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Real thoughts on Tim Tebow -


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I think the key is Sparano...if he can come up with some innovative ways to use Tebows skillset to create matchup problems in a Belichick-esque fashion, instead of the same constant boring bullsh*t standard wildcat....I think Tebow will provide very useful and Im on board.

I wish both of them the best of luck.

How sweet it would be to witness the national media who will prey on us become bandwagon...right before it becomes painfully neauseating.

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This. That shirtless jog in the rain sealed it for me. He may not be as guiless as many of you think, H

is handlers are defeinitley as calculated as the come. (that's the defination of a 'handler' isn't it?)

My opinion: Sanchez is a much better QB than Tim Tebow. Thinking otherwise is nuts!

As another said. Based on what? Certainly NOT based on their first 580 NFL plays?

Don't do the actual stat comparison, it will only make you Tebow haters crash, :blowup: and then cry....

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Elway's opinions don't really mean anything to me one way or the other.

I simply disagree with the entirety of the premise of what Tebow is and has done, and feel he is given far too much credit for the "success" of a team who's record was identical to that of the Jets team who so many act as if they just had the league's worst season, and that's even despite the Jets complete implosion at the end of the season. The Broncos have to thank their playoff appearance solely on that joke of a division they play in and winning some tiebreakers. Not to mention, we saw Tebow finish his season last year by having 3 of his last 4 games being embarrassingly horrible displays against 2 of the Jets division rivals. I'd be more than glad to be wrong about him, but there's nothing I've seen out of him on the football field that gives me a whole ton of optimism, and it has nothing to do with the lack of seeing the picture and everything to do with the fact that I don't think he's any good.

“... All you have to do is watch him throw the ball. Just watch him.” -- doomer (so boomer agrees with you, good company you keep)

Yeah, just watch Tim take a 1-4 (4-14) LOSER team to the playoffs.

Watch him (with little to no help) throw 20 TD's to just 9 Ints for a 2.22 to 1 TD/Int ratio. (33 TD's to 15 T-O's)

Or you can 'listen' to yet another idiot-boomer-commentator drivel on.


That donkey team was 1-4 with an 8th year Vet QB before Tim took over and went 7-4 + 1-1 (8-5).

He did that without the #1 WR, the #2 WR, or the #1 RB, who were all gone before Tim was named the starter in 2011.

Plus throw in a fired Fox HBC, an incompetent 4-14 OC McCoy, and a jealous El' Dim-Way backstabber.

And Tim also took that crappy loser team to a win over the Sanchize QB'ed Jets too,

just in case you missed that game where he ran over/by All Pro Revis for yet another 1st down.

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“... All you have to do is watch him throw the ball. Just watch him.” -- doomer (so boomer agrees with you, good company you keep)

Yeah, just watch Tim take a 1-4 (4-14) LOSER team to the playoffs.

Watch him (with little to no help) throw 20 TD's to just 9 Ints for a 2.22 to 1 TD/Int ratio. (33 TD's to 15 T-O's)

Or you can 'listen' to yet another idiot-boomer-commentator drivel on.


That donkey team was 1-4 with an 8th year Vet QB before Tim took over and went 7-4 + 1-1 (8-5).

He did that without the #1 WR, the #2 WR, or the #1 RB, who were all gone before Tim was named the starter in 2011.

Plus throw in a fired Fox HBC, an incompetent 4-14 OC McCoy, and a jealous El' Dim-Way backstabber.

And Tim also took that crappy loser team to a win over the Sanchize QB'ed Jets too,

just in case you missed that game where he ran over/by All Pro Revis for yet another 1st down.

Revis<Harvin (83984894-0000222)

Fact. :sign0182:

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“... All you have to do is watch him throw the ball. Just watch him.” -- doomer (so boomer agrees with you, good company you keep)

Yeah, just watch Tim take a 1-4 (4-14) LOSER team to the playoffs.

Watch him (with little to no help) throw 20 TD's to just 9 Ints for a 2.22 to 1 TD/Int ratio. (33 TD's to 15 T-O's)

Or you can 'listen' to yet another idiot-boomer-commentator drivel on.


That donkey team was 1-4 with an 8th year Vet QB before Tim took over and went 7-4 + 1-1 (8-5).

He did that without the #1 WR, the #2 WR, or the #1 RB, who were all gone before Tim was named the starter in 2011.

Plus throw in a fired Fox HBC, an incompetent 4-14 OC McCoy, and a jealous El' Dim-Way backstabber.

And Tim also took that crappy loser team to a win over the Sanchize QB'ed Jets too,

just in case you missed that game where he ran over/by All Pro Revis for yet another 1st down.

Nice...I said the exact same thing when we signed Tebow. The Bronco's were a slap-dick team and when Tebow shook it up they made the playoffs. But people want to say "but look what happened against the Pats in the playoffs" what a dumb thing to say....anyway. I want the Jets to win. I don't give a rat's ass how we win as long as we win and make it to the SB and finally win it again!

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Tebow is a distraction, useless, not a good QB, and will do more harm to our Jets, than good. I'm embarassed that he's on our team and will probably vomit the first time I see him Tebowing on the sideline.

Tebow is a distraction? but Revis holding out and then trying to do it again isn't?, Rex running his mouth like he just ate a whole package of ex-lax isn't? Come on brother.

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“... All you have to do is watch him throw the ball. Just watch him.” -- doomer (so boomer agrees with you, good company you keep)

Yeah, just watch Tim take a 1-4 (4-14) LOSER team to the playoffs.

Watch him (with little to no help) throw 20 TD's to just 9 Ints for a 2.22 to 1 TD/Int ratio. (33 TD's to 15 T-O's)

Or you can 'listen' to yet another idiot-boomer-commentator drivel on.


That donkey team was 1-4 with an 8th year Vet QB before Tim took over and went 7-4 + 1-1 (8-5).

He did that without the #1 WR, the #2 WR, or the #1 RB, who were all gone before Tim was named the starter in 2011.

Plus throw in a fired Fox HBC, an incompetent 4-14 OC McCoy, and a jealous El' Dim-Way backstabber.

And Tim also took that crappy loser team to a win over the Sanchize QB'ed Jets too,

just in case you missed that game where he ran over/by All Pro Revis for yet another 1st down.

And look at you distort the truth, ignore the counterpoints and make an endless list of excuses as to why it's not his fault that he's a sh*tty quarterback. It's so sad that all it does is prove how absolutely baseless your entire stance is. With every excuse you so desperately try to convince everyone means a single damn thing, when it absolutely doesn't, all you're really doing is essentially putting a big neon sign over your entire argument that says "Look everyone, I've got absolutely no leg to stand on!" In your entire history on this board, you have been completely incapable of providing just one single post that isn't filled with an endless list of nonsensical excuses and unfounded hyperbole in an attempt to support your fabricated stances (which still doesn't work), with the only other additions being nonsensical bolding, smileys and sad attempts at insults to those you have proven to have no ability whatsoever to counter. Not to mention a completely irrelevant evaluation of a number of other people, which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to even slightly do with Tebow or his QB play. In the end, the fact that you're trying to use a game in which an offense scored 10 points as proof of its QB's supposed greatness settles the question of one thing that was already pretty apparent, but has now been set in stone: you don't know a damn thing about football.

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And look at you distort the truth, ignore the counterpoints and make an endless list of excuses as to why it's not his fault that he's a sh*tty quarterback. It's so sad that all it does is prove how absolutely baseless your entire stance is. With every excuse you so desperately try to convince everyone means a single damn thing, when it absolutely doesn't, all you're really doing is essentially putting a big neon sign over your entire argument that says "Look everyone, I've got absolutely no leg to stand on!" In your entire history on this board, you have been completely incapable of providing just one single post that isn't filled with an endless list of nonsensical excuses and unfounded hyperbole in an attempt to support your fabricated stances (which still doesn't work), with the only other additions being nonsensical bolding, smileys and sad attempts at insults to those you have proven to have no ability whatsoever to counter. Not to mention a completely irrelevant evaluation of a number of other people, which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to even slightly do with Tebow or his QB play. In the end, the fact that you're trying to use a game in which an offense scored 10 points as proof of its QB's supposed greatness settles the question of one thing that was already pretty apparent, but has now been set in stone: you don't know a damn thing about football.

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Is there any problem with trying to intregrate this kid into the offense and perhaps we get 1 more win than if we didnt have Tebow? Would that make you happy? I get what your saying but we did have a chance of bringing Peyton in here but the "circus" was in full force at the time. Anyway, let's wait and see..the jury is still out.

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Is there any problem with trying to intregrate this kid into the offense and perhaps we get 1 more win than if we didnt have Tebow? Would that make you happy? I get what your saying but we did have a chance of bringing Peyton in here but the "circus" was in full force at the time. Anyway, let's wait and see..the jury is still out.

I think that's perhaps a fair point, but I think there's a substantial difference between someone possibly being able to contribute something on offense as a part-time player versus being anything close to a capable QB. Brad Smith provided much of the same value to the Jets and he sure as hell wasn't getting mistaken as a real QB by anyone, despite the fact that he had just as much success completing a fake punt pass to Eric Smith as Tebow did in the scrimmage (his lone completion).

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I think that's perhaps a fair point, but I think there's a substantial difference between someone possibly being able to contribute something on offense as a part-time player versus being anything close to a capable QB. Brad Smith provided much of the same value to the Jets and he sure as hell wasn't getting mistaken as a real QB by anyone, despite the fact that he had just as much success completing a fake punt pass to Eric Smith as Tebow did in the scrimmage (his lone completion).

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I think that's perhaps a fair point, but I think there's a substantial difference between someone possibly being able to contribute something on offense as a part-time player versus being anything close to a capable QB. Brad Smith provided much of the same value to the Jets and he sure as hell wasn't getting mistaken as a real QB by anyone, despite the fact that he had just as much success completing a fake punt pass to Eric Smith as Tebow did in the scrimmage (his lone completion).

+1 Brother!

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That donkey team was 1-4 with an 8th year Vet QB before Tim took over and went 7-4 + 1-1 (8-5).

He did that without the #1 WR, the #2 WR, or the #1 RB, who were all gone before Tim was named the starter in 2011.

Plus throw in a fired Fox HBC, an incompetent 4-14 OC McCoy, and a jealous El' Dim-Way backstabber.

And Tim also took that crappy loser team to a win over the Sanchize QB'ed Jets too,

just in case you missed that game where he ran over/by All Pro Revis for yet another 1st down.


Man you need to let go of that thing and stop watching the video of Tebow running in the rain.

Tim Tebow is not a NFL QB! He stinks at it!

Now understand I am not saying Sanchez is, I have said many times on here, I want to see him one season with out sh*tty calling plays.

I hope he can help the Jets in a way thats worth a 4th round pick.

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