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Sacred Thrust Mafia - Official Game Thread


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I'd like as much clarification from CTM and JiF as we can get. Their initial reveals don't really tie in to them being tied together, IMHO. Maybe JC can investigate one of them. Anyway, I can wait on them. Verbal's another direction that I'm willing to go.

As for the scrub nurse thing, I just thought that would've tied in with a surgeon better. Not sure what you're getting at.

What do you want more clarification on? We cant reveal anything.

I'm town, CTM confirmed it. CTM is town, I can confirm it.

The math isnt difficult.

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I seriously don't really care. Ctm and JiF just went from my most town to most scum. You both confirm yourselves for saying so and then learn the mod said you can't say more. Why not ******* ask the mod first.

And Pac and Slats are connected one way or another both are claiming nurse with a pm about years of service.

Well, I'm a nurse and I got nothing about years of service.

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What do you want more clarification on? We cant reveal anything.

I'm town, CTM confirmed it. CTM is town, I can confirm it.

The math isnt difficult.

The mod seems pretty lax on that point.

Are you communicating outside the thread? A wink or a nod will suffice.

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This game just so totally too a turn for the ghey. So b/c jif and ctrm are claiming the other is town this is suppose to somehow confirm them and anyone is a moron who doesn't believe them. I seriously don't even care if they're telling the truth I want them dead for their dumbness.

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The mod seems pretty lax on that point.

Are you communicating outside the thread? A wink or a nod will suffice.


This game just so totally too a turn for the ghey. So b/c jif and ctrm are claiming the other is town this is suppose to somehow confirm them and anyone is a moron who doesn't believe them. I seriously don't even care if they're telling the truth I want them dead for their dumbness.

You are making game gay by being an idiot.

Its simple math, if you cant figure it out. Tough. You'll pay for it.

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I seriously don't really care. Ctm and JiF just went from my most town to most scum. You both confirm yourselves for saying so and then learn the mod said you can't say more. Why not ******* ask the mod first.

And Pac and Slats are connected one way or another both are claiming nurse with a pm about years of service.

Well, I'm a nurse and I got nothing about years of service.

I don't have years of service. I have a clipboard and a clicky pen. But Pac's years of service make me believe his reveal more. Based on my role, I'm guessing Pac's a little more than just a vanilla townie.

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The mod seems pretty lax on that point.

Are you communicating outside the thread? A wink or a nod will suffice.

mod gave conflicting instructions not through pm

This game just so totally too a turn for the ghey. So b/c jif and ctrm are claiming the other is town this is suppose to somehow confirm them and anyone is a moron who doesn't believe them. I seriously don't even care if they're telling the truth I want them dead for their dumbness.

i only said anything becausae he was about to get lynched, Genghis Krazy

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I don't have years of service. I have a clipboard and a clicky pen. But Pac's years of service make me believe his reveal more. Based on my role, I'm guessing Pac's a little more than just a vanilla townie.

Pac got years of service

you have clicky pen and pad

I'm a busy body.

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Not entirely sure how the surgeon and chief nurse are tied together confirming each other as town -scrub nurse would've made more sense- but I'll let it go for now.

I would've preferred the slutty nurse, but jif is a persistant little minx

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**** off Chan, I'm switching sides regardless, like a self appointed blind symp. I hope ape was townie and everyone will know that even two retards can't find a scum to kill. AWOL I'm going AWOL!!!

otherwise known as your role every game

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You are making game gay by being an idiot.

Its simple math, if you cant figure it out. Tough. You'll pay for it.

What is there to figure out ? Why didnt you 2 come up with this crap a lot earlier ? Did it take you this long to come up with this crap in the scum thread ?

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Everyone clear the halls stat. We've got an emergency In the hospital. A careless driver has had a wreck. He wasn't paying attention but his injuries are minor.

You all start to clear the way as a patient is wheeled in the operating room followed by a member of the hospital. Both moved so fast you couldn't see them.

hours pass by with what should have been minor surgery. You all felt like committing mass suicide because the waiting soundtrack of the hospital is justin beibers cd. That thing just kept repeating.

oh look a cart is rolling itself out all mysterious and sh*t. That white sheet isn't a good sign. Someone pulls the sheet down to reveal Hess. Nae screams. "You dumb ****. Why?!!!? Why wouldnt you stop texting and driving? Why would you put this ****ed up place as your first call list? Noooo Hess.

Everyone else looks around to see the exact cause of death. Hess had his thumbs removed and he couldn't think to live without texting sO he just gave up.

Then an echoing voice rang around the hospital halls. "You think you can get rid of me? I am the spam it is in me as I am in it. So suck it bitches."

Hess has been killed.

Get to lynching

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Everyone clear the halls stat. We've got an emergency In the hospital. A careless driver has had a wreck. He wasn't paying attention but his injuries are minor.

You all start to clear the way as a patient is wheeled in the operating room followed by a member of the hospital. Both moved so fast you couldn't see them.

hours pass by with what should have been minor surgery. You all felt like committing mass suicide because the waiting soundtrack of the hospital is justin beibers cd. That thing just kept repeating.

oh look a cart is rolling itself out all mysterious and sh*t. That white sheet isn't a good sign. Someone pulls the sheet down to reveal Hess. Nae screams. "You dumb ****. Why?!!!? Why wouldnt you stop texting and driving? Why would you put this ****ed up place as your first call list? Noooo Hess.

Everyone else looks around to see the exact cause of death. Hess had his thumbs removed and he couldn't think to live without texting sO he just gave up.

Then an echoing voice rang around the hospital halls. "You think you can get rid of me? I am the spam it is in me as I am in it. So suck it bitches."

Hess has been killed.

Get to lynching


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Official Day 3 Vote Count

JC (1) - Vic

Nae (1) - CTM

Hess (1) - Sharrow

CTM (2) - Smash, Nae

JiF (3) - JC, PAC, verb

Verb (4) - JiF, smc, Slats, CTM

With 12 alive it takes 6 to lynch <--- Shouldnt this be 7 ?

Deadline Thursday

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