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Marvel vs. DC Mafia


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Dude your not even ******* trying.  All of a sudden jetscode is town so Im automatically sccum.  Wow dude.  Zero effort on your part.  Glad I bust my balls this game.  A lot of fun. I put in the best effort I can and get voted off by people who are barely playing.  Whatever you idiots win





**** the town.. go scum



unvote vote crusher




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8. The magical JC- Magically he turned himself into a Dick right before our eyes
9. Mega-Nolderp- Yes a big giant Dick
12. Darthe, destroyer of hope, hope of having good game, dick
13. Verbal AKA Stanley Cup Man, He forgets to shoot, he doesnt score, he is a dick
14. Pac-Man-Wakka  Wakka Wakka, he is a cocka cocka cocka

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8. The magical JC- Magically he turned himself into a Dick right before our eyes

9. Mega-Nolderp- Yes a big giant Dick

12. Darthe, destroyer of hope, hope of having good game, dick

13. Verbal AKA Stanley Cup Man, He forgets to shoot, he doesnt score, he is a dick

14. Pac-Man-Wakka Wakka Wakka, he is a cocka cocka cocka

I'm quoting this for the pm to max. Lmao.

Crusher is on a role. Scum meltdowns are always fun.

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List of Dicks that put no time into AwesomeVM's game


1. Jetscode

2. Pac

3. Darthe

4. Verbal

5. Nolder


Yeah I'm guilty of that but you should see this completely revamped home theater I've been piecing together on ebay and amazon..  I've been obsessed with it the last couple weeks.  Reading reviews, bargain hunting, reading hours and hours and hours of the avs forum...  it's fun..  but I'm just about at the point where I'll be happy when it's done.  All I need is one more surround speaker and a center..  the rest is en route.. 


oh and I've been selling off my old stuff on ebay and craigslist..  that's been time consuming as well.

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Dude your not even ******* trying.  All of a sudden jetscode is town so Im automatically sccum.  Wow dude.  Zero effort on your part.  Glad I bust my balls this game.  A lot of fun. I put in the best effort I can and get voted off by people who are barely playing.  Whatever you idiots win





**** the town.. go scum



unvote vote crusher


Town crusher would have threatened to kick my ass.

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1. The Lovely Leelou
2. The Arsonist
4. The Smasher uncountered cop
5. The Amazing Human-Roadkill, Wombat
8. The magical JC cleared
9. Mega-Nolderp
11. Pac-man cleared
12. Darthe, destroyer of hope
13. Verbal AKA Stanley Cup Man
14. The Crusher

which leaves:


1. The Lovely Leelou
2. The Arsonist

5. The Amazing Human-Roadkill, Wombat

9. Mega-Nolderp

12. Darthe, destroyer of hope
13. Verbal AKA Stanley Cup Man
14. The Crusher


odds are 2 scum left and they should have some juice..  hallia was goon, right?


crush and nolder look pretty crappy..   wombat too..  verb hasn't really done jack sh-t either.  or leelou for that matter.  damn I want a lot of you dead.

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I have never modded and know very little about balance.,   All I know is after playing a lot of games here and and at DM most games have a sane cop and Doc.  There are variations but the mod makes it clear at the begining if the game is going to be little off,  Like we played a Police Academy game that featured different snities for the cops in the game.  It was as muich about finding scum as it was figuring out sanities.  but, again, everyone knew this going into the game and it became evident very quickly.  Mods usuaklly dont blindside you with a cop sanity and no Doc.,  Well,, Jack or Nolder may or even Verb.  but Verb will cackle and declare himself a bastard mode.  Trust me.  His Wheels of sucking dick game made me want to kill him. 


I used and insane cop once.

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Yeah I'm guilty of that but you should see this completely revamped home theater I've been piecing together on ebay and amazon..  I've been obsessed with it the last couple weeks.  Reading reviews, bargain hunting, reading hours and hours and hours of the avs forum...  it's fun..  but I'm just about at the point where I'll be happy when it's done.  All I need is one more surround speaker and a center..  the rest is en route.. 


oh and I've been selling off my old stuff on ebay and craigslist..  that's been time consuming as well.

Fair enough. Sounds awesome dude. Personally I find it easier to go to Best Buy with my friend excited about this sh*t like you are andhe tells me what to buy. Then he comes over I cook for him and he hooks it all up. Then him and the kids geek out about how cool it is and I eat most of the food when they are not paying attention. Delicious.

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Yeah I'm guilty of that but you should see this completely revamped home theater I've been piecing together on ebay and amazon..  I've been obsessed with it the last couple weeks.  Reading reviews, bargain hunting, reading hours and hours and hours of the avs forum...  it's fun..  but I'm just about at the point where I'll be happy when it's done.  All I need is one more surround speaker and a center..  the rest is en route.. 


oh and I've been selling off my old stuff on ebay and craigslist..  that's been time consuming as well.

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Didn't like his catch up saying I was orchestrating things. I voted who I found scummy. Something seems slightly off with him.


First sentence is complete parroting of Verbal.  Last sentence is complete parroting of Darthe.


Vote Leelou

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Yeah I'm guilty of that but you should see this completely revamped home theater I've been piecing together on ebay and amazon..  I've been obsessed with it the last couple weeks.  Reading reviews, bargain hunting, reading hours and hours and hours of the avs forum...  it's fun..  but I'm just about at the point where I'll be happy when it's done.  All I need is one more surround speaker and a center..  the rest is en route.. 


oh and I've been selling off my old stuff on ebay and craigslist..  that's been time consuming as well.



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How many lurkers post today
How many JN mods are gay
Where were you when we were lynching scum?
Slowly catching up on thread
Faster than the derp is shed
Where were you while we were lynching scum?

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the derpslide
In a bacon supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the derpslide
In a bacon supernova
A bacon supernova in the sky

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