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Dia de Muerto - Mafia Win


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Working as intended, then.






OMFG the game is not about you, dipsh*t.  Gameplays are not made with you in mind.  Like, ever.  Let that sink in.


You voting me is not what will be the final tell from you.  I'm not actually going to tell you what it is, but your lame attempt is noted.


And my position on you doesn't shift in the slightest.  There's no "was sure".  I am sure.  I'm just waiting for that final tell which I think will be successful in showing everybody else what I'm seeing.  That's why I said you won't be able to influence anything now.  Which probably made you think this sh*t revolves around you, hehe.


That last bold is hysterical.  Again about you.  The "downshift" was because I felt Wombat was a better lynch at that time, and more people were seeing it.  I think he's been defending you pretty hardcore and is also scum.



Once again, that's not what I said you epic ****.


I said you'll tell us what that tell is and say "gotcha" the minute I vote you again. Until I vote you again, you are just giving a bullsh*t reason to move on from me. In other words, I'm ONLY scum if I'm pressuring you. You are playing for self-preservation, like typical scum.


All game long you've done nothing but twist sh*t up.


My guess, knowing all these items would get passed out, is you figured the more townies that have to jump and scream the more townies that make themselves look bad and get shot. Explains why both you and Nolder have been scum trolling. Good strategy. Bait townies into arguing themselves into getting shot by dumb townies.

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I'm only really calling this out because of how I'm trying to prove Ape is scum.....but you like to say this when you are scum.  The statement of needing to reread a player and basically "kicking the can down the road" a little to avoid having to take a stance on a teammate.


For the record, I'm not saying this makes you scum......but it is fueling my uncertainty about you right now.


Ooh, the promise of "lynch Ape, and it'll get you Leelou too". 


Can't get me lynched with your bullsh*t case, so you are offering the incentive of a 2-for-1. Subtle, yet manipulative.



Vote Verbal

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Dude you know I very rarely vote you as scum because so many other people do and you are a tuff one for me to read..   Hell I was going to kill Wombat instead because I felt like 80 and Leelou railroaded you.  But the SMC call out was a little much. You went from defending to grasping at straws. 


Don't know why you downplay your ability - this is a good callout.





Once again, that's not what I said you epic ****.


I said you'll tell us what that tell is and say "gotcha" the minute I vote you again. Until I vote you again, you are just giving a bullsh*t reason to move on from me. In other words, I'm ONLY scum if I'm pressuring you. You are playing for self-preservation, like typical scum.


All game long you've done nothing but twist sh*t up.


My guess, knowing all these items would get passed out, is you figured the more townies that have to jump and scream the more townies that make themselves look bad and get shot. Explains why both you and Nolder have been scum trolling. Good strategy. Bait townies into arguing themselves into getting shot by dumb townies.


Wow, you didn't read what I said.  I specifically said you voting me was not it.  Damn.


You are not only scum when you're pressuring me.  It started the other way around - you've only been reacting.  That is another bad sign, btw.  A retaliating Ape is a scummy Ape.  A bull in a china shop IDGAF Ape is a town Ape.  You can easily see which you've been so far.


And the playing for self-preservation thing is pretty rich.  Yeah, I went after the biggest loudmouth this mafia community has ever known on D1 so that I could protect my scummy ass.  Yeah, that's it.  Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?  Keep talking - more people will start to see what I see.


And whoa - what do you mean by the blue?  This is the land of the "for the lulz" vig shot - you actually think people that put themselves out there or make themselves look bad are the prime targets?  When has that ever been the case here?

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Ooh, the promise of "lynch Ape, and it'll get you Leelou too". 


Can't get me lynched with your bullsh*t case, so you are offering the incentive of a 2-for-1. Subtle, yet manipulative.



Vote Verbal




I specifically said it doesn't make her scum.  Where did I offer a promise?  Dude, you are really reaching far here.  I held off for a bit, and you can't help but keep pushing ahead and ahead, and now you're starting to slip a bit.


I'm enjoying this.  Please, carry on.

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Don't know why you downplay your ability - this is a good callout.






Wow, you didn't read what I said.  I specifically said you voting me was not it.  Damn.


You are not only scum when you're pressuring me.  It started the other way around - you've only been reacting.  That is another bad sign, btw.  A retaliating Ape is a scummy Ape.  A bull in a china shop IDGAF Ape is a town Ape.  You can easily see which you've been so far.


And the playing for self-preservation thing is pretty rich.  Yeah, I went after the biggest loudmouth this mafia community has ever known on D1 so that I could protect my scummy ass.  Yeah, that's it.  Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?  Keep talking - more people will start to see what I see.


And whoa - what do you mean by the blue?  This is the land of the "for the lulz" vig shot - you actually think people that put themselves out there or make themselves look bad are the prime targets?  When has that ever been the case here?


I didn't ******* say otherwise, you're god damn ******* stupid.


I'm saying that the minute I vote you again,  you'll pretend you've seen me do whatever the new tell is, and snap right back into OMGUS mode.


Self-preservation thing is well-known townie strategy. SHocked you are denying it. CTM uses it all the time. There's no question you know exactly what Im talking about.


I retaliate no matter what my alignment is. Not a tell. 



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Wombat - Playing games last night and threw in "I'm only voting you for self preservation"..  like he knew I'd flip town.


Actually, it's because I'm ambivalent on you and think you might flip town.  You'll notice I switched my read on you to "mixed" and haven't voted you since.

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Wondering why SMC is getting a free pass.  I realize he doesn't have the time he used to but his posts have had zero substance or been ninja votes with no attached reason. 


I understand not being around as much but I don't understand the one or 2 word posts followed by quick votes on me.  Lazy.


Nolder -  Digging for info..  tried to set up a speed lynch last night under false pretenses.  Playing dumb with what the OP stated.


80 - I don't even care what he is.  What I do know is he's on a mission from god to get a townie lynched.  and he's being a dick about it.


Wombat - Playing games last night and threw in "I'm only voting you for self preservation"..  like he knew I'd flip town.


SMC - Fancies himself a thinker yet he's done nothing but plop an occasional small turd on thread then disappeared.

What are you referring to here?

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LMAO this is pathetic.



Both true statements. The first game I play on DM, I think, I caught Nolder creeping out to defend BlackWorm (or some dumb name like that) who I had pegged as scum on page 1. I then pegged Nolder as his mate, and one other guy as their mate as well. Nolder went on a troll campaign to try and get all 3 of them out of it, but I was right as rain. 


I strongly feel I'll be spot on this time with him as well.


Before the champions game I was playing about as good as I ever have, and I think I had an over 50% scum ping rate on D1 is all those games. It wasn't until I got burned out on the champs game and then Pac's game that I started playing like poo. Taking a break for the draft helped, I feel fresh and I feel pretty confident in my reads.


Probably Blackhoof.  Only time the dude doesn't get lynched D1 is when he gets Hodor post restrictions.

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I didn't ******* say otherwise, you're god damn ******* stupid.


I'm saying that the minute I vote you again,  you'll pretend you've seen me do whatever the new tell is, and snap right back into OMGUS mode.


Self-preservation thing is well-known townie strategy. SHocked you are denying it. CTM uses it all the time. There's no question you know exactly what Im talking about.


I retaliate no matter what my alignment is. Not a tell. 




You dense primate.....listen.  I'm saying the bold is NOT what will occur.  The tell is something that I'll be able to confirm later.  Right now is not later.  It isn't even something you'll do.....it is something you won't do.  Still not going to tell you, lol.


And self-preservation arguing with you is NOT a scum ploy, you ******* dope.  It is a town self-preservation ploy - you've stated that many times over the years in regards to how CTM plays off you.  To avoid NKs on you both because he thinks you're town.  Hell, I think you even covered that topic in this game yesterday.


Are you now implying I'm town because of that?  Heh, didn't think so....

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Don't worry about it..  truth be told I've been stressing about this stupid dog and cat potentially peeing all over my house when they meet.  I'm sort of a neat freak so I've been reading countless hours of how to make this work..  how to house train the dog in as little time as possible..  how to make my emotional girlfriend not ruin this dog by showering it with love at all the wrong times.  We've been bickering to arguing for 2 ******* weeks because every time I tell her what I've read, she tries to poke holes in it.  It's stupid.


I put a conservative estimate of 15 hours of reading and $300 plus in ridiculous things I've purchased.  I don't even want to admit some of them and I'm shameless lol.


The key to a good dog is simple. Walk it a lot. They need the mental stimulation. Oh, and buy chew toys. Lots of chew toys. 

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I specifically said it doesn't make her scum.  Where did I offer a promise?  Dude, you are really reaching far here.  I held off for a bit, and you can't help but keep pushing ahead and ahead, and now you're starting to slip a bit.


I'm enjoying this.  Please, carry on.


No, you liar. Saying "it doesn't make her scum" is a definitive statement. Here is what you said...


I'm only really calling this out because of how I'm trying to prove Ape is scum.....but you like to say this when you are scum.  The statement of needing to reread a player and basically "kicking the can down the road" a little to avoid having to take a stance on a teammate.


For the record, I'm not saying this makes you scum......but it is fueling my uncertainty about you right now.

You say it's a scum tell for her, then say it doesn't necessarily make her scum, then say "BUT" it's fueling uncertainty. This is NOT definitive.
This is part hedging, and part connecting Ape and Leelou to each other. Which builds incentive to get me lynched, if people think "oh, if ape flips scum we will nab Leelou as scum too".
This. THIS is the type of thing I do as scum. This is precise and calculated. Something I haven't done at all in this game. 
You should be speed lynched. Now. 
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and there's a difference between reading and being active all game, and plopping easy votes on the guy who's been facing pressure for 2 days.  You're not even trying.


I kind of agree that SMC has been putting in lackluster effort.  Doesn't mean he's scum though.

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Vote Pac


Last night I was unsure because I liked alot of your earlier posts and knew I didn't want Verbal lynched.

Today you're a goner. As the pressure mounts you keep throwing wider and wider nets to hook stupid townies into a distraction.

Whoops Nolder is scum oh now it's SMC and omg why are you all voting me. Wombats probably scum but at least he didn't go full retard.

Good night and RIP scumbag,

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Mock outrage? If you were so eager for death, why didn't you hammer before the deadline?

I tried to stay up for it. I made it until 4 or 5ish then I knocked out in front of my computer. Woke up around 1030 and realized I fell asleep so went back to sleep since it didn't matter anymore. Not that I was willing to change my vote at the time anyway, I wont lie. But I did plan on being around.

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You dense primate.....listen.  I'm saying the bold is NOT what will occur.  The tell is something that I'll be able to confirm later.  Right now is not later.  It isn't even something you'll do.....it is something you won't do.  Still not going to tell you, lol.


And self-preservation arguing with you is NOT a scum ploy, you ******* dope.  It is a town self-preservation ploy - you've stated that many times over the years in regards to how CTM plays off you.  To avoid NKs on you both because he thinks you're town.  Hell, I think you even covered that topic in this game yesterday.


Are you now implying I'm town because of that?  Heh, didn't think so....


Jesus ******* christ.

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I think it's funny that Ape and Wombat keep repeating their Verbal/Nolder mantra. Especially since I haven't really engaged the Ape for a couple days now.

The argument is pointless and I'm done engaging in it as long as he doesn't throw any jabs to suck me back in. But you know whatever I'm the big bad distraction keeping you guys from scumhunting. lol

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