admitted I fake claimed. No I'm pretty sure that's mafia work. Or a stupid waste of a vig shot. I think more so the mafia didn't like what I was saying.

I think it's a vig due to no mention of demons or whatever happened to me. Also, if it was in fact a vig, I don't really disagree with the kill. You spoke about how you were trying a townie play to scumhunt and keep townies alive. While this was true, the problem is that it came across as extremely selfish. Now that I know we're on the same team, let's work together to find demons, but remember this game and how we as a meta react to townies that pull the play you did. Lily, Wombat, DPR, and Nae can attest to a brilliant player on DM/MJ that plays like this, but sometimes demolishes the town.....as town himself. Don't be him.

More I think about it, demons wouldn't be killing with a gun. Vig definitely makes the most sense.


Maybe or the demon symp. If it was a townie vig kill then it was a waste honestly. I think the mafia would make better wifoms with that kill. The placement of the kill feels scummish.

Symps don't usually have their own kills. Their armed with the knowledge of the mafia and their vote, and that's usually it. Buuuut.....this is Hess, hehe.

I've got to go back and read still, but I do agree with this and am increasingly skeptical of Slatsy's motives.

Grandstanding now, combined with the concrete assertion he made (and I argued) over the double-voter role being scum... Do not like.

There was a reason I was arguing with him about the DV role/alignment, I let it linger and stayed vague, because I was waiting for a response from Hess until I explained why I was making the points I did. Hess sent me a PM Saturday night to let me know I could talk about this...

In the middle of THIS day phase, Bleedin gave me the 1-time ability to double-vote during THIS day phase. I don't have to use it, and it will expire at the end of this day. Basically it said it was giving me the ability to be more influential in killing a demon.

If this ability was given to another townie on D1, then its conceivable that they would have wasted it on the Wombat train for sh*ts and giggles... its also conceivable that on D1 Hess/BG gave the ability to a scum player. No way to know at this point. Which is why I argued that we should not assume anything.

I wasn't on the Wombat train, so its clear its either a transferable ability dictated by the Mods, or there is a scum DV and I also was given this 1-time ability too. Again, too dangerous to assume. Slats has always given me a hard time for assuming I've figured out things in the game prematurely, which is why I'm compelled to believe that seeing him doing what he tells me not to has to be tied to an agenda.

Anyway, THIS is why I argued the point that double-voter didn't necessarily mean scum alignment. This is why I argued that we shouldn't assume anything until we see more of the setup.

Making a concrete assertion about a role's alignment like he did is generally a scummy move. The reason I voted Slats was because I got a strong sense that he was trying to lay the groundwork that the double-voter was 100% scum, so perhaps because he knows the D1 double-vote wasn't placed by a scum player, and this was all maneuvering.

I am town.

Vote Slats

For the record I am town.

I really like this post, and pretty much agree with everything in it.

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Brett, Crusher, Jif, 80, Verbal..

So three living, Brett, Crusher, Jif who were on and didn't unvote after Pac's vote...

On re reading Pac still seems the most suspicious, but Brett is on my radar now..

I think deadline is tonight, so I don't want to start another train, but I'm willing to vote anyone of Pac, brett, vic, avm right now....

kind of a passive pre-justified vote

**** it, this is kind of funny. Wombat, I still like you.

Unvote Jiffag

Vote Wombat

dares him to self hammer

Bet you won't.

instantly knows he's dead and starts with excuses... maybe others were feigning confusion, not sure.. but brett didn't

To celebrate Hess's first game, we are all playing like Hess, right? That was my justification for the Wombat super-train.

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I believe you were given this power.

I also believe that if a townie was given this power on D1 and used it to lynch Wombat's "joke" train, that they are also an idiot.

You're barking up my tree because I debated this point with you? Why? Because you knew said power could be handed out and I didn't? I'm supposed to assume that a townie would happily hammer on Wombat there? I don't. I don't now, either. It's possible that the mods are throwing such a one-time power into random.org and giving it to either town or scum on any given day.

Do we know? No. All I have to go with is what I think is reasonable. Like I said with the people leaving Wombat at L1 to begin with, I get the idea of running him up for laughs, but it's scummy to actually lynch there.

Slats, you keep saying if it was a townie, then they are an idiot. I don't know what the motivations would have been for a townie to use a DV on Wombat, unless whoever it was felt good about him being scum. You seem to be neglecting the fact that if it was a town player they didn't know Wombat was town. Also, some people have the attitude that we always lynch town on D1 and may have used it to get it over with.

I can totally see the DV role being distributed randomly to both scum and town.

I can also see it being town-only and everything you've been talking about regarding Wombat's train and the DV role alignment being maneuvering because you are scum. That's my take.

I'm leaning towards the latter, but I'm one vote on you - so lets not make a huge fuss - play your game, because part of me agrees with the points you are making about the people leaving Womby at L1 too.

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I could understand why people wouldn't believe me. I'm not dense. I didn't really like the part about people letting me slide to endgame after I fake claimed because I'm a newb. It made it sound like I've got to earn the right to do so.

No, i don't think I'd ever let you do that, noob or not. I'd rather lynch a townie then let someone play me all game like that. I nearly pulled off the ended to end run on a fake claim 2 years ago and JVOR still hasn't gotten over it :D

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I could understand why people wouldn't believe me. I'm not dense. I didn't really like the part about people letting me slide to endgame after I fake claimed because I'm a newb. It made it sound like I've got to earn the right to do so.

@Slats I still think there's more to you than someone expects. You seem intelligent but your posts fall a little short of that mark. It's like your purposefully omitting things or acting a little slow.

Bench the arguments with live players until the post-game wrapup - you are going to derail us! :D

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Does this tactic actually work?

Sorry for being out of the loop. It was a 4 day WE for us lazy Frenchmen. I got a lot of catching up to do.

We use the lie detector role here a lot. I put it out there if they want to check me out, they can have at it.

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Slats, you keep saying if it was a townie, then they are an idiot. I don't know what the motivations would have been for a townie to use a DV on Wombat, unless whoever it was felt good about him being scum. You seem to be neglecting the fact that if it was a town player they didn't know Wombat was town. Also, some people have the attitude that we always lynch town on D1 and may have used it to get it over with.

I can totally see the DV role being distributed randomly to both scum and town.

I can also see it being town-only and everything you've been talking about regarding Wombat's train and the DV role alignment being maneuvering because you are scum. That's my take.

I'm leaning towards the latter, but I'm one vote on you - so lets not make a huge fuss - play your game, because part of me agrees with the points you are making about the people leaving Womby at L1 too.

He's right

What are you drinking already? How could anyone have a good feel for WWombat as scum, he was lynched on page 3 or 4..

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JVoR, I saw you neg repped CTM's post -- can you please come answer the question I posed about 10 pages ago?

that's immpressive, hasn't posted in like a week, i mention his name and within 60 seconds he neg reps it.. lol

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I think people needs to drop the DV thing. No one is going to step forward and say they DV wombat. It's immaterial because it seems to be a transferable role. We don't know if it's town exclusive so it can't be used to determine if someone is a demon or not. It's just a complication ATM.

I think the game needs to be scraped down to the bare bones because all this other stuff is getting people nowhere.

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