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premature, but I hope we sign Landry long term.


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He's far and away my favorite acquisition, and I love his style so far.

Still, he'll have that "if he stays healthy" tag on him for the entire year. I hope things work out and he likes it in New York. We'll see what happens.

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I love what he brings to this team. A physicality that we need. Receivers are not going to go over the middle hearing his foot steps.

Pointman I agree if he can stay healthy or looks like he will sign him up during the season for an extension...

Heres the think with him and really what our D is all about really. We know we dont ahve the coverage skills there, not that we dont have them but we know guys like cruz or a gronk will get it in the middle, they will. And we are like ok but we will take your head off or at least put a hit on you that is alittle more concerning that eric smiths hits (truth be told smith was a work horse for us), but I love it.

I like to see a guy on our team put a hit on someone. WR know they are going to take a hit, hell RB know too, sorry Stewart but you guys shouldnt have took that cheap hit on our TE and I love that laROn came and put a solid hit on you.

I think the defense is so much better with just the little bit extra pressure our front three seem to be getting and the heavy hitting S plus our cover CBs.

Im glad he seems like he will work out but time will tell. If he looks to stay healthy sign him up for 3

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