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Anyone else depressed?


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Why be depressed - so many more important things in life- sports is just a diversion.

Your right....maybe...just maybe...we can some day see our team win the SB....that's why we stay true to our team. I am not depressed, maybe 10-15 years ago that was true..now...nope. Angry yes...depressed no.

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Yeah I get mad and frustrated in all my years rooting for my teams Jets, Mets and Rangers but life goes on and think of positive things like hanginmg out with my sports buddies both at home and on the road. Cheers!

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As sad as it sounds, I'm so used to losing, I almost want it to happen.

15 yr Jet fan and your used to losing, your kidding right?

You have enjoyed the finest years of the Jets my friend, stop complaining.

I used to pray for 500 seasons. Pray for a meaningful game after Thanksgiving.

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Yeah I get mad and frustrated in all my years rooting for my teams Jets, Mets and Rangers but life goes on and think of positive things like hanginmg out with my sports buddies both at home and on the road. Cheers!

This. I just enjoy the sport. I like to watch my team. I love the green and white color combo. It warms my heart. Nothing better than sitting around Xmas Eve with my 2 bros and my Pops watching the Jets do what they always do. Then the rest of the day me and my brothers bitch and moan at my father for not picking the Yankees and Giants to root for. Instead, Jets, Mets and Islanders. Thanks Pops!!! We love ya!

I dont get beat up over things that I cant control.

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Lol this is all so dramatic, isn't it?

The team is a strong draft away from being 2010 good, and a strong QB away from being a high end team. This year sucks, but sh*t happens. Bump in the road at the absolute worst...

I disagree, dude. I think the tea leaves all point toward another bad stretch here. Only something dramatic, such as landing Drew Brees, is going to stem the tide.

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Too many bad drafts...so many total misses dating back to Herm.

Word. Also too much money tied up in declining players, being married to a QB that--at best--can't carry the team for any amount of time, Revis' inevitable holdout, the lack of young talent at the skill positions, plus the fact that Rex's defense scares no one anymore. Unless Tannenbaum magically produces an otherwordly pass rusher--which he's shown less than zero ability to do--the Jets have no easy answers upcoming.

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I disagree, dude. I think the tea leaves all point toward another bad stretch here. Only something dramatic, such as landing Drew Brees, is going to stem the tide.

That implies that Sanchez is completely done as a QB, which even I think is ridiculous. The guy sucks bawls this year yes, and I believe he's firmly the reason this season is on the brink like it is. That said, to me this is more bump in the road than anything else. He is not yet fully developed mechanically or technically, but then again you would be out of your mind if you thought he would be fully developed mechanically and technically so early in his career.

Throw in some other bs thoughts I clumped together in my head...like that throwing in NJ during the NFL season is not as easy as it is in Florida or those cities that are warmer than here but have domes...big time HS recruit that went to the most big time school in the country and was/is easily the best talent they've put out at QB since the #1 pick of '03...came out as a junior, started right away, sucked but not devoid of success both individual and with the team...He's still working on his act is all.

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That implies that Sanchez is completely done as a QB, which even I think is ridiculous. The guy sucks bawls this year yes, and I believe he's firmly the reason this season is on the brink like it is. That said, to me this is more bump in the road than anything else. He is not yet fully developed mechanically or technically, but then again you would be out of your mind if you thought he would be fully developed mechanically and technically so early in his career.

Throw in some other bs thoughts I clumped together in my head...like that throwing in NJ during the NFL season is not as easy as it is in Florida or those cities that are warmer than here but have domes...big time HS recruit that went to the most big time school in the country and was/is easily the best talent they've put out at QB since the #1 pick of '03...came out as a junior, started right away, sucked but not devoid of success both individual and with the team...He's still working on his act is all.

I think Sanchez will improve, dude. I just don't think he'll ever get to the level where he's just so good that he makes up for the rest of his team's failings. He's never going to be surrounded by a C roster and, through sheer force of will, be able to turn it into an A+ team.

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As far as the team being old...one of the things no one talks about in the slight step the team has taken back as a whole is that they're relying more on the younger guys than they have the past couple of years. Wilkerson is a Day 1 starter...Wilson, a 2nd year player, is just getting it going...Kerley was a day one contributor this year...McKnight is seeing a ton of action this year compared to the other two years...Ducasse's role jumped up with Hunter at T and Turner going down...Every single one of these young guys are doing it without a real training camp too...None is more than a 3rd year player.

I like all those players moving forward too, to varying degrees. I think Wilkerson and Wilson will be solid starters. Kerley looks like he could be a solid WR if he stays healthy. McKnight is a complete mystery but I do think he will find a role. He, like Wilson, took a step forward this season, though it appears it's relative to draft status (Wilson is allowed to play consistently, McKnight is allowed to wear the uniform consistently). Big Vlad is going to be a badass mf'ng G next year when he takes over for Moore, hopefully next to a big, athletic, road grading RT.

So really all they need are stable vets who will hold up as they replenish the roster with starter level talent in the drafts to come. Guys like Pace, Pouha, DeVito, Harris, Scott, Cromartie, Leonhard/Smith, and Moore are still young enough to have SOME productive years in them barring catastrophe. That buys the organization time to replenish with younger, healthier, bigger, faster, stronger, whatever-gets-it-done talent.

Basically, what you witnessed in 2011-2012 season is the first bump in the road as the team transitions even further away from the Mangini/Tannenbaum roster to the Rex Ryan/Tannenbaum roster. It wasn't even THAT BAD of a bump if you think about it, even if they do miss the playoffs.

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I think Sanchez will improve, dude. I just don't think he'll ever get to the level where he's just so good that he makes up for the rest of his team's failings. He's never going to be surrounded by a C roster and, through sheer force of will, be able to turn it into an A+ team.

Meh, cross that road when we get there. He just needs to get better.

Plus, there isn't a QB who does that anyway. A+ is a tough grade to take a C roster. I don't think even Manning or Brady did that, though probably Manning might be able to sneak one in somewhere.

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