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Breaking Bad Mafia - Game Over


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A new new guy to scare off? Or is it new girl? Or new fake guy?

If he's a she pretending to be a he, tell it there's only one Dan and he/she can kindly GF his or herself.

Oh and hey Leelou <3

Personally Im hoping he eventually changes sex and marries somebody here like Dan X did.  That was awesome. 

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They've been the 3 most influential players in the game for different reasons.  Ape by playing similarly to last game when he was scum, JC for getting this much attention and Pac for basically avoiding playing (he laid a pretty lazy vote on Nyn before the votecount was re-set) while also demanding a pushed deadline.  He also supposedly pinged on one of Hess's scumtells for whatever its worth. 


Them being tied together will prove informative if we go with one of them today.


re-reading and holy crap this is disgusting..  I've been ignoring you the last couple days because I'm resisting the urge to destroy you on another day 1.  this crap about my "lazy vote" when I'm one of the only people that actually explained my vote is hard to ignore.


maybe you are scum or maybe you're just you..  either way it's no coincidence you're often the target of early lynches.

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Wait, wait... now when you flip I'll be "wrong" and I'm not scum? You're undermining your own counter-argument by making mistakes that acknowledge that you already know I'm town.


I already said I was town earlier in the thread. 


Getting desperate.


Nice try.


Stahp!  My flip only tells my alignment not yours...I'll still be town...you'll be wrong and scum.  Still spinning.  Please lynch him now.


Deliberately obtuse ^^^^

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Nice try.


Stahp!  My flip only tells my alignment not yours...I'll still be town...you'll be wrong and scum.  Still spinning.  Please lynch him now.


Deliberately obtuse ^^^^



I want you to be right in this but automatically declaring him scum is for rookies..  why is he scum...  why are you voting me?

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Oh sh*t. You ARE scum too. I wasn't sure until now.


"Doesn't understand" the votes on JC. LMFAO... You guys know how Pac plays as town right? This isn't it.


holy amateur hour..  this is a joke, right?

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So, by me being "lazy" I've chosen to take the lead on coming after you, a person that is NOT easy to lynch, on D1. There is no narrative to control in this case, I voted you on instinct. You confirmed my instinct by using false meta as a defense, which is a tell-tale scum defense that you use against me. If I was concocting a case on you, then this defense would merit consideration, you'd be appealing to the mafia community's collective awareness of how good I lie... But I'm not concocting anything. I mad a gut read, and then checked it against a known scumtell. I'm not elaborating any further. 


Your defense is manufactured. It makes me feel about 99% sure you are scum. 



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If you're not one of them they're probably laughing and using you to be their attack bi-tch..  I've manipulated you in that fashion on a number of occasions.


I won't be second-guessing myself like in the old days. Good effort though.



I want you to be right in this but automatically declaring him scum is for rookies..  why is he scum...  why are you voting me?


I like that you're pretending to throw doubt at JC, even though you are literally working to bail him out here. Pac the scum hunter sits back and makes reads if another town leader steps up and runs down a good read. 


Townies need to examine what agenda does it serve for Pac to come at me here? He isn't coming out with an "Ape is scum" position, so he obviously has me at least at 50/50, so what point does it serve for him to tear me down when I've made it perfectly clear I'm not moving off of JC?


Give up? I'll give you the answer... it serves no point. A scum hunter would want to see how this resolves, not jump in to kill it while it's on the table. 



holy amateur hour..  this is a joke, right?


Again, what end does it serve that Pac would tear me down. Pac as town would understand the whole picture here. He'd let me throw FOS at him, and watch the JC/Ape thing until it resolves. He'd weigh what others are doing in reaction to my case and JC's defense. Instead, he's come out of hiding (scum tell), not given us any of his usual Pac the scum hunter reads (scum tell), and only asserted himself to tear me down as I've isolated him and JC. 


JC + Pac.

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Nice try.


Stahp!  My flip only tells my alignment not yours...I'll still be town...you'll be wrong and scum.  Still spinning.  Please lynch him now.


Deliberately obtuse ^^^^


I was paraphrasing what you said.


The attempt at obfuscation has been your best volley back so far. Maybe you'll get lucky, and the dumb town will ignore me long enough for me to help you get your groove back... either way, I'll still be right.

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I want you to be right in this but automatically declaring him scum is for rookies..  why is he scum...  why are you voting me?


I'm voting Ape.  You're one of the 1/2 dozen I've voted this game.  Good luck btw.  SK again or scum?

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I was paraphrasing what you said.


The attempt at obfuscation has been your best volley back so far. Maybe you'll get lucky, and the dumb town will ignore me long enough for me to help you get your groove back... either way, I'll still be right.


Unfortunately, dumb towns never ignore you.  They love to hate you and you embrace it,  then they vote with you.  Oh well.  GFY!

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I'm voting Ape.  You're one of the 1/2 dozen I've voted this game.  Good luck btw.  SK again or scum?


Oh I'm town..  confused town.  The Ape and his DM harem are making this game a mess.

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I would say this is an interesting post but it's not.  Let's just talk sharks instead.


Did you know a mako shark is the fastest fish in the ocean..  or that a hammerhead uses its oddly shaped snout as a makeshift metal detector in tracking down sting rays (which are it's main source of food).  all sharks have a gel like substance in their snouts called the ampullae di lorenzini..  it's used to sense vibrations or electric impulses emitted by struggling fish.

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Did you know a mako shark is the fastest fish in the ocean..  or that a hammerhead uses its oddly shaped snout as a makeshift metal detector in tracking down sting rays (which are it's main source of food).  all sharks have a gel like substance in their snouts called the ampuli di lorenzini..  it's used to sense vibrations or electric impulses emitted by struggling fish.

Yes.  Mako shark loves the yellow fin tuna so it swims like 60-70 mph.  I like the Whale shark.  Big as couple buses but still got shark street cred.  Whale bitches love them. 

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JC - Leelou, Ape, Hallia, Nyn, Lily (5)

Hallia - Jif, CTM (2)

Ape - 80, JC (2)

CTM - Doggin (1)

80 - King (1)

Nyn - Pac (1)

Pac - Hess (1)



With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline: Thursday 8am PST




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I highly doubt Doggin is town this game. 



Why do you say that?


Because she's missed me.  Either that, or she's picking up on cues in the thread, seeing me do the same, and drawing conclusions.  But since I'm not scum and haven't said much, and she isn't voting me, I'll go with the former.

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Did you know a mako shark is the fastest fish in the ocean..  or that a hammerhead uses its oddly shaped snout as a makeshift metal detector in tracking down sting rays (which are it's main source of food).  all sharks have a gel like substance in their snouts called the ampullae di lorenzini..  it's used to sense vibrations or electric impulses emitted by struggling fish.


I'd say you're a little obsessed with sharks, my friend. 

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I have seen nothing new to make me want to change my vote.


OK, guess it's time for my first serious vote in this game.  Hallia.  Really, really don't understand the logic you're working with, and ignoring direct questions isn't a good sign.


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Nice try.


Stahp!  My flip only tells my alignment not yours...I'll still be town...you'll be wrong and scum.  Still spinning.  Please lynch him now.


Deliberately obtuse ^^^^


This makes no sense.  If he's scum and you're town, he's not "wrong" so much as lying.  If he's "wrong" - i.e. sincerely believes you're scum and is mistaken because you're town - then there's zero chance he's scum.


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Ok that's enough..  watching how poorly this game is being played has me thinking it's time to try..  (sorry scum team).


17 players is perfect for a 4 person scum team (Walt, Jessie, Gustavo, Mike)?? and a SK (presumably Tuco)..  I'd imagine Nolder has a number of interesting roles in the game given he's chosen the best show of all time to mod.


Nothing I've seen is particularly compelling but my Pac Reads 1.0™ are as follows:




1) AlannaLynn  -  Like that she refuses to let the Ape get away with his ridiculous theories.  Is engaged early on but perhaps a little too engaged.  She threw around some pretty aggressive suspicions without much info to go on.  I'll chalk it up to wanting to ingratiate herself to the new crowd but I'm watching.
2) Ape - Has become a caricature of himself this game.  Spastically throwing out suspicion in multiple directions with an assuredness that is too silly to take seriously in any meaningful way.  I'm thinking he might have been given the role of Walt Jr.
3) Arsis - Null..  didn't really say much other than a brief couple posts on very early interaction.
4) Crusher - His new style of playing mafia seems to be forgetting that he's playing mafia.  It makes it hard to read him and may buy him a day or 2 but in time he'll reveal himself if dirty.
5) CTM - He's been too wasted to involve himself thus far.  Wondering if he was given the role of Badger and is method acting.
6) Doggin - Waltzed in, said nothing, and promenaded out.  If he continues I'll attack..  for now he gets a welcome back pass.
7) Hallia - Hard to read her because a lot of her posting was done while I was skimming.  I see JiF thinks she's said something suspicious so I'll keep an eye on that interaction.
8) Hess - May very well be scum.  His normally light hearted approach has been replaced by this antagonistic whimp who has adopted a laissez faire attitude..  Playing like SK or some other 3rd party.
9) Jif - Seems engaged and is moving around with his votes and targets.  Like him for town right now.
10) JC - I never saw the case on him or the reason he was being voted up..  that said, I'm not too fond of the last couple pages.
11) Leelou - Oddly followed my vote on Doggin and stayed there for a while.  Saw her mention him even after changing her vote.  I wouldn't say she's been fixated but hasn't done too much to stir the pot either.
12) Lily - All I've seen are parroting of others posts and not much in the way of originality.  Not one of her finer games thus far.  Perhaps scum trying to blend in.
13) Lizard King - On the offensive early on which was appreciated.  Since then he's kind of slithered into the background content to watch others fight.
14) Nyn - Didn't like the early aggressiveness which is a completely different style then I remember.  Also don't like the momentum vote on JC.
15) Pac - Mutha****in Super Scum Hunting Town Badass
16) Smash - Weird game so far.  Started off like a maniac but as soon as he was called out on it he assumed the fetal position and has all but disappeared. 
17) 80 - Quiet early on but made up for it today with an avalanche of stupid.  I didn't want to see the poor lil' guy get lynched on day 1 yet again but his posts are slanderous nonsense.
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Pac - like the reads list and the setup speculation.  I'd suggest that rather than a SK, we probably have a survivor or two to balance out the scum-town numbers along with a four man scum team.  If there was ever a piece of material with some morally ambiguous non-town, non-scum, "let me smoke my sh*t and keep me out of your fights" characters, it's Breaking Bad.  But we'll see after a few days when we can tell how many deaths per night we're looking at.

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Pac - like the reads list and the setup speculation.  I'd suggest that rather than a SK, we probably have a survivor or two to balance out the scum-town numbers along with a four man scum team.  If there was ever a piece of material with some morally ambiguous non-town, non-scum, "let me smoke my sh*t and keep me out of your fights" characters, it's Breaking Bad.  But we'll see after a few days when we can tell how many deaths per night we're looking at.


Funny I was thinking Jessie for survivor as he is the perfect balance between scum and town..  not to mention the numerous ups and downs he experienced throughout the series yet still found a way to get through it.  really a perfect choice for a survivor role.

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I've said this before and I'll probably say it again. It's geting tedious.


When I get up in the morning, there are 8-10 pages for me to read. I comment as I go along, and it's not my fault someone else sees the same things I do and commented first. My thoughts are original to me, and I get amused when I'm reading along and see that someone else said what I just posted, only they said it hours ago. I can't fix this, so y'all just have to bear with it, like it or not.


So, yeah, from your pov, my thoughts aren't original, but from mine, they are. GFY.

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JC - Leelou, Ape, Hallia, Nyn, Lily (5)

Hallia - Jif, CTM, Doggin (3)

Ape - 80, JC (2)

80 - King (1)

Nyn - Pac (1)

Pac - Hess (1)


With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline: Thursday 8am PST





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