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The Dustin Factor: Significant By Rich Cimini

Ryno the Jet

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If he's gonna take the bullet, take the bullet. You can't save everybody.

Either the coach, the players, or the GM take the bullet.

He's not playing me like a chump.

He says he's got the talent to do it.

So......do it. Or leave.


He can admit he doesn't have as much talent as he had at the beginning. When you lose Revis, Holmes, Hill and Keller, you can be man enough to say we have some challenges ahead of us, losing some starters. He won't even say that!

OK, last week we had people saying that Rex was using the Revis injury as an excuse, that he was crying about it, etc. Pretty sure he HAS admitted that the Revis injury sets them back, though I'm not even sure why it's necessary... obviously it's an issue when you lose your best player and your best offensive weapon. The public doesn't need anyone to tell them that.

Multiple reasons why he won't concede the season:

1. No need to. The team is 2-2 and tied for first. Why give up?

2. Not going to throw his own boss under the bus in public. Who would do that?

3. Not going to throw his players under the bus in public, either. As bad as it might be right now, it would have only made the situation that much worse if he went out there and called his own players untalented. It wouldn't help this season because the players might bail on him. It wouldn't help him in the future, either, because who wants to play for a coach that disses his own players?

So, in conclusion, I basically have no idea what you're talking about.

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i know we don't want to hear this but even before the SF game, there were like 20 Jets on the injury report. 4 of the 5 OL were on the report.

missing Revis is huge. but missing Keller, Hill, Holmes etc. It's just one of those things. We can dream about how firing Tanny or Rex will make the team better, but at a certain point you just have to throw up your hands and say s--t happens.

Cause it does.

Bit I dont think anyone thinks firing Rex and Tanny instantly makes the team better but when it comes to the long term and the draft Im not sure a lot of Jets fans want these two pulling the strings when our talent has steadily gone in the toilet over the past 4 years.and our drafts have been nothing short of horrible

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If he won't admit he's lost talent, then coaching is the problem. It's A or B.

T-Rex is done if they don't make the Playoffs anyway, so I don't care.....


lmfao - yeah, because its a common occurrence or a Head Coach to trash the talent level on the team. You hear that all the time. Its a great way to motivate your team.

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Jets fans like to think of Keller as some great receiving tight end but he isnt. He has been manufactured out of Sanchezs lack of ability and subsequent dire need for a short passing game target.

He can catch but trips over himself when trying for YAC, cant stay healthy because he trips on hash marks and never could block.

He is an average slow overweight receiver.

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Reporters today asked him TODAY, with the injuries, do they have the talent required to make the Playoffs.

We know the answer. The reporter knows the answer.

But Rex wouldn't admit the truth. He can't handle the truth.....


yea u r right. He should say we suck and are shutting it down for the year cause we have no talent and we r just wasting our time out there. :confused0085:

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