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Lily's Angry Melons mafia game thread


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Starts with verb, whatever



Nol gets a bit of heat so 80 quickly jumps on

He makes a big show of it post 40

Nol goes a bit emo, claims and posts a girly unicorn pic

None unvotes

80 uses this to move away from Nol now that he is not fully in the spotlight and has claimed, nice safe time to move

The "even the funking unicorn" bit is strange dont you think. Distancing right there

So 80 is going for one person on Nols train, Nol goes for another

Verb isn't going anywhere so moves on (Darthe voted him half a page back but no one cared)

Know what's strange about this, 80 follows the one person (AVM) who him and Nol didn't go after for voting Nol....

And after Verb votes AVM, Nol votes Verb again

Nol, 80, and AVM have been circle jerking each other all game

Lynch em

page 10. Doubt Dap has the balls to run gambits or buss hard D1 in like, his first real JN game. 

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I think you guys underestimate Player btw

He doesn't seem to play seriously in most games but when something kicks him into gear he's not bad

Granted that probably wouldn't be the case that early in the game anyway

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Nol, Darthe, Ishy, Me, AVM...Leelou just seems to vote whoever seems to be the easiest town to lynch at the time.  Now with a lot of different players mentioning Mish throughout the game she comes out swinging with a vote on her.  


Vote Leelou


FOS JC too for staying out of the fray. 

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I think you guys underestimate Player btw

He doesn't seem to play seriously in most games but when something kicks him into gear he's not bad

Granted that probably wouldn't be the case that early in the game anyway


Who the **** said he was a bad player? And I'm not clearing you or 80 just b/c of that post. It was worth mentioning and should factor into the odds. 

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Nol, Darthe, Ishy, Me, AVM...Leelou just seems to vote whoever seems to be the easiest town to lynch at the time.  Now with a lot of different players mentioning Mish throughout the game she comes out swinging with a vote on her.  


Vote Leelou


FOS JC too for staying out of the fray. 


You seem determined to to defend Mish...what gives...oh mighty Hess?

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Vote count:


Mish(4) – 80, Leelou, Nolder, JC

Leelou (1) - Hess


Not voting: Mish, Verb, Pac, JiF, Crusher


With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch

Deadline Monday 2MST/5PM EST 

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Nol, Darthe, Ishy, Me, AVM...Leelou just seems to vote whoever seems to be the easiest town to lynch at the time.  Now with a lot of different players mentioning Mish throughout the game she comes out swinging with a vote on her.  


Vote Leelou


FOS JC too for staying out of the fray. 


I've actually been trying to get Mish to participate but she's staying out of the fray. She hasn't voted seriously all game and keeps pulling a newbie card when she is not new to the game. She might be town or scum but she isn't giving us anything to go on. I could also vote JC or 80 today. 

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You seem determined to to defend Mish...what gives...oh mighty Hess?


Everything on her has been completely manufactured. There's no case. She's played like (almost) every other new player here, trying to feel people out. She's seemed to try to have an honest answer every question asked of her.


She could 100% be scum. Absolutely, but the way in which we've come to her train is bullsh*t imo.  


Especially with the way some other people have played. Leelou could be town sure, and Mish scum. But read the game and everything points the opposite. It's like everybody feels the need to out-wifom themselves nowadays. 


Whatever. I have no problem hearing her reveal. You never know.  

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Everything on her has been completely manufactured. There's no case. She's played like (almost) every other new player here, trying to feel people out. She's seemed to try to have an honest answer every question asked of her.


She could 100% be scum. Absolutely, but the way in which we've come to her train is bullsh*t imo.  


Especially with the way some other people have played. Leelou could be town sure, and Mish scum. But read the game and everything points the opposite. It's like everybody feels the need to out-wifom themselves nowadays. 


Whatever. I have no problem hearing her reveal. You never know.  


On Leelou I agree...the problem is...I've been wrong on her for like the past 10 games...I give up trying to read her...

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I've actually been trying to get Mish to participate but she's staying out of the fray. She hasn't voted seriously all game and keeps pulling a newbie card when she is not new to the game. She might be town or scum but she isn't giving us anything to go on. I could also vote JC or 80 today. 


It's cool. I just don't think she's really played any kind of card. True she's been out of the fray, but so have other players with less of an excuse. 


Meanwhile, no offense, you've been on every town train to start and you and DPR were like Holmes and Watson all game. Not to mention your votes and thoughts constantly coincided with one another. 


That doesn't make you scum but it should make you the front runner imo. Hence my vote.  

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On Leelou I agree...the problem is...I've been wrong on her for like the past 10 games...I give up trying to read her...


Whatever. I'm looking at this game. The votes, the closeness to DPR, the reaction to everything that went on with AVM...


I am 100% not trying to persuade anyone of anything. Everyone vote how you choose. I'm just explaining my vote on Leelou and my own thoughts on Misheru. 

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Nol, Darthe, Ishy, Me, AVM...Leelou just seems to vote whoever seems to be the easiest town to lynch at the time.  Now with a lot of different players mentioning Mish throughout the game she comes out swinging with a vote on her.  


Vote Leelou


FOS JC too for staying out of the fray.

Her and 80 have done this. Case on Mish is clear though. Disgusting signature.

vote leelou

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It's cool. I just don't think she's really played any kind of card. True she's been out of the fray, but so have other players with less of an excuse. 


Meanwhile, no offense, you've been on every town train to start and you and DPR were like Holmes and Watson all game. Not to mention your votes and thoughts constantly coincided with one another. 


That doesn't make you scum but it should make you the front runner imo. Hence my vote.  


She's played the newbie lost card all game long.  And she hasnt even had a vote in come lynch time.  Thats pretty damning.


I'd like to hear her reveal.  I like your logic too - Leelou, 80, JC - those guys have definitely stayed away from any action and could very well be low laying scum.


Vote Leelou


Competing trains

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Guys I haven't been ONLINE when the two lynches happened :rolleyes: They happen at more or less the middle of the night for me. Completly different timezone.


Tired of the newbie card? Deal with it. I don't know half of you people. I'll say to you what you said to me recently Leelou: You don't know my playstyle. I'm quiet until I feel like I get a grip on the game. And when most of the players are complete strangers to me, it takes a while. I'm completly aware I don't contribute with sh*t right now, and I should probably get lynched over that. If I'm that much a liability now, do it. The way you guys play are more or less alien to me. I can't follow half the arguments made; things go way faster than I'm used to, and on top of that I'm stretched on how many games I'm in. Now it seems like the game I'm modding is ending soon, so that should help on freeing up some of my time. If you have the patience with me to keep me around until then, I'll be able to be here more then.


But yeah, I have no big defense; I don't get this game and that's it.







Too bad Crusher has been confirmed though. I'd like to vote him over his constant whining over my signature. He sounds like a ten year old girl.

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