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Stunning momentum puts settlement on fast track


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Stunning momentum puts settlement on fast track

With a deal in place on the rookie wage scale, the NFL and the players apparently are moving quickly toward a full and complete CBA.

Sal Paolantonio of ESPN (via Chris Mortensen’s Twitter page) reports that a settlement is now on the fast track. Chris Mortensen of ESPN (via Chris Mortensen’s Twitter page) reports that, at the current pace, a deal could come within the next 24-to-48 hours.

Per Mort,”[e]ven skeptical participants among negotiating teams are almost stunned at momentum resolving remaining issues.”

The remaining issues include the question of whether free agency with fewer than six years of service will be subject to a “right of first refusal,” whether judicial oversight will apply to the labor deal, and whether and to what extent league-imposed discipline will be reviewed by someone other than the Commissioner or his designee. As to the last two issues, Mort reports that a panel of three retired judges is being considered for the purposes of overseeing all discipline and disputes, which would address the league’s desire to keep the courts out of the process of interpreting the CBA — and which would address the players’ desire to keep the Commish from having final say over any discipline he imposes.

Regardless of how it all works out, it now appears that a deal is within striking distance. Just in time to save the preseason and all the money that goes along with it


I really hope this sh*t is true, my hopes have gotten up way too much the past two weeks. Once this ends the craziest free agency period ever will begin and I'm stoked.

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I am leaving on Friday for 10 days with limited internet access. Just great I suffered and once football talk is here I won't be the first in line.

EDIT: I went to the mod lounge for a snack and I wasn't the first on that line either. Damn you Crusher.

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I am leaving on Friday for 10 days with limited internet access. Just great I suffered and once football talk is here I won't be the first in line.

EDIT: I went to the mod lounge for a snack and I wasn't the first on that line either. Damn you Crusher.

If you're behind Crusher...are you even GETTING a snack?

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I've been dying for some football news. but the longer it dragged out--the more I began to realize that I'm an idiot for spending so much time and money (season tix holder) on a freakin game played by millionaires. My whole life has been turned upside down. What the eff do I care about the NFL? Seriously? Its an emotional and financial drain on me and my entire family. I'm still paying off SB tix I sold at a loss last year hoping to finally see the Jets in the big game. I must be getting...dare I say it...WISE. Still, I'll give it one more season. Either produce or I drop the tix and my kid gets his cleft pallet and hairlip fixed.

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I am leaving on Friday for 10 days with limited internet access. Just great I suffered and once football talk is here I won't be the first in line.

EDIT: I went to the mod lounge for a snack and I wasn't the first on that line either. Damn you Crusher.

You know damn well teh Crush does not have snacks its all full blown meals.

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