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Wildcard Weekend Playoff Games Thread


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I didn't waffled away from anything, my point is pretty straight forward. You're the one that seems to be hung up on the semantics side of it.


Again, Luck is special. He's the exception. He's the type of QB that gets taken #1 overall and nothing that happens is going to stop him from being great, aside from injury. Guys like Carr don't get drafted where they do without potential, but it's up to the organization that drafts them to take care of them so they can meet that potential. Guys like Carr get drafted every year early, guys like Luck get drafted once a decade if you're lucky. 


I don't think Carr had unrealized "greatness", but I don't think it's a stretch to say he didn't meet his potential given his draft position. He ended up being awful, whereas I'm sure in different circumstances he may have been half-decent. 


LOL. So every time you misspeak you blame it on semantics? There you go again. You spin so much you can't help yourself. 


I know what Carr's true potential was. He was given five chances with five different teams and they all saw nothing worth keeping.


So, back to the original original point, he was a terrible #1 pick by Casserly. 


"Half-decent" wouldn't have been enough to justify the pick, and the argument that others were to blame because "they let him get killed his whole career" is a pile of dung.  


Thank you. 

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LOL. So every time you misspeak you blame it on semantics? There you go again. You spin so much you can't help yourself. 


I know what Carr's true potential was. He was given five chances with five different teams and they all saw nothing worth keeping.


So, back to the original original point, he was a terrible #1 pick by Casserly. 


"Half-decent" wouldn't have been enough to justify the pick, and the argument that others were to blame because "they let him get killed his whole career" is a pile of dung.  


Thank you. 


Did you win?

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It was an excuse for Carr, they let him get killed his whole career. Tons of QBs never realize their potential because they get shell-shocked. Andrew Luck is the exception, not the norm. 


Any football fan should know this.


LOL, I guess I need a lesson in what "spin" means.


Here I am, originally making the point, and reiterating that same point, that Andrew Luck is a rare example of a QB that thrives despite the fact his team allows him to get pummeled. Citing David Carr as an example of the usual top QB pick that doesn't work out because he gets shell shocked, which has been the knock on Carr for over a decade. 


While you have parlayed it into a commentary on how you "knew" David Carr's true potential, and how it's a bad reflection on Casserly. 


Yeah, I'm the one spinning. I honestly cannot believe that this back-and-forth needed to happen as a result of me making the point that Andrew Luck is special. 


Convince yourself of whatever you need to, you seem to need this more than I do.

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The creepy blue shirt on light blue shirt hug on the right was sort of over-shadowed by Christie's grossness, but if you watch it, you can clearly see the point at which the guy in the light blur shirt decided this hug just turned into front-side dick grinding and is lasting too long. He tries to break it loose, and dark blue shirt gives him the obligatory hard pat on the back and cuts him loose... this whole scene is ******* ridiculous.

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