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Tebow Ranked 30 Among NFL QB's by Jaworski


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Jets' Tebow ranked No. 30 among NFL QBs by ESPN analyst

5:16 PM, June 11, 2012 ι By BRIAN COSTELLO

Is Tim Tebow the best backup quarterback in the NFL?

He might be, according to one list. ESPN analyst Ron Jaworski has started counting down his top 30 quarterbacks in the NFL. He is going to reveal one each day on “SportsCenter.”

Jaworski, the former Eagles quarterback, began the countdown on Monday with No. 30. Guess who? Tebow, the Jets backup QB/special teamer/wildcat specialist, was the first one on Jaworski’s list.

That means Jaworski believes Tebow is better than at least three starting quarterbacks (assuming there are no other backups on the list). Now, the question becomes where does starter Mark Sanchez rank? If I had to guess, I think he will be slotted somewhere around 20-24.

Here is what Jaworski had to say about Tebow, courtesy of the ESPN Communications staff:

“You have to look at his entire body of work to realistically evaluate Tebow. At this point in his career, Tebow is more of a runner than he is a passer. He’s very effective running the read-option.

He’s been outstanding in the red zone where his physical strength has been a decisive factor. But never forget a simple truth about playing quarterback in the NFL: no one is a great quarterback because of the way they run. It’s a passing position and Tebow has a lot of work to do.”

Jaworski then broke down some film from last season when Tebow was on the Broncos. The first play he showed was a touchdown against the Vikings to Demaryius Thomas.

“You see this improvisational touchdown he threw against the Vikings,” Jaworski said. “It looks like a tremendous play, right? Let’s break it down into its separate components: it’s a basic concept.

Shotgun run at you impacts the linebackers. They step up, removing them as underneath coverage defenders. Eric Decker will be wide open on the square in. There’s no reason not to make this throw. Tebow breaks down and runs around, hoping to make a play. Here, he made one, but improvisation is random and arbitrary. It’s not the way to play quarterback consistently in the NFL.”

Jaworski showed another play from last season against the Bears when Tebow scrambled, got sacked for a loss and fumbled.

“The Broncos shifted Quan Cosby to the single receiver side,” Jaworski said. “The corner played with a 10-yard cushion. That’s where the ball has to go. Here, the failure to execute the offense resulted in a negative play. That can also happen when you improvise.”

He then summed up his thoughts on Tebow:

“Hey, who doesn’t like Tebow’s competitiveness? But that’s not enough. He must improve significantly from the pocket to become a consistent NFL starter. If he does, you just might see him in that role in 2012.”

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/jetsblog/jets_tebow_ranked_no_among_nfl_qbs_Vtsd87pXCe5Tnbs1HtLX2L#ixzz1xWUHlIRV

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Fortunately we will have 2 QBs in the the Top 30!

Unfortunately both of them will be ranked in the 25-30th spots!

There are not 25 better QB's better than Sanchez in the league. If Sanchez isnt below the 20 mark this top 30 countdown is complete tool work.

The countdown is already looking like bullsh*t with the Tebow nod. Jason Campbell is a backup and is waaaaay better than Tebow, yet I highly doubt Campbell will make this list.

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