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Marvel vs. DC Mafia


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Not sure I have notice that., Best point so far. Better than your last bullcrap blatanlty nonsense. OK.

Let's do this,

unvote vote Lilly

I'm still in lizzie mode. This is classic buddying.

Lmao. I'm done.

unvote vote lily

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Holy Crap that was like 7 jokes ago. by the way. You still interested in slipping and sliding down my butt crack?

Damn, bro. 80 ain't even the mod of the game. I'm just playing with you. But, yeah I wanna get up in there.

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Two heroes dead to one damn dirty scum.  The heroes of this universe still had the upper hand, but time was growing short and the list of bodies grew longer.  It’s at times like this that a hero – nay – all beings must dig deep and look within themselves.  Some believe the answer is calculated strategy.  Others, brute force.  For one hero in particular, there were many things to live by.


One of her favorites -- everybody gets one.


That was Lilian of the Forests motto.  Everyone gets one save.  Everyone gets one post each day phase (except Verb, who no one misses).  And, in the of 80’s earlier meme every dead guy gets one good joke.


Many names came up after daybreak.  Some of you claimed to have the ability to see things others could not, even claiming to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that one hero was truly of this universe.  Some heroes appeared skeptical, while others embraced this potential leader.


Others…like Darthe the Destroyer of Hope and Verbal the Stanley Cup Man were le tired.  So they were taking a nap, or something.  No one really knew, and no one really cared.


So after bickering back and forth for a short period of time, it was Lady Lily whose name was called to come forth.  She proclaimed her innocence though she offered up herself as a sacrifice if it helped save the people of the world.  She had hoped this would be her one save – the one thing she could say that would prove her innocence.


Fortunately for Lady Lily, The Arsonist believed everybody gets one.  Unfortunately for Lady Lily, that one was one raging fire.  The Arsonist was an agent of chaos, you see…and he just wanted to see the world burn.  Or, in this case…the forest from which Lady Lily came.


The heroes need not beat or bash Lily of the Forest, as she fell to the ground crying…her spirit one with the land.  Tears in her eyes, she beckoned over to the heroes to say just one last thing…


“With great power comes great responsibility.  It is up to you now….


my friends…”


And with that, she was gone.


Lilian of the Forest, The Amazing Spiderman (vanilla town), was dead!!!!


It is now night.

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Two heroes dead to one damn dirty scum.  The heroes of this universe still had the upper hand, but time was growing short and the list of bodies grew longer.  It’s at times like this that a hero – nay – all beings must dig deep and look within themselves.  Some believe the answer is calculated strategy.  Others, brute force.  For one hero in particular, there were many things to live by.


One of her favorites -- everybody gets one.


That was Lilian of the Forests motto.  Everyone gets one save.  Everyone gets one post each day phase (except Verb, who no one misses).  And, in the of 80’s earlier meme every dead guy gets one good joke.


Many names came up after daybreak.  Some of you claimed to have the ability to see things others could not, even claiming to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that one hero was truly of this universe.  Some heroes appeared skeptical, while others embraced this potential leader.


Others…like Darthe the Destroyer of Hope and Verbal the Stanley Cup Man were le tired.  So they were taking a nap, or something.  No one really knew, and no one really cared.


So after bickering back and forth for a short period of time, it was Lady Lily whose name was called to come forth.  She proclaimed her innocence though she offered up herself as a sacrifice if it helped save the people of the world.  She had hoped this would be her one save – the one thing she could say that would prove her innocence.


Fortunately for Lady Lily, The Arsonist believed everybody gets one.  Unfortunately for Lady Lily, that one was one raging fire.  The Arsonist was an agent of chaos, you see…and he just wanted to see the world burn.  Or, in this case…the forest from which Lady Lily came.


The heroes need not beat or bash Lily of the Forest, as she fell to the ground crying…her spirit one with the land.  Tears in her eyes, she beckoned over to the heroes to say just one last thing…


“With great power comes great responsibility.  It is up to you now….


my friends…”


And with that, she was gone.


Lilian of the Forest, The Amazing Spiderman (vanilla town), was dead!!!!


It is now night.



That was beautiful.

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For those that keep records:




Lily (7): Leelou, Pac, LK, Nol, Smash, Crusher, Arsis

Crusher (1): JC

JC (1): Lily


Not Voting (3): Wom, Darthe, Verb


With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. 

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Whoever they are should nut up and register and sign up for the next game. They can't be any worse than you and I. Lmao




I think it has something to do with the Facebook and the evil twitter.  


I thought it had something to do with Oprah, honestly.


No chance.  Mark Sanchez doesn't have weaponz.


:rl :rl :rl :rl: :rl: POTW

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