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Marvel vs. DC Mafia


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Which, will still validate the scenario I laid out. I guess we'll see.


So if Smash dies tonight, that will certainly make things interesting.

The only way he dies tonight is if the scum guess right and RB the Doc or the Doc is an idiot and protects himself.  With the Doc hidden we should get another night out of Smash. 

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The only way he dies tonight is if the scum guess right and RB the Doc or the Doc is an idiot and protects himself. With the Doc hidden we should get another night out of Smash.

That's if a doc exists. If there was a tracker, a role cop, and 10 townies, then there is not really balance if there is a doc.

Edit. I should've said 9 townies. No points for a vig

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That's if a doc exists. If there was a tracker, a role cop, and 10 townies, then there is not really balance if there is a doc.

Edit. I should've said 9 townies. No points for a vig

OMG Dude.  I have played nearly 100 games of maifa and unless its the weirdest crackhead set up i have ever seen.  We have a Doc and a sane cop,.  Please stop.  AVM is a great mod with Awesomevm scenes but not the mad scientist type like DPR.  Trust Crusher.,  This type of guessing silly setups is something scum or the dumb do.  Not solid town players, 

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OMG Dude. I have played nearly 100 games of maifa and unless its the weirdest crackhead set up i have ever seen. We have a Doc and a sane cop,. Please stop. AVM is a great mod with Awesomevm scenes but not the mad scientist type like DPR. Trust Crusher., This type of guessing silly setups is something scum or the dumb do. Not solid town players,

You're overlooking something. If a rb blocked the cop, the tracker, if alive at this point, could still visit scum and potentially get results, even on a godfather. To have a doc in the town would seriously hurt the scum balance. Doc would keep protecting one until the doc was finally identified and killed. That's a lot of power on the town. And then on top of all that, you are positive he's a sane cop? Scum would need another power role.

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The only way he dies tonight is if the scum guess right and RB the Doc or the Doc is an idiot and protects himself.  With the Doc hidden we should get another night out of Smash. 


oh so you scum?


If scum had a RBer Smash wouldn't have gotten a result last night.

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You're overlooking something. If a rb blocked the cop, the tracker, if alive at this point, could still visit scum and potentially get results, even on a godfather. To have a doc in the town would seriously hurt the scum balance. Doc would keep protecting one until the doc was finally identified and killed. That's a lot of power on the town. And then on top of all that, you are positive he's a sane cop? Scum would need another power role

I have never modded and know very little about balance.,   All I know is after playing a lot of games here and and at DM most games have a sane cop and Doc.  There are variations but the mod makes it clear at the begining if the game is going to be little off,  Like we played a Police Academy game that featured different snities for the cops in the game.  It was as muich about finding scum as it was figuring out sanities.  but, again, everyone knew this going into the game and it became evident very quickly.  Mods usuaklly dont blindside you with a cop sanity and no Doc.,  Well,, Jack or Nolder may or even Verb.  but Verb will cackle and declare himself a bastard mode.  Trust me.  His Wheels of sucking dick game made me want to kill him. 

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oh so you scum?


If scum had a RBer Smash wouldn't have gotten a result last night.

Dude  Im having a retarded conversation with LK.  Trying to help him understand something and Im failing miserably.,  You calling me scum is as good as being a confirmed townie at this point. 


You truly suck at this game



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So in a game with a cop and a tracker, what's the scum balance... Godfather and role blocker?


Read the following at DM... If we had insane/role cop(4), tracker(2) and 6 vt(1), then a GF(-7), RB(-3) and regular goon(-1) would just about almost balance.


So here's what I'm thinking all along.... We haven't proven Smash's sanity yet... This is why i think people think your scum Smash IMO because you revealed without better idea of your sanity

Anyway I think if he were the true sane cop, and our tracker was alive, we would be too strong tonight so I'm not so sure Smash is sane.


Pac- If Smash isn't sane, he's cleared Pac now. On D1 Pac didn't even post. On N1 he recapped after the lynch. On D2 Pac voted Lily as'blatant scum' second to Leelou. On N2 he just pushed JC. At minimum I'd like to hear more out of Pac. This is not scum hunting.




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oh so you scum?


If scum had a RBer Smash wouldn't have gotten a result last night.



This is a good point....so if I'm wrong on the RB i still think the following give some decent insight



80 says about Leelou:

Leelou's game-related contributions thus far.






Yeah, yeah.  D1 BSing.  Don't care.  My top 2 are Smash and Leelou.  

Then Hallia defend her with:


What do you think about others doing the same? Why single them out in particular?



Darthe chimes in on page 11 with a "Leeou looks fine" ....based on literally nothing as quoted below

This just in: You're gay.






Why are you smelling them?  


Leelou looks fine this game IMO.  Just uninterested which she can be forgiven for considering how slowly this game is crawling along.  

Womby does look somewhat off here, mainly because he isn't being as aggressive as normal.  It strikes me that he is sitting back and watching what happens, something that doesn't bode well for his slot.

I like LK.

Ape is apish.  Null.




My best for scum after thinking further:




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Focus on this and respond after things clear up:


If there's a RB, and he blocks my cop every night, then please explain what's incorrect about me saying "our cop is effectively useless."


Smash said he got a result last night. So your argument is currently invalid. 

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I'd say it gained a little credibility when you tried to push suspicion of JC earlier for lurking, instead of Darthe even though both are playing the same game.



Not the point I was on JC early. He is scum.  Darthe is not a bad choice.  The point is you trying to diret the cops invstigationing is scummy.  no matter who is doing it or who you are ding it towards. 

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I also don't like how when the Lily train was L-3 after I jumped off your train, and onto hers, that Leelou (who was the original Lily vote) popped out and said "I'm getting town vibes from Crusher here." Interesting comment.


Lilly was also getting Town vibes from me.  how does that make you feel?  oh yea, nobody gives a **** what you like. 

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Not the point I was on JC early. He is scum.  Darthe is not a bad choice.  The point is you trying to diret the cops invstigationing is scummy.  no matter who is doing it or who you are ding it towards. 


Your initial vote on JC was on the below:



Vote Smash


Needs to play more in the early going...could also vote Lizzie...



You serious with this as being "parroting" per your initial vote? The Smash train was already 3 votes deep. You. JiF, and 80. Your rationale for voting JC there for parrotting literally could have applied to either 80 or JiF. You've been hard for JC all game based on this. Ya case is garbage.


You are scum. 

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And then you follow up with "Smash and or LK are scum." and yet you're dead to right positive on JC. Interesting stuff


Should hit you for parroting Wmbt with this too right?




Let's see if some of you a-holes will put your money where your mouths are.



Vote Lizard King



Unvote from my phone. Vote lk from my phone.

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Your initial vote on JC was on the below:




You serious with this as being "parroting" per your initial vote? The Smash train was already 3 votes deep. You. JiF, and 80. Your rationale for voting JC there for parrotting literally could have applied to either 80 or JiF. You've been hard for JC all game based on this. Ya case is garbage.


You are scum. 



No.  You are too retarded to understand my case. its not related to one thing you ******* imbecile,  It was his reaction to my CALLING HIM OUT and the pressure I put on him with a vote.  but again you are so ******* stupdi you have no idea of what is going on.  i should be tomorrows lynch just for talking to you during the night and polluting the thread with YOUR ABSOLUTLELY INANE RAMBLINGS THAT MAKE NO SENSE AND LITERALLY PAINFUL TO READ WITH THE SAME TORTUROUS EFFECT ON THE BRAIN AS LISTENING TO ROSANNE BARR SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. 



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No.  You are too retarded to understand my case. its not related to one thing you ******* imbecile,  It was his reaction to my CALLING HIM OUT and the pressure I put on him with a vote.  but again you are so ******* stupdi you have no idea of what is going on.  i should be tomorrows lynch just for talking to you during the night and polluting the thread with YOUR ABSOLUTLELY INANE RAMBLINGS THAT MAKE NO SENSE AND LITERALLY PAINFUL TO READ WITH THE SAME TORTUROUS EFFECT ON THE BRAIN AS LISTENING TO ROSANNE BARR SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. 




So you weren't parroting Wmbat on the above, is what you're saying.

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Well, it does look like that's a possibility to me. Do you blame me?

I can admit I may be wrong, I was going to include 80 in this group until he flipped tracker, but I'm not going to pretend I'm not suspicious of you when I am.

No benefit in playing the sneaky game for me. Why don't you think I'm paying attention btw? You keep saying that.


I didn't suggest we lynch him today.


Actually that bothers me more.

Crusher usually makes a fat joke and tells me to **** off.

The fact that he's putting this much effort into defending himself is not normal.


It's like everyone up and forgot how to play without the Ape around jfc.

He's still an uncountered cop. I may not believe him but even if he's lying his "reads" may still prove useful and until he calls someone guilty he's not threatening anyone. I am ok with leaving him alive until maybe D4 or something. We've already got 1 scum so odds are in our favor atm imo.


Because it's sh*t.

It was unnecessary, it was abnormal, and it's contrasted by a dead tracker.

There isn't really any reason to believe it besides some kind of gut check or meta read imo.

Detached logic should dictate he's more likely to be lying than telling the truth.




If you don't believe the claimed Cop, then you think he is either:


1.  Lying town, which makes no sense at this point, or

2.  Lying scum, which means you should be listing him as scum even if you don't want to vote him yet.





Leelou feels kinda scummy right now.  80 was tunneling her hard and then got killed.  Then as soon as day starts, Leelou votes Lily.  Seems a bit like she was orchestrating things there.  Anyway, that's all I got for now and it's kinda thin.  We're gonna need to do some actual work tomorrow.


Your fake-Ape catchup looks like sh*t.





So in a game with a cop and a tracker, what's the scum balance... Godfather and role blocker?


Read the following at DM... If we had insane/role cop(4), tracker(2) and 6 vt(1), then a GF(-7), RB(-3) and regular goon(-1) would just about almost balance.


So here's what I'm thinking all along.... We haven't proven Smash's sanity yet... This is why i think people think your scum Smash IMO because you revealed without better idea of your sanity

Anyway I think if he were the true sane cop, and our tracker was alive, we would be too strong tonight so I'm not so sure Smash is sane.


Pac- If Smash isn't sane, he's cleared Pac now. On D1 Pac didn't even post. On N1 he recapped after the lynch. On D2 Pac voted Lily as'blatant scum' second to Leelou. On N2 he just pushed JC. At minimum I'd like to hear more out of Pac. This is not scum hunting.

Leelou- 80 started a train on Leelou and died that night. She was blind on Hallia and first on Lily. She's scummy but in a visible way. she didn't like my bogus reveal either. Said I didn't have the balls. GF?


Darthe- literally useless this game. If I'm right about them having a RB and us not having a cop anymore due to that RB, he's a perfect candidate right now if he doesn't start talking.

Verbal ....null. He defended Hallia in favor of me against logic. He laid a vote on 80,D1 and didn't move. Didn't vote D2. I don't like Verbals non-vote but the following post was good on D2 "Then why wasn't Smash on your list to lynch?  If you don't believe him, he's scum.....so why omit him from your list?"

Unfortunately with a claimed cop and aRB the cop is basically useless. Scum don't have to play much they're unviewable

Those are my best for scum. We have to do this basically vanilla now


Never read that thread again.  There is a reason I never stickied it on my mafia forum.





Wow that's bad, even for you. If there's a RB, and he blocks my cop every night, then please explain what's incorrect about me saying "our cop is effectively useless."


Why are you suddenly all about a RBer?





I have never modded and know very little about balance.,   All I know is after playing a lot of games here and and at DM most games have a sane cop and Doc.  There are variations but the mod makes it clear at the begining if the game is going to be little off,  Like we played a Police Academy game that featured different snities for the cops in the game.  It was as muich about finding scum as it was figuring out sanities.  but, again, everyone knew this going into the game and it became evident very quickly.  Mods usuaklly dont blindside you with a cop sanity and no Doc.,  Well,, Jack or Nolder may or even Verb.  but Verb will cackle and declare himself a bastard mode.  Trust me.  His Wheels of sucking dick game made me want to kill him. 


<3 you


I still laugh about that "punch Verb in the face for a dollar" thread. 

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So you weren't parroting Wmbat on the above, is what you're saying.



If you read I said in a post that the parroting was 50% joking and 50% a move.   His ******* reaction is what clinched it for me a&#036;&#036;hole.  Notice the only thing he has done this game is come after me after I voted him.  he was no place to be found during the lilly lynch and I called him o9ut as lurking ansd he never responded that.  but dont worry about that focus on one statement you ******* ignorant troll.  **** YOU

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No.  You are too retarded to understand my case. its not related to one thing you ******* imbecile,  It was his reaction to my CALLING HIM OUT and the pressure I put on him with a vote.  but again you are so ******* stupdi you have no idea of what is going on.  i should be tomorrows lynch just for talking to you during the night and polluting the thread with YOUR ABSOLUTLELY INANE RAMBLINGS THAT MAKE NO SENSE AND LITERALLY PAINFUL TO READ WITH THE SAME TORTUROUS EFFECT ON THE BRAIN AS LISTENING TO ROSANNE BARR SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. 




Welcome to my world (and Leelou's) from last game.  hehe

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