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Namath's take on Rex Ryan


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You are spot on with this.  When I first moved to NYC in '86, it was a revelation.  The tabloids use sensational headlines and write all kinds of outrageous BS just to get people to buy and read their papers and get a reaction from them.  This is happening in the rest of the country too.    I can't remember who it was, but at some point in the early 90's I wrote a reporter and took him to task for his editorializing, sensationalism and making the article so opinionated, rather than factual.  His response was that is how they are being taught in journalism school now.  It's all about hype and selling papers, not facts.


At no where need the intensity of NYC...still many serious journalists throughout the country...Cimini just chooses to juggle...potshots at every opportunity...misleading facts...it's why I'd rather read Turn on the Jets or Jason's salary cap site...hell there's enough good posters here whose analysis I'd prefer over Dick's.

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I think most of you are missing my point a little, partly because I've been trying to defend Rex Ryan our head coach who has a Superbowl ring, and has never coached (assistant/coordinator or otherwise) a defense outside of top 10. Coincidence? Doubt it. 


My point is Joe Willie Namath has no more say as a spokesperson for the Jets, than Jim Brown does for the Browns. Joe Namath is opinionated like we all are, but our opinions aren't stuffed into the face of millions of people laughing at the Jets dysfunctional perception. Namath is entitled to his opinon, right or wrong (I see most of you agree "right"), but Cimini, O'Connor, Mehta and all these other as*hole writers are quoting Joe Namath on the Jets' dime. Really our dime. Its kind of like your hero talking sh*t about your team, and the villian using the sh*t to make your team look bad, and the hero is all the while loving it. It doesn't matter if your hero is right or wrong, this is your team. Where do you draw the line? 


Don't read it, don't quote it, ignore it.  We are consumers.  Don't like the product, don't purchase.

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Don't read it, don't quote it, ignore it.  We are consumers.  Don't like the product, don't purchase.


I respect Joe enough to read his quotes. Heck, he's my favorite Jet ever. I have pictures of him hung up in my apartment (its kind of creepy in a completely hetero way lol). I just hate to see the comments used in the way they are being used. 


Its cool if a whole bunch of us Jet fans get together and talk sh*t about our team. That's our team. But don't go to a known Jet hating hack and pretend you are some type of hero and you are saying these things to better the team. 

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We all make choices and those choices lead to consequences...Cimini could have negotiated another beat with the hacks from the Daily News or ESPN at anytime...instead he plays roll out the barrel at every chance he gets and disguises himself as a sports reporter...I refuse to feel sorry for him...I'm a fan...my choice, my consequences...he's a tool looking to make money for the media that employs him...from the circus atmosphere he helps promote.


God knows I'm not defending Cimini.  Please don't think that I am.  Nor was I wanting you or anyone to feel sorry for him.  I guess I was playing "Devil's Advocate" and trying to understand him a little better. I've killed Cimini a lot in the past on other Jets boards, but am trying to be a kinder, gentler me and give people more the benefit of the doubt.  I don't always succeed, but I do try  


We don't know, however, that he could have gotten a different assignment or better job.  Perhaps he tried to get a different beat and couldn't.  Since he isn't the greatest writer, seems lazy, and doesn't seem to have a very creative or unique style, perhaps he couldn't get another job or do any better.  Lots of people in that situation get bitter.  That could be the case with him.  Then again, some people just seem to like being an ass.  Perhaps that's just who he is. 


One thing though, if that reporter was telling the truth, and reporters/sportswriters and the like are being taught to sensationalize in school or if that is what their bosses are telling them to do, then what choice do they have?  If not Cimini, it would just be someone else doing the same thing.  IMO it's just another example of how our country is going down the tubes.  Standards are dropping everywhere and most people are more impressed with flash, glitz, glamor and style than real substance.

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hey joe ;


when you were in business wth bookies...


and routinely threw 4 int's in a  game


were you point shaving ?


You mean during the era where he would have private meetings with the mafia in the back of his restaurant? Joe will never tell. 

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hey joe


did you know something about earl morrall and the mob before the game ?  did that make it guarantee worthy ?


why did he miss the wide open flea flicker ?  throw so many lazy int's ?


I'd grill that drunken idiot next time he runs his mouth

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I think most of you are missing my point a little, partly because I've been trying to defend Rex Ryan our head coach who has a Superbowl ring, and has never coached (assistant/coordinator or otherwise) a defense outside of top 10. Coincidence? Doubt it. 


My point is Joe Willie Namath has no more say as a spokesperson for the Jets, than Jim Brown does for the Browns. Joe Namath is opinionated like we all are, but our opinions aren't stuffed into the face of millions of people laughing at the Jets dysfunctional perception. Namath is entitled to his opinon, right or wrong (I see most of you agree "right"), but Cimini, O'Connor, Mehta and all these other as*hole writers are quoting Joe Namath on the Jets' dime. Really our dime. Its kind of like your hero talking sh*t about your team, and the villian using the sh*t to make your team look bad, and the hero is all the while loving it. It doesn't matter if your hero is right or wrong, this is your team. Where do you draw the line? 


It's a free country, people are free to say or write what they want, so there is no "line."  The way to stop it is to succeed in building a strong, winning team that is consistently excellent.  They can stop it by getting rid of the circus atmosphere, makin sound football decisions, making sound personnel decisions, become smart, disciplined, tough, demand accountability from players, the HC and players stop talking to the media, and let their play on the football field do their talking for them.  That's why I am so encouraged by Idzik. He doesn't seek the limelight like Tanny did.  He prefers to work in the background and let the quality of his work and decisions speak for him.  He seems to be thorough in his preparation, detail oriented, and to use sound judgment.  I think he has done a great job so far,and it's a great start to turning things around.  If he can either get Rex to change his approach or fire Rex and bring in a no-nonsense coach, and the team start seriously challenging for the Lombardi Trophy, they'll get the respect they deserve.


It can take a while to earn people's respect, but only a few minutes to lose it.  That's just how it is.

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At no where need the intensity of NYC...still many serious journalists throughout the country...Cimini just chooses to juggle...potshots at every opportunity...misleading facts...it's why I'd rather read Turn on the Jets or Jason's salary cap site...hell there's enough good posters here whose analysis I'd prefer over Dick's.


True, but things are still slipping away a lot of places.


I don't even read Cimini or listen to ESPN.  The only way I ever know what those bunch of hacks say is when someone posts it on a Jets' site.  lol


Cimini does go out of his way to take shots at the Jets.  I think he would have more credence if he'd save his shots for valid times (like Joe's commets) rather than day in and day out. The ironic thing is that Cimini, his bosses and others in the media who push this sensationalist approach evidently don't realize that they're cutting off their noses to spite their faces.  In other words, people just stop taking them seriously and reading or listening to their crap.  In the end, they'll wind up being out of work and irrelevant.  It's not only the internet, the ecology of our planet, and all the electronic reading devices that are making newspapers go the way of the dinosaur.  It's all they hype, sensationalism, and blatant opinions in what should be factual reporting.


In Europe the news is not sensationalized as it is here.  They don't show all the pictures and TV footage.  They don't use all the opinion and hyperbole.   They present more the straight forward facts.  That's how it should be here.

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It's a free country, people are free to say or write what they want, so there is no "line."  The way to stop it is to succeed in building a strong, winning team that is consistently excellent.  They can stop it by getting rid of the circus atmosphere, makin sound football decisions, making sound personnel decisions, become smart, disciplined, tough, demand accountability from players, the HC and players stop talking to the media, and let their play on the football field do their talking for them.  That's why I am so encouraged by Idzik. He doesn't seek the limelight like Tanny did.  He prefers to work in the background and let the quality of his work and decisions speak for him.  He seems to be thorough in his preparation, detail oriented, and to use sound judgment.  I think he has done a great job so far,and it's a great start to turning things around.  If he can either get Rex to change his approach or fire Rex and bring in a no-nonsense coach, and the team start seriously challenging for the Lombardi Trophy, they'll get the respect they deserve.


It can take a while to earn people's respect, but only a few minutes to lose it.  That's just how it is.


There is a "line" where you draw one. There is nothing we can do about Joe running his mouth, its his right. Its our right to agree or disagree with him. But again, don't treat him like a hero for being too dumb, ostentatious, or drunk to know he's sleeping with the enemy. I see a lot of Jet fans piling on with him, like he's not helping cultivate the circus atmosphere. There is part of your connection. 


I agree 110% with everything else you said. 

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Don't read it, don't quote it, ignore it.  We are consumers.  Don't like the product, don't purchase.


This.  The power of the purse works every time.  That's one of the things that causes me to get so frustrated with NFL fans.  They'll gripe and whine about PSLs, ticket prices, and other things regarding the NFL or their team, but will they stop going to games or buying their team gear?  No.  If fans would unite stop going to games in droves, stop buying team gear and the like, their team and/or the NFL would get the message and would be forced to change their attitude and/or approach.  But fans won't do this.  They just keep bending over and getting reamed and seem to like it.  

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This.  The power of the purse works every time.  That's one of the things that causes me to get so frustrated with NFL fans.  They'll gripe and whine about PSLs, ticket prices, and other things regarding the NFL or their team, but will they stop going to games or buying their team gear?  No.  If fans would unite stop going to games in droves, stop buying team gear and the like, their team and/or the NFL would get the message and would be forced to change their attitude and/or approach.  But fans won't do this.  They just keep bending over and getting reamed and seem to like it.  


I've been involved with the ESPN boards for years before I eventually stopped going to their site. The crazier the story about my teams, the more trolls would show up, the least I could take the site seriously. Twitter, JN, TOJ, and GGN is where I go to get my news. Mostly Twitter though. 

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God knows I'm not defending Cimini.  Please don't think that I am.  Nor was I wanting you or anyone to feel sorry for him.  I guess I was playing "Devil's Advocate" and trying to understand him a little better. I've killed Cimini a lot in the past on other Jets boards, but am trying to be a kinder, gentler me and give people more the benefit of the doubt.  I don't always succeed, but I do try  


We don't know, however, that he could have gotten a different assignment or better job.  Perhaps he tried to get a different beat and couldn't.  Since he isn't the greatest writer, seems lazy, and doesn't seem to have a very creative or unique style, perhaps he couldn't get another job or do any better.  Lots of people in that situation get bitter.  That could be the case with him.  Then again, some people just seem to like being an ass.  Perhaps that's just who he is. 


One thing though, if that reporter was telling the truth, and reporters/sportswriters and the like are being taught to sensationalize in school or if that is what their bosses are telling them to do, then what choice do they have?  If not Cimini, it would just be someone else doing the same thing.  IMO it's just another example of how our country is going down the tubes.  Standards are dropping everywhere and most people are more impressed with flash, glitz, glamor and style than real substance.


On the state of our country...It's a brave new world...and Huxley was right.

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There is a "line" where you draw one. There is nothing we can do about Joe running his mouth, its his right. Its our right to agree or disagree with him. But again, don't treat him like a hero for being too dumb, ostentatious, or drunk to know he's sleeping with the enemy. I see a lot of Jet fans piling on with him, like he's not helping cultivate the circus atmosphere. There is part of your connection. 


I agree 110% with everything else you said. 


In the sense that Joe could refuse to speak to Cimini (because of his obvious disdain if not hatred for the Jets), then that is drawing a line.  I see your point.   The problem is, if Joe is trying to help his old team get better and speaking privately to the owner and GM didn't work, and he wants to rally fans to pressure the owner, then he has to speak to the media, even those he might have disdain for be a known Jet Hater.  I mean really, aside from maybe Connor Orr, who is a decent Jets beat reporter?  Randy Lange used to be an excellent one, then he was hired and became a shill for the Jets.  Steve Serby is an idiot (not sure if he still covers the Jets since I don't read him or the Post any more).  I could never stand the jerk from Newsday.  The Times used to have a pretty good beat reporter in Judy Battista.  Not sure who they have any more.


As much as we all despise Cimini, he has an audience, and a pretty sizable one at that.  We play into his hands.  If Jets fans all contacted ESPN and said that we were gonna stop watching/listening/reading their stuff because of hacks like Cimini and threatened to contact their sponsors/advertisers and tell them that we weren't going to support ESPN any more or buy their (sponsor) products as long as they advertised with ESPN, you'd better bet things would change and quickly.

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True, but things are still slipping away a lot of places.


I don't even read Cimini or listen to ESPN.  The only way I ever know what those bunch of hacks say is when someone posts it on a Jets' site.  lol


Cimini does go out of his way to take shots at the Jets.  I think he would have more credence if he'd save his shots for valid times (like Joe's commets) rather than day in and day out. The ironic thing is that Cimini, his bosses and others in the media who push this sensationalist approach evidently don't realize that they're cutting off their noses to spite their faces.  In other words, people just stop taking them seriously and reading or listening to their crap.  In the end, they'll wind up being out of work and irrelevant.  It's not only the internet, the ecology of our planet, and all the electronic reading devices that are making newspapers go the way of the dinosaur.  It's all they hype, sensationalism, and blatant opinions in what should be factual reporting.


In Europe the news is not sensationalized as it is here.  They don't show all the pictures and TV footage.  They don't use all the opinion and hyperbole.   They present more the straight forward facts.  That's how it should be here.


United States media = more commentary and less journalism.  


Consumers need to understand the difference.

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hey joe


when you were throwing bombs all over the place when you had a good defense ( and losing) just because sonny wanted to make you a "star" what kind of coaching was that ?



hey joe


when you were still drunk during games from the night before, what kind of coaching was that ?



hey joe


jets could have won 2-3 more times if you really cared about the jets


so go **** yourself



LOL...tell us how you really feel...


I like how Joe goes "Hollywood" almost immediately after cashing in on his guarantee...how many movies/TV episodes was he in...ahh...but he sure did bail Bobby Brady out of a jam...


Gerry Philbin captured the essence of Namath in America's Game...well worth a watch.

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It's a free country, people are free to say or write what they want, so there is no "line."  The way to stop it is to succeed in building a strong, winning team that is consistently excellent.  They can stop it by getting rid of the circus atmosphere, makin sound football decisions, making sound personnel decisions, become smart, disciplined, tough, demand accountability from players, the HC and players stop talking to the media, and let their play on the football field do their talking for them.  That's why I am so encouraged by Idzik. He doesn't seek the limelight like Tanny did.  He prefers to work in the background and let the quality of his work and decisions speak for him.  He seems to be thorough in his preparation, detail oriented, and to use sound judgment.  I think he has done a great job so far,and it's a great start to turning things around.  If he can either get Rex to change his approach or fire Rex and bring in a no-nonsense coach, and the team start seriously challenging for the Lombardi Trophy, they'll get the respect they deserve.


It can take a while to earn people's respect, but only a few minutes to lose it.  That's just how it is.


Spot on.  I'm hoping for the best with Idzik.  At least now it appears we have an adult in the room.  On a cautionary note, I was hopeful after Tanny's first draft as well.

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Spot on.  I'm hoping for the best with Idzik.  At least now it appears we have an adult in the room.  On a cautionary note, I was hopeful after Tanny's first draft as well.


Yeah, I was against his being hired as GM, but was hopeful too after that draft.  Unfortunately, it didn't take too long after that for me to see how he only cared about getting his face on the back pages of the tabloids and making big splashes in the draft and FA, and didn't have a clue what he was doing.

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LOL...tell us how you really feel...


I like how Joe goes "Hollywood" almost immediately after cashing in on his guarantee...how many movies/TV episodes was he in...ahh...but he sure did bail Bobby Brady out of a jam...


Gerry Philbin captured the essence of Namath in America's Game...well worth a watch.



they humiliated Namath with philbin


philbin : we named joe captain only hoping he'd grow up and start taking care of the ball


next scene


Namath : it was an honor to be named captain




Namath had a great arm, but he should keep his mouth shut.  he's still living off a SB he nothing to do with winning, and morrall probably threw for the mob.  ask colts end bubba smith

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Namath says he's not on speaking terms of the team, so his access is no more than that a fan.  His knowledge of the game as it was 40 years ago isn't all that pertinent and it couldn't be more obvious that Namath is just trying to stay relevant.  This is no great defense of Rex either, just the fact that at this point, Namath's opinion is no different than anyone else's.


People who think he's wealthy and doesn't need these spots on ESPN and is an innocent guy who just keeps getting asked questions... Where does he have so much money from at this point in his life, and why does he have quotes every week?  Namath wants all of this.  No question.


This is the same person who thinks Mark Sanchez is a good Football player.

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While I agree that being from Rex Ryan Coaching Tree wouldn't help him, I disagree with your take that Joe is wrong about Pettine.  Pettine made it very clear that he had zero interest in returning to the Jets early on.  If he just wanted to move up, he would have said something to that extent, and maybe not have been so adamant about not returning.  I think his leaving had everything to do with Rex's lack of discipline, with his continuing to trot Sanchez out there, to his cluelessness about offense, to the circus atmosphere that Rex has created.  Pettine's father is/was  HC.  Pettine has been a HC before.  He's more no-nonsense, and more disciplined and cerebral than Rex could ever hope to be.


My opinion is Pettine has to do something on his own as a DC out from the shadow of being Rex's puppet DC first.  The credit and attention for everything good that would have happened with the Jets D would have been given to Rex.  Not to mention, if the team goes through a bad patch on D then Rex will just take the playcalling away from Pettine (again).


Conversely, if Buffalo's D is nasty this year the credit will go to Pettine.  He won't have to share that spotlight/kudos with Rex Ryan, and will be given the opportunity to right his own ship there.  


I get that Rex does/says a lot of foolish things, but everyone who's ever played for Rex or coached with him has only gushed about Ryan's smarts on D.  The picture of Rex is an affable fool who couldn't coach or gameplan on defense on the same level as Pettine is not so believable.  Particularly when there's a history of Rex stripping playcalling away from Pettine and the defense immediately improving.


Pettine's leaving was a career move to make a name for himself at the NFL level. He knew Rex from before and came over with Rex from Baltimore so I don't think it's Pettine's professional disrespect of Rex.  I think Pettine's biggest issue with the team was with the personnel that Tannenbaum assembled and that the Jets were locked into heading to 2013 (not to mention they were about to lose half the starting D, including the best defensive player they'll ever get their hands on).  Rex had been (and still is) rumored to be a dead man walking as HC.  If he stuck around and Rex was fired after a so-so season (particularly with a mediocre defense after the personnel was gutted), then Pettine wouldn't be fielding DC offers.  Even from the Bills. 


It was a career move and, if he believes in himself + is truly capable, a smart one.  If there was bad blood between him & Rex then Rex wouldn't have re-offered him the job again this year.

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My opinion is Pettine has to do something on his own as a DC out from the shadow of being Rex's puppet DC first.  The credit and attention for everything good that would have happened with the Jets D would have been given to Rex.  Not to mention, if the team goes through a bad patch on D then Rex will just take the playcalling away from Pettine (again).


Conversely, if Buffalo's D is nasty this year the credit will go to Pettine.  He won't have to share that spotlight/kudos with Rex Ryan, and will be given the opportunity to right his own ship there.  


I get that Rex does/says a lot of foolish things, but everyone who's ever played for Rex or coached with him has only gushed about Ryan's smarts on D.  The picture of Rex is an affable fool who couldn't coach or gameplan on defense on the same level as Pettine is not so believable.  Particularly when there's a history of Rex stripping playcalling away from Pettine and the defense immediately improving.


Pettine's leaving was a career move to make a name for himself at the NFL level. He knew Rex from before and came over with Rex from Baltimore so I don't think it's Pettine's professional disrespect of Rex.  I think Pettine's biggest issue with the team was with the personnel that Tannenbaum assembled and that the Jets were locked into heading to 2013 (not to mention they were about to lose half the starting D, including the best defensive player they'll ever get their hands on).  Rex had been (and still is) rumored to be a dead man walking as HC.  If he stuck around and Rex was fired after a so-so season (particularly with a mediocre defense after the personnel was gutted), then Pettine wouldn't be fielding DC offers.  Even from the Bills. 


It was a career move and, if he believes in himself + is truly capable, a smart one.  If there was bad blood between him & Rex then Rex wouldn't have re-offered him the job again this year.


While I get what you're saying about Pettine wanting to make a name for himself, and agree that there's some validity to that.  I also think that everything you said about credit for the D, the personnel, and Rex probably getting the axe is probably true.  After that is where we deviate.  I think you misunderstood my points.


I wasn't saying that Pettine is a better DC or defensive mind than Rex, but rather that he will probably be a better HC because he's more disciplined, balanced, and has that background.  He would probably be closer to Mangini than Rex in terms of how he handled the players and team.  


I also wasn't saying that there's bad blood between Rex and Pettine.  I think out of their past friendship and appreciation to Rex for giving him the opportunity to be a DC, he didn't say anything bad about or probably to Rex.  I think he kept his dissatisfaction and frustration to himself.  I could be wrong, but everything I've ever read about Pettine and his background tells me that he wouldn't be able to stand the circus that Rex created around the Jets.  I think his leaving was precipitated by his desire to separate himself from that circus and a deteriorating situation with the Jets before his image became tarnished and too closely identified with the mess. His leaving on his own volition, rather than being fired, sends the signal that he didn't agree with everything that was going on with the Jets, is his own man and leaves him with a better profile/resume.  With Revis probably leaving, and every possibility that Rex and his staff would be getting fired within a year, I think that put the final nails in the coffin of his time with the Jets. 

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they humiliated Namath with philbin


philbin : we named joe captain only hoping he'd grow up and start taking care of the ball


next scene


Namath : it was an honor to be named captain




Namath had a great arm, but he should keep his mouth shut.  he's still living off a SB he nothing to do with winning, and morrall probably threw for the mob.  ask colts end bubba smith


Nothing to do with winning?  OMG.  You should just shut up already because you're showing how ignorant you are.

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they humiliated Namath with philbin


philbin : we named joe captain only hoping he'd grow up and start taking care of the ball


next scene


Namath : it was an honor to be named captain




Namath had a great arm, but he should keep his mouth shut.  he's still living off a SB he nothing to do with winning, and morrall probably threw for the mob.  ask colts end bubba smith


 I tried but...



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It seems being a "players coach" only works on one side of the ball. Not sure how that works, but if our offense was as good as our D, we'd be in the Super Bowl four years running.


I also think he's discounting the first two years to serve his argument. Is he saying it took Rex two years to ruin the team after taking them where they hadn't been since Parcells? And if they were ruined, again, how can that only happen on one side of the ball? How can being a "players coach" not absolutely destroy one side of the balls will to win in the face of being forced to trot back onto the field time and time again, their first sip of gatorade still on their lips after the other side of the ball (the side that was apparently ruined by the players coach) either turned it over or went three and out? I don't buy it. Not at all.


Joe's condemnation of Rex coincidentally serves his support of Sanchez. Win-Win.

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The only way Rex being a "players coach" hurt the team is his love affair with Mark Sanchez.

The turning point in Rex's career was the Eagles game where Santonio humiliated the franchise and Rex did nothing about it. If you look at the records, it's a direct nose dive from that game on.

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