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Sacred Thrust Mafia - Official Game Thread


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I buy the surgeon as a killer, but I don't understand how they could have 2 or more kill attempts and also apparently be masons with a QT. Also don't understand the play threatening Smash with a night kill, potentially leaving JC unprotected; lol, also don't understand why he wasn't killed last night with Smash presumably protecting himself.

Leaving JC exposed was something i was also curious about...

I've gotten threaten with death by mod.. read the scenes .. it's all there

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Maybe my theories are crazy to you because no matter if your town or Scum you have to defend yourselves. You have done a horrible job either way.

How am i going to defend when we're not allowed to be explicit and you're too paranoid to see whats painfully obvious..

unvote vote Verbal

He ended the day yesterday which is a scum role most times around here, and he just put Jif at l-1 when he was pro town on us 24 hr's go.. he's just looking for a lynch

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Make a case on Nae...I'd listen...right now your talikn in riddles with an overdose of anyone but us.

I've been pretty consistant on nae or verb for awhile...

How can you explain not dieing last night?

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Hey JIF if Im wrong thats fine, we've all been there before. I wont feel silly at all but the ones who should feel silly are you and CTM for the piss poor job you 2 are doing if you do happen to be what you say you are.

The really dumb, and lost comments dont rattle me one bit. Once again you have no rebuttal at all to what I have said other than insults. All you have proven is that you can kill. In no way shape or form does this vett either on of you since scum are capable of killing as well. This was a very easy route for you both to take since we get nothing on death. Im not sure how this game turns out or how we even win it but I simply do not trust you or CTM beacuse you have made so many mistakes along the way and you wont admit to any damn one of them. Your hanging on the one notion that because you targeted and killed who you said you would that makes you town, yet you have never given any explanation (even when asked ) why only one person has died at night. I think you get a kill every phase and if you dont use it you can stack them up. So today you can get 2 kills one day kill and last nights kill that you probably didnt use but want us to believe you did and it was blocked and I think you have done that previously as well.

Maybe my theories are crazy to you because no matter if your town or Scum you have to defend yourselves. You have done a horrible job either way.

This is getting old. But I'll give one last attempt to ease your concerns Smash. I've said everything I can, the F'ing mod just warned CTM. I mean seriously dude open your ******* eyes, stop being such a thick **** and look at whats happening here. Why are we going to walk the line as scum right now? It makes no sense. If we were scum, you were dead the second you had that exchange explaining you character name. Thats bottom line, mandatory play as scum who can kill during the day. No questions asked. Further, how did we benefit from this at all? lmfao.

You keep saying we played this poorly so thats why we are scum? That makes no sense. You dont know everything, you cant know everything per the rules, so saying you know we played this poorly is impossible to verify because you dont know the details.

I'm town, CTM is town. We confirmed with each via sharing PM's (mod allowed us to say this). Here was our logic behind our actions. Ape was my favorite for scum at the time this all happened, proved by my vote. He was claiming he RB a ******* uncountered cop dude, so yeah, dead. Then when we werent getting any where productive and I got heat, we figured we'd stage this with expectation you'd be smart enough to put together that we are what we are hinting toward since we are uncountered fyi - thats why we are banking on this you moron. lmfao. So an example was made on a player who reacted strange, bye bye Hess a claimed vanilla. Last night we did something involving you, that made us believe town.

So now we figured, we had a smaller pool, with 3 vetted players and a ton of scummy reactions...verb/nae. This is helpful in a nonreveal game especially when scum has missed 2 NK's. Scum would be wise to kill one of us tonight. Dont know why they havent killed in 2 nights, I dont have any theory behind it other than maybe the skipped kills because we shot town and wanted to create this confusion. Quit frankly I'm thrilled by it and would like to continue to see if it happens again. But you dont except any explanation because you are probably one of the thicker people I've ever come across so I'm done now.

I'm torn between self voting to vet, but you are so thick you probably still wouldnt see it. So maybe I should vote CTM? I dont know dude. I'm in such shock that you of all people are the one pushing this agenda the hardest that I'm at a loss.

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i wish i could


How am i going to defend when we're not allowed to be explicit and you're too paranoid to see whats painfully obvious..

unvote vote Verbal

He ended the day yesterday which is a scum role most times around here, and he just put Jif at l-1 when he was pro town on us 24 hr's go.. he's just looking for a lynch

Him and Nae are scum...I'm very confident about that.

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Verb and Nae are the ones that have come out of the smoke the scummiest.

So you shot the erratic Hess rather than your favorites for scum ? And this makes sense to you ?

What Im refering to when I say you have played poorly is in your responses. Which are nothing more than Insults and the occasional "We are town" comments. Sorry but thats weak sauce. At least in your last post you made an attempt.

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So you shot the erratic Hess rather than your favorites for scum ? And this makes sense to you ?

What Im refering to when I say you have played poorly is in your responses. Which are nothing more than Insults and the occasional "We are town" comments. Sorry but thats weak sauce. At least in your last post you made an attempt.

OMG!!! Are you reading anything I'm typing? Is this a complete waste of my time? Why cant you follow?

What happened to Hess was an attempt to Vet. Verb/Nae reactions to that action has made them my favorite. Hess was at the moment because of his reaction to what CTM and I were hinting toward. Do you not remember him saying things like "I'm voting CTM and JiF the rest of the game" and his "mock rage". Figured he was scum and if he wasnt, he was claiming vanilla. His persistence to complain about vanilla also put him on my dar, so I thought he'd be a safe but good pick. Since that happened, Nae and Verb have come out of this the scummiest. If I could, they'd be dead right now...if nothing else, out of self preservation.

I honestly cant keep responding to someone this incompetent. I've said all I could say Smash. I've explained all I can explain. I've done it numerous times. My insults are coming out of frustration because you are not following very simple logic that I've laid out numerous times and that you are unwilling to accept. Wake up bro, you are not thinking, if I or CTM were scum, you'd be dead. I'm starting to wish we just would have done it so I wouldnt have to deal with this. Its extremely exhausting because you are such a thick ****. <3

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Him and Nae are scum...I'm very confident about that.

You keep saying that. Over and over and over again. Yet where is your casings? All you've said on Verbal is the ending day early thing is most often scum over here. I don't recall much of anything you said to make your point on me. Someone mentioned arguing with BG and it was me being silly cause he said someone was acting like a woman on her period. I don't know why you read more into that. It was what you all like to call "mock outrage" at what he said about women. Get over it unless you have more compelling arguments to prove me scum.

I'm getting sick of your only argument being that we are apparently morons because we can't see that far up your arse. How is CTM enjoying it up there?

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OMG!!! Are you reading anything I'm typing? Is this a complete waste of my time? Why cant you follow?

What happened to Hess was an attempt to Vet. Verb/Nae reactions to that action has made them my favorite. Hess was at the moment because of his reaction to what CTM and I were hinting toward. Do you not remember him saying things like "I'm voting CTM and JiF the rest of the game" and his "mock rage". Figured he was scum and if he wasnt, he was claiming vanilla. His persistence to complain about vanilla also put him on my dar, so I thought he'd be a safe but good pick. Since that happened, Nae and Verb have come out of this the scummiest. If I could, they'd be dead right now...if nothing else, out of self preservation.

I honestly cant keep responding to someone this incompetent. I've said all I could say Smash. I've explained all I can explain. I've done it numerous times. My insults are coming out of frustration because you are not following very simple logic that I've laid out numerous times and that you are unwilling to accept. Wake up bro, you are not thinking, if I or CTM were scum, you'd be dead. I'm starting to wish we just would have done it so I wouldnt have to deal with this. Its extremely exhausting because you are such a thick ****. <3

Did you not say numerous times yesterday you were going to shoot at him last night and he'd better self protect, it was argued several times that night protection does not work during the day(since you are claiming to be who day killed monkey and hess), and that you and ctm did something to Smash last night to make you believe he's town? You just contradicted yourself with that here. Nice one.

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You keep saying that. Over and over and over again. Yet where is your casings? All you've said on Verbal is the ending day early thing is most often scum over here. I don't recall much of anything you said to make your point on me. Someone mentioned arguing with BG and it was me being silly cause he said someone was acting like a woman on her period. I don't know why you read more into that. It was what you all like to call "mock outrage" at what he said about women. Get over it unless you have more compelling arguments to prove me scum.

I'm getting sick of your only argument being that we are apparently morons because we can't see that far up your arse. How is CTM enjoying it up there?

I dont really care what you are sick of. Look at the bull sh*t I'm having to put up with. My case on you is simple, you came out immediately questioning what was an uncountered cop, uncountered vig, and your reactions have been less than stellar, now you just jumped late on my bandwagon prodding it while you waiting for enough steam. Also, I said earlier that I'm I didnt think EMT fit.

Why are you so worked up? You have 1 vote on you.

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Jack's last count that I could find...

Official Day 4 Vote Count

Nae (2) - CTM, JiF

Deadline Tuesday, Maybe Monday if this doesn't go anywhere

Unofficial - Current Day 4 Vote Count:

Nae (2) - JiF

Verbal (2) - SMC, CTM

JIF (5) - Pac, JC, Nanootz, Verbal, Smash

I'm not following close enough to know how many players are left, or how many votes needed for lynch.

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Did you not say numerous times yesterday you were going to shoot at him last night and he'd better self protect, it was argued several times that night protection does not work during the day(since you are claiming to be who day killed monkey and hess), and that you and ctm did something to Smash last night to make you believe he's town? You just contradicted yourself with that here. Nice one.

OMG!!! WTF is wrong with you people?

Reread that sweetheart, that makes no sense whatsoever. lmfao.

Smash was saved for the evening to vet him. If I was a day time killing scum member, he'd have been dead a long time ago.

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So you shot the erratic Hess rather than your favorites for scum ? And this makes sense to you ?

What Im refering to when I say you have played poorly is in your responses. Which are nothing more than Insults and the occasional "We are town" comments. Sorry but thats weak sauce. At least in your last post you made an attempt.

Lol.. and how did you defend. I' the doctor, a very good doctor .. or something...most didn't believe your a$$ until we tried to clear you..

It's impossible to defend if you're audience is either scum or have thier brains switched to paranoid

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You keep saying that. Over and over and over again. Yet where is your casings? All you've said on Verbal is the ending day early thing is most often scum over here. I don't recall much of anything you said to make your point on me. Someone mentioned arguing with BG and it was me being silly cause he said someone was acting like a woman on her period. I don't know why you read more into that. It was what you all like to call "mock outrage" at what he said about women. Get over it unless you have more compelling arguments to prove me scum.

I'm getting sick of your only argument being that we are apparently morons because we can't see that far up your arse. How is CTM enjoying it up there?

Case Jif then nae.. lets here it.. Don't hold us to a standard you're not meeting..

What has he done that's scummy

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Jack's last count that I could find...

Unofficial - Current Day 4 Vote Count:

Nae (2) - JiF

Verbal (2) - SMC, CTM

JIF (5) - Pac, JC, Nanootz, Verbal, Smash

with 11 players left it takes 6 to lynch.

Those counts look good to me . Im calm OP just thought since the game is so active ....

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Did you not say numerous times yesterday you were going to shoot at him last night and he'd better self protect, it was argued several times that night protection does not work during the day(since you are claiming to be who day killed monkey and hess), and that you and ctm did something to Smash last night to make you believe he's town? You just contradicted yourself with that here. Nice one.

OMG.. is smash would play pro town for a second instead of princess scumderella he would verify he could've been killed yesterday during the day, as much as a potential vig may have liked to shoot him, because they were town, they waited till night SO HE WOULDN'T DIE IF HE WAS ACTUALLY THE DOCTOR.. A 100% TOWN MOVE!!!!

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Case Jif then nae.. lets here it.. Don't hold us to a standard you're not meeting..

What has he done that's scummy

lmfao - she'd have nothing, every single action I've made this game has been pro town.

This really is one of the more comical games to watch knowing what we know.

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OMG.. is smash would play pro town for a second instead of princess scumderella he would verify he could've been killed yesterday during the day, as much as a potential vig may have liked to shoot him, because they were town, they waited till night SO HE WOULDN'T DIE IF HE WAS ACTUALLY THE DOCTOR.. A 100% TOWN MOVE!!!!

Its such a sh*tty day out, I'm so thankful for this game right now. Lol. How bout the "nice one" comment at the end of her brilliant post.

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Lol.. and how did you defend. I' the doctor, a very good doctor .. or something...most didn't believe your a$$ until we tried to clear you..

It's impossible to defend if you're audience is either scum or have thier brains switched to paranoid

CTM I said what I was allowed to say. I also responded to what I could.

Im not questioning what you guys are capable of thats OBVIOUS Im questioning your alignment and Im not sure why you dont understand that. What you are saying you have done in NO WAY makes you definite town and you have to know that.

This is the perfect game to pull off what I think you 2 are trying to do because nothing is revealed in the death scenes so your basicly asking us to trust you. I just dont trust you and I think I have made a case im multiple ways to show why Im taking that direction. if Im wrong then as I have also stated you did a damn piss poor job. Thats pretty much it Chan I dont know what else to say.

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OMG.. is smash would play pro town for a second instead of princess scumderella he would verify he could've been killed yesterday during the day, as much as a potential vig may have liked to shoot him, because they were town, they waited till night SO HE WOULDN'T DIE IF HE WAS ACTUALLY THE DOCTOR.. A 100% TOWN MOVE!!!!

Jesus christ of course your going to make the 100 % town move in this case any other move would have been dreadfully stupid no matter what your damn alignment. NOTHING you 2 have done 100 % vetts either one of you on alignment, only role.

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Jesus christ of course your going to make the 100 % town move in this case any other move would have been dreadfully stupid no matter what your damn alignment. NOTHING you 2 have done 100 % vetts either one of you on alignment, only role.


HOLY sh*t!!!


I will say, JC is starting to make me second guess myself on him. He should know he'd be dead too but he voted me?

The 2 of you are just not thinking here. You 2 should feel the best about us.

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OMG!!! WTF is wrong with you people?

Reread that sweetheart, that makes no sense whatsoever. lmfao.

Smash was saved for the evening to vet him. If I was a day time killing scum member, he'd have been dead a long time ago.

So now you are saying that you two had nothing to do with Hess and Ape. -nods-

Ctm... try reading my last 50 posts. Most of them are my case on you ****tards.

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Lol, this is hilarious. Ftr, I understand their whole explanation completely. They suck at explaining themselves, but I don't know why you guys are being so dense. Probably some intentionally and some unintentionally (Smash).

Anyway, if you guys wanted to kill one of them, you should have stayed on CTM though, cause when Pac gets back, he'd probably put him down with a quickness. JIF, he might actually take a look at how things are playing out.

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Regarding the "flame war"/distancing confusion...

In the Star Wars game, me and CTM were a mason team, and we weren't a team until day 3 after I found him on the 2nd night. If that's the case, then they had plenty of time to butt heads before they found each other. JIF may have been looking for a doctor, and CTM may have been looking for a nurse, for example.

After finding each other, they admittedly thought about pulling a CTM vs SMC type battle, which has consistently drawn out scum in the past.

There, that explains that, what's next?

Btw, pretty clear, imo, from how passionately they're defending themselves that they're both going to die when they're lynched or killed.

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So now you are saying that you two had nothing to do with Hess and Ape. -nods-

Ctm... try reading my last 50 posts. Most of them are my case on you ****tards.

I've seen no case... Please summarize

and sharrow gets it

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Jesus christ of course your going to make the 100 % town move in this case any other move would have been dreadfully stupid no matter what your damn alignment. NOTHING you 2 have done 100 % vetts either one of you on alignment, only role.

You really think scum would 've outed themselves rather then just silently killing jc and you? Seriously?

Why'd ape die? He roleblocked an uncointered cop and was a lynch favorite .. Why would scum kill him

why was the nk from scum described as with a briefcase whereas the two day kills took place in an operating room?

THINK please!

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CTM, on 22 June 2011 - 10:59 AM, said:

smash i'd like to lynch, but he seems to be an uncountered doc (role)

smash, who did you target last night, if you had such a power.. maybe the vig should test his claim out tonight

i know we don't like to vig direct, but i think him shooting at smash is a good idea tonight or tomorrow??

Yup. Good idea to try to shoot the probable uncontested doctor during the day. Yup. I have made zero cases at all. Bout to go back and give you a few of my posts again since you are too damned lazy to look yourself.

Posted Today, 10:20 AM

Sharrow, on 25 June 2011 - 12:35 AM, said:

I buy the surgeon as a killer, but I don't understand how they could have 2 or more kill attempts and also apparently be masons with a QT. Also don't understand the play threatening Smash with a night kill, potentially leaving JC unprotected; lol, also don't understand why he wasn't killed last night with Smash presumably protecting himself.

Leaving JC exposed was something i was also curious about...

I've gotten threaten with death by mod.. read the scenes .. it's all there

You pushed so very hard that you were going to shoot at Smash and then couldn't believe that he'd dare leave JC unprotected? -smh-

Theres one from each of you. I'm wasting my time and energy though because no matter what I show you in this you won't see it.

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You really think scum would 've outed themselves rather then just silently killing jc and you? Seriously?

Why'd ape die? He roleblocked an uncointered cop and was a lynch favorite .. Why would scum kill him

why was the nk from scum described as with a briefcase whereas the two day kills took place in an operating room?

THINK please!

Why would a townie vig shoot at an uncountered doctor? What's good for the goose is apparently good for the gander.

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