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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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"All the killers are gone, Dex. Now you just need to devote your attention to not getting caught."

"Yes. And Miami Metro seems to have their thumbs up their asses at the moment. I don't think any of them have a clue who I really am."

"Tread carefully. Just when you feel the safest is when you may be the most vulnerable. Be sure to take care of Lumen, too. Her vendetta is over. Jordan Chase is dead. She may slip and give both of you away."

"I trained her well. That won't happen."

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Verbal, I think the SKs are dead too, and Hess could kill in 3 straight phases, which he likely did. That means he couldn't kill last night. (D1, N1, D2 vs. N2). He also would have had to take off killing today. That's why there wasn't another kill last night in my estimation.

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Official Day 1 Final Vote Count

CTM (9) - Sharrow, SMC, Song, Verbal, JC, Crusher, Hess, Leelou, Nolder

Smash (4) - Brett, Vic, Pac, AVM

Song (2) - Lily, Smash

Crusher (1) - Ape

Ape (1) - CTM

Not Voting (1) - Hess

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

I'd like to hear back from Leelou to clarify the SMC vote...don't think SMC as CTM scummate puts an earl vote on CTM's train and just keeps it there...in the mean time I'd like to come back to the CTM train. If we are hunting for scum and it would appear there is a small scum team with so many SKs I would focus on the players who avoided the train altogther. Vic and Pac both voted Smash who was obviously a threat and at the deadline both offered to vote CTM. Pac stated earlier in the game he would hammer only to offer the task to Nolder in the waning moments. Vic was willing to put CTM at L-1 but shied away from the hammer. That suggests to me that both had concerns that CTM was actually a Bomb and not CTM's partner. That leaves us with Lily. CTM defended Lily and she claims she was unavailable after Song revealed. Could be a teammate. I'd also like to add Nolder as a possible CTM scummate as well. CTM defended Nolder when I placed a casual vote on him on D1. Accused me of reaching for low hanging fruit. Nolder eventually hammers but the writing was on the wall and he had to know it was only a matter of when CTM was lynched and he might as well try to earn some townie points.

I could vote either Lily or Nolder at this point. I understand we need to eventually eliminate the SMC wifom but maybe not right yet.

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I think Vic is scum.

Case: He didn't think there were scum, when CTM's coroner report clearly stated he was scum. And then he's basically been happy to go along with any lynch, without actually being forceful. In other words, he's riding coattails - a scumtell.

Vote: Vic

lynching me for lynching the mafia watcher? are you guys retarded or what? no wonder Ape is filled with so much anger...

he has to deal with you idiots all the time

Good point, Verbal. And Vic didn't vote CTM.

Nolder, it's based on a bus move (distancing yourself from CTM).

Come to think of it, Vic tried to claim that Crusher's CTM was a distancing move, but Vic never did vote for CTM and no one has pointed that out.

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I'm ok with that as well

then I don't have to listen to pac trump himself up for nabbing a SK we all knew was a SK after his failure to lynch his mafia partner

Unvote: Verbal

Vote: SMC

SMC (4) - Leelou, Vic, Pac, Nolder

Nolder (1) - SMC

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

lynching me for lynching the mafia watcher? are you guys retarded or what? no wonder Ape is filled with so much anger...

he has to deal with you idiots all the time

In a hurry to get to night?

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I'd like to hear back from Leelou to clarify the SMC vote...don't think SMC as CTM scummate puts an earl vote on CTM's train and just keeps it there...in the mean time I'd like to come back to the CTM train. If we are hunting for scum and it would appear there is a small scum team with so many SKs I would focus on the players who avoided the train altogther. Vic and Pac both voted Smash who was obviously a threat and at the deadline both offered to vote CTM. Pac stated earlier in the game he would hammer only to offer the task to Nolder in the waning moments. Vic was willing to put CTM at L-1 but shied away from the hammer. That suggests to me that both had concerns that CTM was actually a Bomb and not CTM's partner. That leaves us with Lily. CTM defended Lily and she claims she was unavailable after Song revealed. Could be a teammate. I'd also like to add Nolder as a possible CTM scummate as well. CTM defended Nolder when I placed a casual vote on him on D1. Accused me of reaching for low hanging fruit. Nolder eventually hammers but the writing was on the wall and he had to know it was only a matter of when CTM was lynched and he might as well try to earn some townie points.

I could vote either Lily or Nolder at this point. I understand we need to eventually eliminate the SMC wifom but maybe not right yet.

I could get on board with this. Apparently whoever the hell is the Cop hasn't founds another scum yet.......but this might be a good time to reveal if they have a handful of townies.....really shrink that pool to lynch/view from.

Just sayin'.

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My 3 lynch choices are Nolder, Vic, and Lily.

JC makes good points on Lily, especially of CTM's defense of her (how easily that is forgotten).

Lily, Vic & Pac are the only 3 not to vote for CTM.

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Good point, Verbal. And Vic didn't vote CTM.

Nolder, it's based on a bus move (distancing yourself from CTM).

Come to think of it, Vic tried to claim that Crusher's CTM was a distancing move, but Vic never did vote for CTM and no one has pointed that out.

I understand what it's based on

it's just retarded

I was absent for...what...60+ pages?

why would I come back just to hammer my scummate?

I could have easily just waited for day 2 and hoped he didn't get lynched and been just about as well off

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Good point, Verbal. And Vic didn't vote CTM.

Nolder, it's based on a bus move (distancing yourself from CTM).

Come to think of it, Vic tried to claim that Crusher's CTM was a distancing move, but Vic never did vote for CTM and no one has pointed that out.

THat's when I asked people to wait so I could put CTM at L-1 and Pac hammer. A good attempt but no.

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I think Vic is scum.

Case: He didn't think there were scum, when CTM's coroner report clearly stated he was scum. And then he's basically been happy to go along with any lynch, without actually being forceful. In other words, he's riding coattails - a scumtell.

Vote: Vic

I'm not gonna lie that I haven't read exactly very carefully this game.

And don't give me this bullsh*t about riding coattails. Maybe participate before you get on someone for you know, participating.

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I understand what it's based on

it's just retarded

I was absent for...what...60+ pages?

why would I come back just to hammer my scummate?

I could have easily just waited for day 2 and hoped he didn't get lynched and been just about as well off

But why would you ninja hammer a bomb???

Did you want to die so early in your first game back?

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I understand what it's based on

it's just retarded

I was absent for...what...60+ pages?

why would I come back just to hammer my scummate?

I could have easily just waited for day 2 and hoped he didn't get lynched and been just about as well off

Say what? Retarded is the post you just tossed out. Of course you could come back and hammer your scummate - jesus. All you had to do was check in on a QT and get instructions, if you really were absent and not lurking.

It was obvious CTM was getting hammered, so you look pro-town to swoop in and do it yourself.....which also makes Pac look bad. A good scum move, actually. The more you post in defense, the worse you are looking.

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Say what? Retarded is the post you just tossed out. Of course you could come back and hammer your scummate - jesus. All you had to do was check in on a QT and get instructions, if you really were absent and not lurking.

It was obvious CTM was getting hammered, so you look pro-town to swoop in and do it yourself.....which also makes Pac look bad. A good scum move, actually. The more you post in defense, the worse you are looking.

Agreed. This is a total WIFOM of "Oh gee why wouldn't I hammer my teammate I could've just survived until the next day. I hammered I must be town."

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I'm not gonna lie that I haven't read exactly very carefully this game.

And don't give me this bullsh*t about riding coattails. Maybe participate before you get on someone for you know, participating.

Bullsh*t, Vic. I'm neck and neck in posts with SMC, and a few behind Brett & Nolder, and ahead of a few other living folks in this game. Don't give me this horsesh*t on participation. I'm not inactive, and like I've said before.....I ramp up as the game goes on. If that wasn't completely ******* obvious thus far, then I'm not sure what else would convince you of that fact.

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just noticed that on 80's scene Verb.. yeah no more SK's.

Which brings me back to Nolder. I mentioned it before but his odd hammer of CTM looked contrived to me. I was obviously hamming it up and wasn't going to let it go to RL but he decided to vote him anyway?

I think it's likely CTMutt decided it was time to implement win or die spectacularly trying and urged Nolder in their chat to hammer. I remember him pleading for the ape to get on the train which could have been a stall tactic to get Nolder there.

I remembered SMC's Miller claim but I don't see why we risk keeping him alive. With all SK's dead and maybe 1 or 2 scum left it's too dangerous to let him live until endgame. While Brett was dirty, his point about SMC not claiming the same role in his game does have merit.

I can vote Nolder, SMC, or Vic for his recent post suggesting there aren't any scum this game.

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Say what? Retarded is the post you just tossed out. Of course you could come back and hammer your scummate - jesus. All you had to do was check in on a QT and get instructions, if you really were absent and not lurking.

It was obvious CTM was getting hammered, so you look pro-town to swoop in and do it yourself.....which also makes Pac look bad. A good scum move, actually. The more you post in defense, the worse you are looking.

Agreed. This is a total WIFOM of "Oh gee why wouldn't I hammer my teammate I could've just survived until the next day. I hammered I must be town."

Agreed with both of you. And, again ...

Why would Nolder Ninja Hammer a BOMB???

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But why would you ninja hammer a bomb???

Did you want to die so early in your first game back?

pretty much

I had a deathwish since I was so far behind

now I realize I don't even really have to read these games I can just be in the moment and it works out just fine

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Bullsh*t, Vic. I'm neck and neck in posts with SMC, and a few behind Brett & Nolder, and ahead of a few other living folks in this game. Don't give me this horsesh*t on participation. I'm not inactive, and like I've said before.....I ramp up as the game goes on. If that wasn't completely ******* obvious thus far, then I'm not sure what else would convince you of that fact.

Nah I know that's how you play. I'm just annoyed. It truthfully was a total skim job. I'm trying to keep up at work and I only read the page I'm on. Death scenes I just scroll to bottom and look for name and alignment. Being totally honest.

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Say what? Retarded is the post you just tossed out. Of course you could come back and hammer your scummate - jesus. All you had to do was check in on a QT and get instructions, if you really were absent and not lurking.

It was obvious CTM was getting hammered, so you look pro-town to swoop in and do it yourself.....which also makes Pac look bad. A good scum move, actually. The more you post in defense, the worse you are looking.


how was it obvious? when I came back there were 3 trains that were all pretty much viable and I asked which one I should join

HESS, confirmed 3rd party, suggested CTM and I did (well by waiting for hammer I did) based on what he said

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just noticed that on 80's scene Verb.. yeah no more SK's.

Which brings me back to Nolder. I mentioned it before but his odd hammer of CTM looked contrived to me. I was obviously hamming it up and wasn't going to let it go to RL but he decided to vote him anyway?

I think it's likely CTMutt decided it was time to implement win or die spectacularly trying and urged Nolder in their chat to hammer. I remember him pleading for the ape to get on the train which could have been a stall tactic to get Nolder there.

I remembered SMC's Miller claim but I don't see why we risk keeping him alive. With all SK's dead and maybe 1 or 2 scum left it's too dangerous to let him live until endgame. While Brett was dirty, his point about SMC not claiming the same role in his game does have merit.

I can vote Nolder, SMC, or Vic for his recent post suggesting there aren't any scum this game.

I think you're right there. That seems like a CTscum move. Have someone hammer him to clear them further into the game.

Has SMC done this before as a miller? I swear someone else has said REALLY early one "Miller please don't bother"

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