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JAWS MAFIA - Game Thread


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If Hess is a scum bomb. I'm dead. I'm okay with that.

That said, it will be necessary to revisit AVM and Nolder.

Pac facilitating AVM's reveal as backup bomb. Nolder also revealing as backup bomb.

Not sure why anyone as bomb would reveal unprompted like they did.

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If Hess is a scum bomb. I'm dead. I'm okay with that.

That said, it will be necessary to revisit AVM and Nolder.

Pac facilitating AVM's reveal as backup bomb. Nolder also revealing as backup bomb.

Not sure why anyone as bomb would reveal unprompted like they did.

I'm not scum.
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Brody called Hooper, and they sped across the Island in Brody's Blazer. Skidding to a halt in front of Quint's, they hopped out and ran to the dock. Quint was waiting for them.

No time was wasted in heading out. Active sonar, radar,and depth finder equipment was switched on, and no sooner had the first readings come through than the shark appeared on their screens.

Concentrating on the equipment, the three were not prepared for the massive crash that sent them all to the floor.

Quint laughed, "Don't you fear for the Orca gentlemen! She's taken harder hits than that, I can promise you!"

Scrambling up to the deck, the three readied the barrels. But since Quints first mate had been killed, the ropes had not been tied properly and everythgin spilled off the deck into a mess into the sea.

Ropes dangled like tentacles down into the water, and Brody noticed that one was in the shape of a giant noose, still tied to a clete on the ship.

It was then that the shark appeared, headed straight for the noose. The torpedo shaped nose went through the center of the noose, and the rope pulled tied around the shark's gills.

JAWS paused, realizing he was caught, and thrashed in the water.

Brody, Hooper and Quint cheered...it was more than they could have hoped for...

At that moment, the rope snapped, and the giant shark swam away unharmed.

The three men just stared at its disappearing wake.


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Okay experts, how'd I do - PPR leauge, 6pts for all TDs, 1pt for 10 yds. 10th pick overall.

QB (1) - Vick or Ryan

RB (2) - Murray, Forte

WR (2) - Julio, Jordy

Flex (1) - Boldin or Moore or Moss

TE (1) - Witten or Olsen

10 Matt Forte, Chi RB 15 DeMarco Murray, Dal RB 34 Julio Jones, Atl WR 39 Jordy Nelson, GB WR 58 Matt Ryan, Atl QB 63 Michael Vick, Phi QB 82 Denarius Moore, Oak WR 87 Anquan Boldin, Bal WR 106 Jason Witten, Dal TE 111 Jacquizz Rodgers, Atl RB 130 Randy Moss, SF WR 135 Evan Royster, Wsh RB 154 Lions D/ST D/ST 159 Greg Olsen, Car TE 178 Robbie Gould, Chi K

Took Vick after Ryan for the sole purpose of trading one of them for RB depth, since that is the weakest depth I've got. Vick plus a WR should net me a good 3rd RB to use as Flex.

Not bad right?

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Okay experts, how'd I do - PPR leauge, 6pts for all TDs, 1pt for 10 yds. 10th pick overall.

QB (1) - Vick or Ryan

RB (2) - Murray, Forte

WR (2) - Julio, Jordy

Flex (1) - Boldin or Moore or Moss

TE (1) - Witten or Olsen

10 Matt Forte, Chi RB 15 DeMarco Murray, Dal RB 34 Julio Jones, Atl WR 39 Jordy Nelson, GB WR 58 Matt Ryan, Atl QB 63 Michael Vick, Phi QB 82 Denarius Moore, Oak WR 87 Anquan Boldin, Bal WR 106 Jason Witten, Dal TE 111 Jacquizz Rodgers, Atl RB 130 Randy Moss, SF WR 135 Evan Royster, Wsh RB 154 Lions D/ST D/ST 159 Greg Olsen, Car TE 178 Robbie Gould, Chi K

Took Vick after Ryan for the sole purpose of trading one of them for RB depth, since that is the weakest depth I've got. Vick plus a WR should net me a good 3rd RB to use as Flex.

Not bad right?

Nobody cares get bent.
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Okay experts, how'd I do - PPR leauge, 6pts for all TDs, 1pt for 10 yds. 10th pick overall.

QB (1) - Vick or Ryan

RB (2) - Murray, Forte

WR (2) - Julio, Jordy

Flex (1) - Boldin or Moore or Moss

TE (1) - Witten or Olsen

10 Matt Forte, Chi RB 15 DeMarco Murray, Dal RB 34 Julio Jones, Atl WR 39 Jordy Nelson, GB WR 58 Matt Ryan, Atl QB 63 Michael Vick, Phi QB 82 Denarius Moore, Oak WR 87 Anquan Boldin, Bal WR 106 Jason Witten, Dal TE 111 Jacquizz Rodgers, Atl RB 130 Randy Moss, SF WR 135 Evan Royster, Wsh RB 154 Lions D/ST D/ST 159 Greg Olsen, Car TE 178 Robbie Gould, Chi K

Took Vick after Ryan for the sole purpose of trading one of them for RB depth, since that is the weakest depth I've got. Vick plus a WR should net me a good 3rd RB to use as Flex.

Not bad right?


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My theory makes even more sense when you consider that Hess claimed bomb. Perhaps he was trying to out the real bomb(s) to avoid them. He knew he could avoid the lynch, so why claim anything there otherwise? Just say "GFY" and end the day right then.

but it was more fun that way. Why are you a bomb?
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So, early in the game, I asked DPR what happens if we get to 5 people left and everyone left has bought an item. He never answered. I didn't notice cuz he kinda distracted me by answering other questions, including ones I didn't ask. If we have 5 left it takes 3 to lynch but if everyone has an item, it takes 0 to lynch them all. Here's my theory. If we have 6 people left and one of them is Jaws, Jaws wins. He can simply vote off anyone with a harpoon and can't be killed by anyone else. I think we need anywhere from 3 to 5 harpoons to be fired at Jaws on the same day to kill him. If this is the case, then EP's role was actually a lot more useful than we thought. He could have told us when we had enough harpoons to fire away at Jaws. My suggestion is that the town vs. mafia battle be put on hold until Jaws is dead. Everyone should request harpoons every day from now on. Mafia should either fire at Hess or not at all. Quint should start giving out harpoons as fast as he can. Once there are 5 people with harpoons alive (and Jaws has used his daykill), Quint should reveal and make this known. At this point, everyone should fire their harpoons at Hess. We need 3 to 5 harpoons fired on the same day to kill Hess imo.

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So, early in the game, I asked DPR what happens if we get to 5 people left and everyone left has bought an item. He never answered. I didn't notice cuz he kinda distracted me by answering other questions, including ones I didn't ask. If we have 5 left it takes 3 to lynch but if everyone has an item, it takes 0 to lynch them all. Here's my theory. If we have 6 people left and one of them is Jaws, Jaws wins. He can simply vote off anyone with a harpoon and can't be killed by anyone else. I think we need anywhere from 3 to 5 harpoons to be fired at Jaws on the same day to kill him. If this is the case, then EP's role was actually a lot more useful than we thought. He could have told us when we had enough harpoons to fire away at Jaws. My suggestion is that the town vs. mafia battle be put on hold until Jaws is dead. Everyone should request harpoons every day from now on. Mafia should either fire at Hess or not at all. Quint should start giving out harpoons as fast as he can. Once there are 5 people with harpoons alive (and Jaws has used his daykill), Quint should reveal and make this known. At this point, everyone should fire their harpoons at Hess. We need 3 to 5 harpoons fired on the same day to kill Hess imo.

Yeah too bad EP's dead though lol.

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So, early in the game, I asked DPR what happens if we get to 5 people left and everyone left has bought an item. He never answered. I didn't notice cuz he kinda distracted me by answering other questions, including ones I didn't ask. If we have 5 left it takes 3 to lynch but if everyone has an item, it takes 0 to lynch them all. Here's my theory. If we have 6 people left and one of them is Jaws, Jaws wins. He can simply vote off anyone with a harpoon and can't be killed by anyone else. I think we need anywhere from 3 to 5 harpoons to be fired at Jaws on the same day to kill him. If this is the case, then EP's role was actually a lot more useful than we thought. He could have told us when we had enough harpoons to fire away at Jaws. My suggestion is that the town vs. mafia battle be put on hold until Jaws is dead. Everyone should request harpoons every day from now on. Mafia should either fire at Hess or not at all. Quint should start giving out harpoons as fast as he can. Once there are 5 people with harpoons alive (and Jaws has used his daykill), Quint should reveal and make this known. At this point, everyone should fire their harpoons at Hess. We need 3 to 5 harpoons fired on the same day to kill Hess imo.

Lots of words... all I see a convoluted theory saying "shoot Hess, not scum".

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So, early in the game, I asked DPR what happens if we get to 5 people left and everyone left has bought an item. He never answered. I didn't notice cuz he kinda distracted me by answering other questions, including ones I didn't ask. If we have 5 left it takes 3 to lynch but if everyone has an item, it takes 0 to lynch them all. Here's my theory. If we have 6 people left and one of them is Jaws, Jaws wins. He can simply vote off anyone with a harpoon and can't be killed by anyone else. I think we need anywhere from 3 to 5 harpoons to be fired at Jaws on the same day to kill him. If this is the case, then EP's role was actually a lot more useful than we thought. He could have told us when we had enough harpoons to fire away at Jaws. My suggestion is that the town vs. mafia battle be put on hold until Jaws is dead. Everyone should request harpoons every day from now on. Mafia should either fire at Hess or not at all. Quint should start giving out harpoons as fast as he can. Once there are 5 people with harpoons alive (and Jaws has used his daykill), Quint should reveal and make this known. At this point, everyone should fire their harpoons at Hess. We need 3 to 5 harpoons fired on the same day to kill Hess imo.

I bet you would. lmfao

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