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Sacred Thrust Mafia - Official Game Thread


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Baby thursday for sure W00T!!!

Awesome news, Vic!

Fine, I use all the power the mod gave me to destroy slats if we don't lynch jetscode within the next hour.

Haha! You'll have to do so without my vote.

I'm willing to accept your wrath.

Don't be surprised if I gouge your eyes out with my clicky pen as you try to take me down, though. Just sayin'.

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Congrats on your daughter. Is she going to college? What is she studying?

Let me put to rest what I can do and put it in terms you specifically will understand (without eliciting a modkill). Slats Jordan game. Remember what happened to Pac? Does it make sense to you now about my name?

Hopefully we can leave it at that and focus on scum.

2 things.

- Keep my name out yo mouth.

- What the hell are you talking about? Verb the lucky LD nabbing me or Deputy Brett? Are you claiming one of these roles without claiming? awesome.

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It's looking like Brooklyn College for her. She's interested in art and writing - maybe journalism.

I don't remember what happened to Pete, maybe he can explain it to me.

So who are your favorites for scum, then?

I'm already dreading the day my boy goes off to college. Right now he's a 7 year old dork and can be annoying at times but I know in a few short years he's not going to want to hang around with old Pete too much. That gives me sad.

As far as my fellow latinos ramblings I think he's trying to claim either LD or Deputy. Not sure what to make of it.

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MOD WARNING: using past game references is lame and slightly uncool. The rule isn't that strict. If your trying to claim something do it some other way. because it's a definitive statement. Definitive statements = bad. Bad = modkill. So definitive statements = Mod kill


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MOD WARNING: using past game references is lame and slightly uncool. The rule isn't that strict. If your trying to claim something do it some other way. because it's a definitive statement. Definitive statements = bad. Bad = modkill. So definitive statements = Mod kill


That was my speculation Action Jackson - take a chill pill.

but SMC is definitely an insufferable jacka$$ when it comes to trying to bend da rulez.

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MOD WARNING: using past game references is lame and slightly uncool. The rule isn't that strict. If your trying to claim something do it some other way. because it's a definitive statement. Definitive statements = bad. Bad = modkill. So definitive statements = Mod kill


Another ultra explicit rule is added to the mafia rulebook on account of SMC

slats predicted this. He must be a fortune teller

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Ftr, I'm not going to be around today, and maybe gone until tomorrow night. Still like SMC and/or Hess for scum. Also agree about Pac and Nae to a lesser extent. Think I'll mix things up a little and switch to Hess.



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I'm already dreading the day my boy goes off to college. Right now he's a 7 year old dork and can be annoying at times but I know in a few short years he's not going to want to hang around with old Pete too much. That gives me sad.

I'm lucky. Right or wrong, I've always treated my kids as adults, and always been more of a friend than a disciplinarian. They've turned out okay, both getting decent grades, and being willing contributing members of society. My daughter goes her own way a lot of the time, but my son -who'll be 16 next month- still likes hanging out with me. I call him over at his mom's to see a movie or take a ride to the beach. He stays with me whenever he can. It's excellent. I wanted nothing to do with my parents once I reached 6 or so, I can't believe I have this relationship now.

I know you're in something of the same boat as a less than full time dad. Maybe that helped in some ways, I don't know.

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Official Day 3 Vote Count

JC (3) - Pac, Hess, Vic

Nae (1) - CTM

Smash (1) - Verb

SMC (4) - JC1, Sharrow, Slats, JiF

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch


Deadline Wednesday or Thursday

Ftr, I'm not going to be around today, and maybe gone until tomorrow night. Still like SMC and/or Hess for scum. Also agree about Pac and Nae to a lesser extent. Think I'll mix things up a little and switch to Hess.




We have a deadline coming up today or tomorrow, and you may not be around until tomorrow night. You still like SMC for scum, but you're going to switch your vote to someone no one's voting for now?

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Pac's reveal with the 11 years of service rang truer to me than most. I don't agree with him about lynching JC, but I don't agree with lynching him, either.

JiFscum is getting scummier with every post. I don't think SMC defended all that well, and I could squat right where I am. I don't want to lynch Vic on the eve/day of his child's birth, but I haven't changed my mind on him, either.

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I'm not upset... just indifferent.

I was the first to vote the 2nd leading vote getter and have been vocal about voting him off yet I'm "coasting".

Thats mularky. There is absolutely NO WAY to vet JC. If he's scum he's poised to coast till end game where he can give us a bogus result ftw.. if he's town then nothing he says is particularly helpful considering there isn't a way to tell if we're lynching the right people.

I'm as happy as anyone about the chimp getting squashed but it is awfully convenient that he was the most vocal about JC and now he's dead.

There was no NK last night... Slats is adament there is no SK. Think about it.

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Weird about the nurses with cool roles in front of their names wanting to lynch me the most for just being a nurse. I am town and I am just a nurse part of me thinks JiF said Chief Nurse so then everyone else thought they needed to be some kind of Nurse too...on their fake reveals. Maybe they want me out knowing that? Pac, Slats, Sharrow and Verb are the other nurses, right? (Although So far, I'm only hearing it from Pac and Sharrow) So at least one of these 4 or 5 nurses is probably lying. Looking at my entire pm I was sorta with Sharrow the most on believing him as a slutty nurse, yet he's voting me. Just some thoughts to leave out their for town if you can/want to believe I am town, which I am. All these I'm a "so and so" nurse is off.

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