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Rex Ryan’s sad lament: I needed a Tom Brady

Ken Schroy

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Parcells took a turnover machine in Testaverde and actually had him operate in the manner that Parcells and team wanted the position to work.


Imagine that.



Yes, and it worked just as well when they went for round 2 in Dallas

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Parcells took a turnover machine in Testaverde and actually had him operate in the manner that Parcells and team wanted the position to work.


Imagine that.


Why cant every coach be like Bill Parcells?


And Vinny's best season was 2 years before he joined the Jets, with the Ravens under Ted Marchibroda.  I wonder if he's available?

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Parcells took a turnover machine in Testaverde and actually had him operate in the manner that Parcells and team wanted the position to work.


Imagine that.

2 years before the Tuna had Vinny he made the Pro Bowl with the Ravens with his only 4,000+ season and 33 td's.. The Tuna had Simms and in 1986 when they won the Bowl Simms had 21 tds and 22 picks.. I blame Rex..LOL

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I don't see the issue with this. He's had absolute crap at QB and as a result, he's had a mediocre run here. It could've been worse.


Dingbats were lauding Chip Kelly as a king maker / genius 4 months ago, how's that looking now with poo at QB and losing a dynamic threat on the outside? He looks up to Rex in terms of accomplishments in his first 2 years, way up.


I can probably think of a small handful of coaches who can win consistently without a top QB, and even someone like Parcells you have to wonder if he still could. The game has slanted so much towards the passing game that it might be all but impossible without the right guy under center. 


I'd take Chip Kelly over Rex Ryan anyday of the week and twice on Sunday.  


Its funny how the Rex proponents claim if only he had a QB , if only he had a better O . If only he didn't strong arm his way into #1 defensive picks year after year , maybe the offense would have been better. If only his hand picked OC's were better perhaps his offense would have been better. But more importantly if only the HC , the man who sets the direction of the team didn't get a woody over trying to impose a G&P mentality in a league that's highly favoring the pass then maybe just maybe -he'd still be our HC next year.

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^ got beat up / teased / bullied by a guy just like Rex in high school and college. Still not over it

^ him too, but he's been in college for 14 years working on his 3rd phd so the wounds are deeper. T0mShane dropped out Jr year to open a BetaMax rental business

I still get bullied a lot :(

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2 years before the Tuna had Vinny he made the Pro Bowl with the Ravens with his only 4,000+ season and 33 td's.. The Tuna had Simms and in 1986 when they won the Bowl Simms had 21 tds and 22 picks.. I blame Rex..LOL

Do you have any belief that an offense, not to say a QB can be directed by Rex Ryan?


Heck, I watched a Tony Sparano offense yesterday, and questioned, where was that with the Jets?


It seems any offensive player or coach withers as it it is mentored by Rex Ryan.

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He's got a cool offense that scores points because they run a play every 22 seconds.  




Best thing about living near Philly this week has been sports radio.  It's a carbon copy of Jets fans talking about Rex when Philly fans/hosts talk about Chip.  Literally change the word "offense" for "defense" and it's like people are reading off the same script. 


"We have the worst DB's in the NFL, how did Chip expect to beat anyone"


"Chip completely ignores one side of the ball and leaves his defense hung out to dry, all he cares about is offense"


"We had $20 million in cap room and we needed CB's but we signed nobody.  Look at our first round pick, he's a complete bust"


Actually heard one morning host say "Chip is the total opposite of Buddy Ryan when he was here.  All Buddy knew was defense, and all Chip knows is offense"


Yet all these Jets fans want Rex gone and would take Chip because he's so much better.  Two seasons, one playoff loss.  Yeah, he's incredible.

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Best thing about living near Philly this week has been sports radio.  It's a carbon copy of Jets fans talking about Rex when Philly fans/hosts talk about Chip.  Literally change the word "offense" for "defense" and it's like people are reading off the same script. 


"We have the worst DB's in the NFL, how did Chip expect to beat anyone"


"Chip completely ignores one side of the ball and leaves his defense hung out to dry, all he cares about is offense"


"We had $20 million in cap room and we needed CB's but we signed nobody.  Look at our first round pick, he's a complete bust"


Actually heard one morning host say "Chip is the total opposite of Buddy Ryan when he was here.  All Buddy knew was defense, and all Chip knows is offense"


Yet all these Jets fans want Rex gone and would take Chip because he's so much better.  Two seasons, one playoff loss.  Yeah, he's incredible.

What has Rex won, given more opportunity?

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Best thing about living near Philly this week has been sports radio.  It's a carbon copy of Jets fans talking about Rex when Philly fans/hosts talk about Chip.  Literally change the word "offense" for "defense" and it's like people are reading off the same script. 


"We have the worst DB's in the NFL, how did Chip expect to beat anyone"


"Chip completely ignores one side of the ball and leaves his defense hung out to dry, all he cares about is offense"


"We had $20 million in cap room and we needed CB's but we signed nobody.  Look at our first round pick, he's a complete bust"


Actually heard one morning host say "Chip is the total opposite of Buddy Ryan when he was here.  All Buddy knew was defense, and all Chip knows is offense"


Yet all these Jets fans want Rex gone and would take Chip because he's so much better.  Two seasons, one playoff loss.  Yeah, he's incredible.


Have they got to the part where they're claiming he's winning with Andy Reid's team?  Then the circle would be complete.

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What has Rex won, given more opportunity?


Rex won four playoff games in his first two full seasons.  Chip Kelly has won zero playoff games through is first two full seasons.  Both are trending downward, but only one of them has had post-season success. 

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Do you have any belief that an offense, not to say a QB can be directed by Rex Ryan?


Heck, I watched a Tony Sparano offense yesterday, and questioned, where was that with the Jets?


It seems any offensive player or coach withers as it it is mentored by Rex Ryan.

Did Chad ever throw for 26 tds under Herm,Mangini or Sparano?? Sanchez did plus ran for another 6 in 2011 under Rex.. I agree 100% that Rex does not pay attention to the offense so he's not a complete HC.. However he's far from the worst HC in the League. And blaming him for taking just D players?? Yet his first Draft was all offense and while his 1st rd picks after may have been D over all drafts from 2010-14 were offense. The worst mistake a HC made was the Tuna trading down and going D in 1997 when he could have had Manning.. Plus most of his drafts were D also and he really was the GM..

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Have they got to the part where they're claiming he's winning with Andy Reid's team?  Then the circle would be complete.


Not that exactly, but they are losing their sh*t over the fact that he traded DeSean Jackson because he was a "bad influence" but the offensive genius kept Riley 'the racist" cooper and paid him something like $25 mil so he could become a JAG w/ no DeSean to draw double coverage.

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Did Chad ever throw for 26 tds under Herm,Mangini or Sparano?? Sanchez did plus ran for another 6 in 2011 under Rex.. I agree 100% that Rex does not pay attention to the offense so he's not a complete HC.. However he's far from the worst HC in the League. And blaming him for taking just D players?? Yet his first Draft was all offense and while his 1st rd picks after may have been D over all drafts from 2010-14 were offense. The worst mistake a HC made was the Tuna trading down and going D in 1997 when he could have had Manning.. Plus most of his drafts were D also and he really was the GM..


Tuna's drafts were mostly terrible...passed on Orlando Pace to draft James Farrior who had one decent season as a Jet.

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Rex won four playoff games in his first two full seasons.  Chip Kelly has won zero playoff games through is first two full seasons.  Both are trending downward, but only one of them has had post-season success. 

And, if you are in the market of getting a team to the playoffs, but not being able to close it to the Big Game, I may say that Rex is your man, for a short period.


But, I do not believe that is the ultimate goal for most fans.

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Tuna's drafts were mostly terrible...passed on Orlando Pace to draft James Farrior who had one decent season as a Jet.

His reason for "passing" on Pace, was to recoup draft choices for which he himself was traded. He realized that he had a lot of re-building to do, and that one great player was not enough. On that venture, he was successful.


As far as Farrior, he had a very, very good career. Certainly justifiable based on the results of where (totality of career)  he was picked

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And, if you are in the market of getting a team to the playoffs, but not being able to close it to the Big Game, I may say that Rex is your man, for a short period.


But, I do not believe that is the ultimate goal for most fans.


I pointed out the fact that some fans say they would trade Rex for Chip.  You asked me to compare Rex to Chip.  I made you aware of the fact that Rex has won playoff games and Chip has not.  I'd prefer the coach who has proven he can win playoff games against  HOF QB's on the road over the guy who can't manage a single playoff win.  However, I realize this is due largely in part to the fact that I would like to see the Jets succeed and not everyone has that wish.

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His reason for "passing" on Pace, was to recoup draft choices for which he himself was traded. He realized that he had a lot of re-building to do, and that one great player was not enough. On that venture, he was successful.


As far as Farrior, he had a very, very good career. Certainly justifiable based on the results of where (totality of career)  he was picked


Yeah, when you put it that way, passing on Pace to get one good year out of Farrior was genius.

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Yeah, when you put it that way, passing on Pace to get one good year out of Farrior was genius.

I already told you, the move to bypass Pace was not to draft Farrior. It was to garner other picks  


The fact that Farrior was not used properly by the jets is not his fault. He had a very, very productive career.

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Did Chad ever throw for 26 tds under Herm,Mangini or Sparano?? Sanchez did plus ran for another 6 in 2011 under Rex.. I agree 100% that Rex does not pay attention to the offense so he's not a complete HC.. However he's far from the worst HC in the League. And blaming him for taking just D players?? Yet his first Draft was all offense and while his 1st rd picks after may have been D over all drafts from 2010-14 were offense. The worst mistake a HC made was the Tuna trading down and going D in 1997 when he could have had Manning.. Plus most of his drafts were D also and he really was the GM..


Fun fact; since 1967 when the Jets were #1 in passing, the Jets have never led in a single offensive category till 2009 when the Jets led the league in rushing.


So, under Rex Ryan, they've not only been #1 in an offensive category for the first time since 1967 they also had a QB break the franchise record for most TD's in a season.


Basically, Rex Ryan is the best offensive Head Coach the Jets have had since Weeb Ewbank. 

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Best thing about living near Philly this week has been sports radio.  It's a carbon copy of Jets fans talking about Rex when Philly fans/hosts talk about Chip.  Literally change the word "offense" for "defense" and it's like people are reading off the same script. 


"We have the worst DB's in the NFL, how did Chip expect to beat anyone"


"Chip completely ignores one side of the ball and leaves his defense hung out to dry, all he cares about is offense"


"We had $20 million in cap room and we needed CB's but we signed nobody.  Look at our first round pick, he's a complete bust"


Actually heard one morning host say "Chip is the total opposite of Buddy Ryan when he was here.  All Buddy knew was defense, and all Chip knows is offense"


Yet all these Jets fans want Rex gone and would take Chip because he's so much better.  Two seasons, one playoff loss.  Yeah, he's incredible.



Almost all fans are stupid and everyone of them thinks the grass is greener on the other side.

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Fun fact; since 1967 when the Jets were #1 in passing, the Jets have never led in a single offensive category till 2009 when the Jets led the league in rushing.


So, under Rex Ryan, they've not only been #1 in an offensive category for the first time since 1967 they also had a QB break the franchise record for most TD's in a season.


Basically, Rex Ryan is the best offensive Head Coach the Jets have had since Weeb Ewbank. 

Yup, if only we could have had about 20 other "Rex Type" players, we would be so dynasty.

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Based on the fact that its a league that favors offense. I don't care about Rex's playoff appearances from 6 years ago.


I favor brunettes, doesn't mean I'll take the brunette whose 160 with A cups over the blond whose 120 with  C cups...

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I already told you, the move to bypass Pace was not to draft Farrior. It was to garner other picks  


The fact that Farrior was not used properly by the jets is not his fault. He had a very, very productive career.


Agreed...great move.

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His reason for "passing" on Pace, was to recoup draft choices for which he himself was traded. He realized that he had a lot of re-building to do, and that one great player was not enough. On that venture, he was successful.


As far as Farrior, he had a very, very good career. Certainly justifiable based on the results of where (totality of career)  he was picked

He was the 8th player taken in 1997 did squat for the Jets and had 2 Pro Bowl seasons in a 15 year career for Pitt.. BTW in the Tuna's first 2 years 1997 and 1998 he had 25 picks..Other then the 1st and 3rd pick for Martin in 1998 he wasn't short on draft picks..

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