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Sacred Thrust Mafia - Official Game Thread


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The key word there is "Assumption".

In situations where cop and doc are out I typically try to take out the strongest players outside of those two if I'm on a scum team. It's a 50/50 shot and those odds are way to risky when playing a scum. Sure you risk getting outed, but ultimately anyone but those two is a more certain bet. I think I've played as scum with plenty of you know in those situations that you understand that as scum I always take the sure bets.

It's just all very convenient again. No NK, and JC gets no results. What makes you so certain that the doc was shot at?

Vic Im not certain of it i wa just putting out a counter to APEs theory. Never said I was certain.

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Not opposed, but what do you think of Vic?

I'm leaning scum but I saw something last night that suggested its possible he's town. I'll have to go back...

Ape looks like the roadblock at this point...he's smart enough to know better...which makes me think he's deliberately shading his theory to meet his own ends not the town's.

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In a game with no coroner reports and 1 claimed doc already dead... if I were the real cop, I'd have stayed quiet too... **** anyone clamoring for a counter, I wouldn't come forward until I found at least 1 scum beyond the guy claiiming my role.

Er, yeah. I would do the same as this, was thinking the same thing.

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That theory makes perfect sense. But because your dumb a$$ is in it, its crack induced. I could be wrong, we all are more often than not, but right now its all I have to go on. You pushed me and I think you know exactly who I am. Verbal who never even got sniffed today comes into the thread asking for us to please give him a chance for final words if he gets to L2 after you push for his lynch. Both of your actions make this a very viable theory, what have you offered to this game ?

All i know is your role doesn't fit in with the rest of ours..


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ok, he's sayign he roleblocked JC last night

which is stupid, if town

but fits in with apesthesiologist, putting them to sleep and all..

almost too perfect

God you are just as scummy as him...albeit, no where near as stupid, but scummy as ****.

The guy role blocked a uncountered cop last night, what kind of moron does that? And now he's trying to sell that scum would send their uncountered cop who every one just followed blindly to BG to perform the NK because he's likely a lynch target? I mean seriously? He realized he ****ed up and start back tracking and asking questions about how the NK submital process works like he's never played this game before.

He needs to be lynched, pronto, again. He's lying out his a$$. Just look at his play. Fake reveal, that he didnt start screaming about until he was literally lynched. Then he pulled a grand stand move and used Jack giving him another day alive as ammunition to set up his propaganda. Then, he proceeds to lie again, realize he's got holes in his lie and start to try to cover his a$$. Dude is of no value in this game any longer even if he isnt scum.

You next.

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Unless he knew he was blocked and didn't want to risk whoever blocked him calling his bluff?


You all need to ask yourselves...

If I were the cop and my action was blocked... how would I play it the next day? Personally, I would be pissed that someone took an investigation away from me. Especially since I'm so good at being cop that I caught scum on the first night, even though nobody really knows if I caught scum on the first night because there were NO alignments in coroner reports because AVM was NKed.

If I were scum false-claiming cop, and my NK was blocked, how would I play it the next day. I'd probably be all coy about it, I'd know I was roleblocked because my NK didn't go through, so I'd wait until the townie that was responsible piped up and asked for my investigation, then I'd make him spell out what he did, then I'd try to twist it to make him look scummy, cause lets face it its the best position to argue from... then if that doesn't work, maybe I'd lobby for a no lynch, kill that townie and then resume pretending to be the cop.

Honestly, Smash and Jetscode are two of the most sparse contributors to mafia games, even when they do have legit power roles, but when I dropped my vote on JC and my FOS on Smash... BOTH of them when on an evening-long posting spree to maneuver around what I'm saying. Both of these guys historically respond to me once or twice and then start calling me stupid if I'm wrong about them... look at how they have reacted to me this game.

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God you are just as scummy as him...albeit, no where near as stupid, but scummy as ****.

The guy role blocked a uncountered cop last night, what kind of moron does that? And now he's trying to sell that scum would send their uncountered cop who every one just followed blindly to BG to perform the NK because he's likely a lynch target? I mean seriously? He realized he ****ed up and start back tracking and asking questions about how the NK submital process works like he's never played this game before.

He needs to be lynched, pronto, again. He's lying out his a$$. Just look at his play. Fake reveal, that he didnt start screaming about until he was literally lynched. Then he pulled a grand stand move and used Jack giving him another day alive as ammunition to set up his propaganda. Then, he proceeds to lie again, realize he's got holes in his lie and start to try to cover his a$$. Dude is of no value in this game any longer even if he isnt scum.

You next.

I am Town Anesthesiologist... show me where I'm lying JIF. Show me. You sound quite desperate...

People lynched BG because its a textbook play, PLUS the final nail for BG was when Smash countered him... JC and Smash.

Everyone and their brother was saying lynch BG first, then JC... lynching JC should have been a no-brainer today. It was in the plans yesterday, and that is why it makes perfect sense that he'd have submitted the NK.

And no NK happened...

But as you say I am "of no value in this game"...

For a guy that usually plays with his gut, you seem really adverse to the idea that someone else might have done the same and been right...

Oh, and tell me.... how is not believing JC is cop, any different than the way you tried to call bullsh*t on CTM having a "cool a$$ role" as surgeon? Were you just trusting your gut there?

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like i said jifiot, given my role as surgeon, his sounds like a role that would be in this game...

that being said, Apeman, if you had a night action like that, hypothetically speaking, why would you target the cop. What were you hoping to gain?

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I am Town Anesthesiologist... show me where I'm lying JIF. Show me. You sound quite desperate...

People lynched BG because its a textbook play, PLUS the final nail for BG was when Smash countered him... JC and Smash.

Everyone and their brother was saying lynch BG first, then JC... lynching JC should have been a no-brainer today. It was in the plans yesterday, and that is why it makes perfect sense that he'd have submitted the NK.

And no NK happened...

But as you say I am "of no value in this game"...

For a guy that usually plays with his gut, you seem really adverse to the idea that someone else might have done the same and been right...

Oh, and tell me.... how is not believing JC is cop, any different than the way you tried to call bullsh*t on CTM having a "cool a$$ role" as surgeon? Were you just trusting your gut there?

Too long, didnt read.

You lied, its obvious.

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You all need to ask yourselves...

If I were the cop and my action was blocked... how would I play it the next day? Personally, I would be pissed that someone took an investigation away from me. Especially since I'm so good at being cop that I caught scum on the first night, even though nobody really knows if I caught scum on the first night because there were NO alignments in coroner reports because AVM was NKed.

If I were scum false-claiming cop, and my NK was blocked, how would I play it the next day. I'd probably be all coy about it, I'd know I was roleblocked because my NK didn't go through, so I'd wait until the townie that was responsible piped up and asked for my investigation, then I'd make him spell out what he did, then I'd try to twist it to make him look scummy, cause lets face it its the best position to argue from... then if that doesn't work, maybe I'd lobby for a no lynch, kill that townie and then resume pretending to be the cop.

Honestly, Smash and Jetscode are two of the most sparse contributors to mafia games, even when they do have legit power roles, but when I dropped my vote on JC and my FOS on Smash... BOTH of them when on an evening-long posting spree to maneuver around what I'm saying. Both of these guys historically respond to me once or twice and then start calling me stupid if I'm wrong about them... look at how they have reacted to me this game.

Heres the deal I do not get active until the game gets active. You dont normally see much of me early in games because I really dont want to deal with all the nonsense that happens in the beginning of games, I think i have stated that more than once. This game got going a bit quicker so I got going a bit quicker, I think the formatt dictated that. Im not aganist you Im simply offering alternative scenarios to yours and in your eyes this makes me scum simply because I disagree with you or because for some reason you dont like my reveal. You basicly do this every game and so this time I'll be the one to tell you that this entire game does not revolve around you. Until you get that in your brain and stop the constant monkey focus and the "OMG there all after me" crap you will continue to be involved in these type of arguements. Now go fling your poo at someone other than an uncountered freakin cop.

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JIF's right. The Ape is representing some kind of role-blocking/hindering power here. In which case, there would be no good reason for him to risk having the doc or cop randomly lynched on day 1 to save himself unless he was scum. A town roleblocker or something similar lets themself be lynched there instead of letting it go random.



Official Day 3 Vote Count

Vic (1) - Slats

JC (4) - Pac, Hess, Ape, Vic

JiF (1) - CTM

Ape (2) - JiF, JC

Smash (1) - Verb

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch

Deadline Thursday or Friday

FTR...Should be three votes on the Ape...

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BG, we all assumed BG was the healer/doc... and when Smash countered him with "I am a doctor" it was the final nail in BG's coffin.

I didn't assume this. Where did he even allude to this?

And if BG was the doctor, where's our NK?

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I didn't assume this. Where did he even allude to this?

And if BG was the doctor, where's our NK?

Maybe you didn't, but I got the impression some of us... including me... did. Otherwise, why did Smash counter BG the way he did?

I think scum interpreted BG's role as healer like some of us did, and countered with pure doctor... because they didn't know enough about the reveals to know that there are multiple doctors all with specialties, and its the area of specialization that determines ability.

As for the NK... I've given you my "hypothesis".

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You all need to ask yourselves...

If I were the cop and my action was blocked... how would I play it the next day? Personally, I would be pissed that someone took an investigation away from me. Especially since I'm so good at being cop that I caught scum on the first night, even though nobody really knows if I caught scum on the first night because there were NO alignments in coroner reports because AVM was NKed.

If I were scum false-claiming cop, and my NK was blocked, how would I play it the next day. I'd probably be all coy about it, I'd know I was roleblocked because my NK didn't go through, so I'd wait until the townie that was responsible piped up and asked for my investigation, then I'd make him spell out what he did, then I'd try to twist it to make him look scummy, cause lets face it its the best position to argue from... then if that doesn't work, maybe I'd lobby for a no lynch, kill that townie and then resume pretending to be the cop.

Honestly, Smash and Jetscode are two of the most sparse contributors to mafia games, even when they do have legit power roles, but when I dropped my vote on JC and my FOS on Smash... BOTH of them when on an evening-long posting spree to maneuver around what I'm saying. Both of these guys historically respond to me once or twice and then start calling me stupid if I'm wrong about them... look at how they have reacted to me this game.

More sh*t from the Ape...or should I call you the Spin Doctor...I thought we had been mixing it up this entire game...you must have forgot Day 1...your spinning is so off the charts plus your dumb realization or lack thereof to unintended consequences make you the most likeliest of scum.

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Maybe you didn't, but I got the impression some of us... including me... did. Otherwise, why did Smash counter BG the way he did?

I think scum interpreted BG's role as healer like some of us did, and countered with pure doctor... because they didn't know enough about the reveals to know that there are multiple doctors all with specialties, and its the area of specialization that determines ability.

As for the NK... I've given you my "hypothesis".

If you thought he was the healer Doc you would/should have unvoted...your lying...

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Maybe you didn't, but I got the impression some of us... including me... did. Otherwise, why did Smash counter BG the way he did?

I think scum interpreted BG's role as healer like some of us did, and countered with pure doctor...


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BG claimed "chief of medicine" which is like saying he was the highest on the doc foodchain...

That reveal absolutely reeked. The guy has his back against the wall, and tries to claim something super-powerful to get himself out of it.

Kinda like crying about getting people to unvote in a hurry because there's no possible outcome of a random lynch that could be worse than lynching you.

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If you thought he was the healer Doc you would/should have unvoted...your lying...

I did think that, until Smash countered him. I think I've explained this clearly... and you say I'm spinning.

You claimed you had guilty on BG, we all discuss lynch JC? Lynch BG? Who goes first? Then Smash reveals as damn good doctor. We lynch BG.

I agreed with the lynch both you and BG camp, so I wasn't going to unvote because I felt our best odds of killing at least 1 scum from taht scenario was to take you both out. I still feel that way. No moreso than ever since there was no NK.

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