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is anyone else just not surprised?


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maybe it's because I thought the Jets would be so much better against the Dolphins and resigned myself to defeat early, or maybe it's because I expected the Jets to be 2-3 after next Monday, or maybe it's because I recorded the game and watched the whole thing in an hour rather than an agonizing three hours, but am I the only one who doesn't feel any sense of inevitable doom?

don't get me wrong, I don't think the Jets are going to be very good at this point since nobody's put their crap together (Sanchez, I'm looking at you), but the Jets are exactly where I expected they would be, and therefore I'm unable to feel panic.

The Jets don't match up well with the 49ers. I was surprised they were in the game as long as they were. am I alone in this?

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my expectations coming into the season were maybe a run at a wildcard, then a loss and pain and suffering

today my expectations were actually a loss, but maybe a 10 pt loss, no biggie

after today, it's all entertainment from here

let the clowns out of the car !!!

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shame is what i feel wow we looked f ing bad shame on you jets we pay good money to watch and go to your games and you put that on the field shame on you. Woody time to clean house or sell this team,im just in disbelieve and sick to my stomach.

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Roster stinks. Guys getting serious burn that shouldnt even be in the league. Sanchez checked out a while ago...players know they can walk all over Rex....they did nothing to improve a bad team from last season.

Scoring zero points in an NFL game is always surprising I guess.

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am I the only one who doesn't feel any sense of inevitable doom?

the Jets are exactly where I expected they would be, and therefore I'm unable to feel panic.

The Jets don't match up well with the 49ers. I was surprised they were in the game as long as they were. am I alone in this?

like you say, its all a matter of what you expect out of this team (and not just where we are after 4 games) I expected this team we're seeing. I dont think we;'re a good team. And we're going to play terrible at times. But if anyone really thinks this team is a playoff team they are deluding themselves.

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