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Revis sits due tight Hammy


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didnt he sit out due to a tight hammy a few years ago at a practice at Metlife, before his holdout as a message to the team??

He was present to collect his $1,000,000 reporting bonus, could this be a pseudo holdout that wont cost him 30k a day? let's see how this plays out.

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It is interesting that the first practice in pads, he sits, but this time it may be legit. Sanchez completed a 40 yard TD to Hill yesterday that was tipped by Revis, so he must be less than 100%. No way Sanchez gets a TD against a healthy Reviss, right?

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Darrelle Revis sits out with hamstring

10:47 AM By Kimberley A. Martin

(updated @ 12 p.m.)

CORTLAND, N.Y. -- Darrelle Revis was forced to sit out most of Sunday's practice due to a tight hamstring.

But the Jets start cornerback contended afterward that the injury was in fact legit, and not a tactical move.

“I knew you were going to bring that up. Come on now,” Revis responded to a reporter who asked if it was contract related. “Nah. It has nothing to do with my contract situation. If I wasn’t going to be here, I would have held out. That’s not the case.”

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I think it's a pretty big leap to think this is anything but just a tight hammy. I'm far from the most trusting guy of Revis, but I just don't see any reason he'd do that, especially just a couple of days after he spent so much time talking about how nothing was going to be going on with him this year in camp. Not to mention, when he pulled that stunt last time, he not only got completely torn a new one by absolutely everybody for the move (even those who typically support him), he even came back to admit that it was pretty much the worst thing he could have done. It's training camp, crap like this happens all the time, I doubt there's anything really to see here.

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Darrelle Revis misses part of practice due to 'tightness' in right hamstring


CORTLAND – Darrelle Revis didn’t participate in team drills at the first padded practice of training camp on Sunday due to right hamstring tightness, but insisted that it’s nothing to worry about. Revis, who didn’t get the new long-term contract this offseason he was hoping for, said that he was legitimately hurt. Revis made a statement in 2010 when he was looking for a new deal by pulling himself out an offseason practice by feigning that he was "light-headed." He would later hold out, suffer a left hamstring injury while covering Randy Moss early in the 2010 season and miss two games.

No such shenanigans this time.  

“It has nothing to do with that,” Revis said about his contract. “I’m here. If I wasn’t’ going to be here, I would have held out. So, that’s not the case.”

Revis said his tightness in his right hamstring this time. He didn’t undergo an MRI and expects to practice fully on Monday.

“I don’t think it’s that serious,” Revis said. “It just a little bit of tightness. Actually I felt great going out to practice… but they just told me to sit out (during team drills).”

Revis took part in individual position drills before defensive backs coach Dennis Thurman informed him that he would not take part in 11-on-11 or 7-on-7 drills. Revis still wanted to go in before trainer John Mellody told him that it wasn’t going to happen. “We’re just trying to make sure we take care of it the best way we can,” Revis said.  

“I have had a lot of hamstring problems,” Revis added. “So, this is just something that we’re trying to take care of it before it even occurs. So it’s just a little tightness. Loosened it up this morning. I was ready to go, but John Mellody is telling the coaches to suit me out. That was the deal for me today and wait for next practice.”

Revis stood on the sideline during team drills without a helmet for the rest of practice.

“Practice has been a little bit more intense this year,” Revis said. “That’s because of Coach Sparano coming in and it’s kind of a fast pace for the offense now. It’s a bunch of reps we’re taking. My hamstring, we’re just trying to be real cautious with it.”

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