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Rocky - Mafia game thread


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Sorry I have not been as active as I probably should be but I'm having my entire house textured and glazed and its a ******* mess right now . That and the only ******* guy who speaks English was not here today and he was the guy supposed to be showing me samples of the trim and glaze and I got the non english speaking guy so my head hurts, I really can't concentrate, and I'm an a really bad mood.

Just a few thoughts before I go to bed cause Im exhausted.

@‌JC - first you soft claim then you come back and vote the soft claim as scum yet you give no explanation at all even though you have been the topic of conversation for most of the day. The least you can do is give us a freaking explanation if you're going to make us wait all day.

I'm kind of in the same position as yesterday but this time its between JIF and JC ..... yet something tells me scum is just coasting and not contributing much while town argues back and forth.  

Pac has decided to get involved more and tank god for that because I don't know what I was going to do without his brilliant contributions.

CTM still to much of an APE buddy --- not used to that at all...does not make him scum but it raises some questions for sure.


What is textured and glazed? (Other than JIF's tongue.)

CTM and I don't always bicker, but yeah, I'd have expected him to get on my ass more for some of the kooky sh*t I've been laying down.

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You're right like you always are.  Can't slip one by you.

So basic.

 Crater on me with weak insults, rather than applying yourself. Another newb that can't get past the Ape schtick... lol, if nothing else, bring better insults. 

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Your case on jif really isn't terrible. I guess I am coming around to him being scum. Of all your points, what would you say is the biggest reason he's your best case for scum?

Is it ironic that the guy voting me for posting too much, is now asking me to repeat the same things I've been saying for 30 pages? 

You answer my questions about CTM and Ballgag, and I'll consider repeating myself about JIF, again.


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It's not an insult.  

No, you're right, it's not... at least not by teh mafia goodness standards.

Getting the sense that whatever junk scum is talking about me in the scum thread may be bleeding through how you're interacting with me here... 

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This is stupid..  JC was able to 'like' my post but not able to answer the question.  And he has a built in pass until this evening to avoid a lynch and come up with something to say.   My guess is he'll say "I never said anything" and chalk it up to looking for reactions.  No cop is stupid enough to do what he did.

Then there's Nolder..  pops in to let us know he needs a power nap because he just got done with a 21 hour marathon of Five Nights at Freddys.

I'm down to vote either of these putzes...

My guess is with so many potential Vig shots out there and a small lineup we're likely dealing with a small souped up scum team and various vests throughout the game.  With that being the case, it makes sense for scum to hide like pathetic pigs scared to poke their heads out.  They're likely letting the town destroy itself and hoping they can end it soon.

The 3 most egregious cases of hide n seek mafia are JC, Nolturd, and Ballsack.  I don't go this often but I will put a Pac Guarantee™ that there is scum in this hideous group.


Vote Nolturd 

Truth is I'm burning out on a 230+ page DM game.

I want to win but it's sucking up all my time.

I couldn't say no to the first game of the season here, especially when Leelou ran a theme just for me.

But god damn it I want to win that other game.


I think it will be over in less than a week and then I promise this game has my full and undivided attention.

Lynch me if you want but I'm not the scum on your list.

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I have a bad feeling on Jif.  Voting on D1 for himself looking for attention.  You guys told me it's usually pro-town but it's more than likely scummy.  

I have a bigger problem with JC.  Is he really busy or is he trying to just lay low hoping we get the train on Ape or Jif going.



Self voting is logically only a scummy move. That isn't to say townies don't do it but if they do they're being retards or emo ****sticks.

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Ballin, my trouble with your excuse of not knowing the players is that you said in the beggining of the game that you have reread previous games. Enough to poke fun of Pac's play in the past.

If you reread games then you should have at least some meta knowledge. But beyond that you can form reads without meta in mind. Sometimes those reads arw less biased.

You've been very closed off as far as your thoughts go. I don't like that.  

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Not much. Feeling a bit eh but my bff has an outing planned and she's not letting me wiggle out of it. 

Wish you would have said you were in a game on DM before now :P

I have to go see Star Wars with my mom and aunt tomorrow. I don't really want to but whatever. So I feel your eh.


I don't like to make excuses for my activity if I can help it. And the truth is there really is no good excuse. I've been focusing on that game at the expense of this one. Kind of a sh*tty thing to do if I'm being honest. Like I said it will be over soon though.

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Is it ironic that the guy voting me for posting too much, is now asking me to repeat the same things I've been saying for 30 pages? 

You answer my questions about CTM and Ballgag, and I'll consider repeating myself about JIF, again.


they were actually my questions about CTM to ball sac that you decided to turn around and ask me- he still hasn't responded yet by the way. 

I had mentioned that I had no time Friday to read and therefore I need to catch up. so I was asking you for a clear 1-2 sentence explanation but if that's a problem, so be it. 

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L-1, okay.

I think JC's soft claim and consequent play is dirty. I think he hoped it would jump start Ape's train and maybe trying to fish for the cop via reactions. People weren't buying it so he backtracked,  did a 180 and voted JiF. I can't fathom why he'd do that as town. I can totally see why he'd do it as scum. 

I'm gonna wait till people show just in case you guys want to hear from someone else. But I'm around to hammer for the next couple of hours.

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I have to go see Star Wars with my mom and aunt tomorrow. I don't really want to but whatever. So I feel your eh.


I don't like to make excuses for my activity if I can help it. And the truth is there really is no good excuse. I've been focusing on that game at the expense of this one. Kind of a sh*tty thing to do if I'm being honest. Like I said it will be over soon though.

cinema is not that bad. Sitting in the dark and not having to socially engage anyone lol  she's taking me to a party in a pub. And it's the pubs' 2 years bday so it's gonna be packed... loud... smoky... and I sound so old right now xD

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cinema is not that bad. Sitting in the dark and not having to socially engage anyone lol  she's taking me to a party in a pub. And it's the pubs' 2 years bday so it's gonna be packed... loud... smoky... and I sound so old right now xD

That sounds awful. I'd rather just sit home with a bottle of rum and watch youtube or tv than go to a bar party.

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Anyway, with all of that done... I'm going to guess (no bluffing here) that the scum team is some combination of these 5: JIF, JC, Verbal, Ballin and Nyn

Smash and CTM both game me waffling impressions, but I want to say they are both town for now. If wrong, well done gents.

I get the impression that LK is doing all the thinking for himself. I don't feel his play has been pro-town, but the way he plays as town is rooted in jumping at his own shadow and making no sense. So, I think he's probably town. 

Pac doing this on D1 as scum is possible, but cowardly. I'd hope that in his first game of the season he wouldn't treat D1 like such a chicken sh*t. Nolder is impossible to read based on D1, which could be a mistake to ignore them, but again I just don't feel them as scum at the moment.


Alright, that's a lot of volume - apologies - but I do hope it helps the 1 or 2 of you townies that might put some effort in. *looks at CTM, Smash and Pac hopefully*

Vote JIF


I wasn't sure what to make of this post by Verbal. People usually peel off their early joke votes... but it felt like a solid townie observation.

I have no respect at all for LK's play, but this post did ring as a genuine townie post. If he's scum, he did a good job with this one.

Resurfacing... inquiring about Pac... 

and hopping right off Pac and onto the guy receiving heat from me, and the most conversationally... seemed like an advantageous vote... not thoughtful.

Again, not scum hunting. JIF consistently side-stepped opportunities to press people, in favor of goofball sh*t like "who would be most fun" to lynch. He's either off his Batman game or scum. He's not hunting, I can assure you of that.


I liked this. Now that we know Crushlove was town, I like it even more.

This began an exchange with JIF, that I absolutely hated... 

Using Crusher's vote on Verbal as a way to avoid pressing JC.

Also posting false meta about JC and I.

I was fine with this vote, 80 always loves to kill Verbal.

I hated this vote. LK made early comments, what I call "influencer" comments or nudges... seeding cases for others to run with, and then he jumps to this one. It may just be his bad play style, but this is the type of subtle sh*t that scum does... they set something in motion, wait for a townie to run with it, and then pile on what it's safer.



Never really saw much of a re-read analysis from Nyn, even though she suggested it was coming. She's basically just weighing in on established stuff at this point, nothing new. Then takes the easy vote on 80.

So, after not wanting to vote JC - I called him out for several things about it - and then he did it. It was like an effort to course correct after I started casing him.

Spam the thread? That's a case? JC did anything but spam the thread, all he did was make opportunistic votes... and Smash bickered with me a few posts, but they weren't spam, they were what I'd consider "feeling out" posts. 

This post by JIF felt like an attempt to distance from scum mates. Nothing about it makes sense. It also contradicts his earlier refusal to vote JC, and his statement that nobody votes Smash on D1. 


Did you ever follow up on this? 


JIF's OMGUS retaliation was that he caught me in a lie... 

and just like every time I catch him as scum, his OMGUS rebuttal is always an absolute that I'm scum, but then as soon as I leave him alone... he moves right along. It's one of the biggest scum tells I know for him.


Never lied. You just tried to make it look that way.

Connect the dots is something I used to do as a townie, and did on D1 to see how people reacted. JIF as a scum hunter can sense a reaction test.

You're spinning the "reeked" part of the 80 lynch. I said 80 was a good lynch, meaning a good death. The train reeked. Major spin from you here.

I haven't cased anyone on a joke vote. That's a lie.

I didn't ingore JC's play. I have several responses to it, the re-read posts were helping frame all of my suspicion in case JC's play was successful. In other words, that whole re-read was PROMPTED by JC's play. The complete oppostive of ignoring it. Again, spin from you.

I haven't based anything on false meta. You're doing that. Another lie from you.

My contradictions aren't a scum tell. This is false meta, from you.

No, I'm not using you changing position as guilt. That's got nothing to do with my case. Again, lies and spin.

I've never been so convinced you are scum. 

Oh, here is the kicker by the way... every time I am scum, and JIF is town, I use him to destroy the town with his horrific townie play. Why would I dedicate myself, if I'm scum, to going after just him for 2 straight day phases?

Vote for JIF, you dumb ****s.


Vote Count

Ape (3) - Lizzie, JC, Smash
JC (3) - Pac, JiF, Ape

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch



I'm assuming that if scum shot Crusher it was because he is impossible to get lynched, and because it would create a WIFOM around whether or not his death was to frame you... since everyone always says "Crusher got dead, he always reads JIF well, JIF must've done it".

Trust me too, I haven't forgotten your meta - I may be wrong - but I know your meta, you may just be town overlapping with your normal scum tells. It happens, and I won't apologize for catching it, or for when I do it myself. Which I do. 

vote JC

He's at the front end of my list, obviously. Game ain't going anywhere as long as he's allowed to coast, and with JIF and I drowning out everything else.

so two questions:

youre saying that Jif was willing to bus JC /start a competing train while you were the only train at time -thereby taking pressure away from the person casing him?

secondly, you've never been more sure Jif is scum yet he tells you he's a different player now and voted your other preferred Lynch so you're ok with him now. 

Got it. 

Very comfortable with my vote 

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Ballin, my trouble with your excuse of not knowing the players is that you said in the beggining of the game that you have reread previous games. Enough to poke fun of Pac's play in the past.

If you reread games then you should have at least some meta knowledge. But beyond that you can form reads without meta in mind. Sometimes those reads arw less biased.

You've been very closed off as far as your thoughts go. I don't like that.  

This, solid post. ^^^

I have to go see Star Wars with my mom and aunt tomorrow. I don't really want to but whatever. So I feel your eh.


I don't like to make excuses for my activity if I can help it. And the truth is there really is no good excuse. I've been focusing on that game at the expense of this one. Kind of a sh*tty thing to do if I'm being honest. Like I said it will be over soon though.

I'm fine with this, next time, say so sooner.

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they were actually my questions about CTM to ball sac that you decided to turn around and ask me- he still hasn't responded yet by the way. 

I had mentioned that I had no time Friday to read and therefore I need to catch up. so I was asking you for a clear 1-2 sentence explanation but if that's a problem, so be it. 

I know he hasn't responded. It doesn't matter, I'd bet good money that you're just going to double down on you vote on me. You've done nothing but bitch about me posting too much, now you're asking me to repeat something I've stated several times over, when I tell you no, you'll use it as an emboldening moment for your baseless case on me.

2 sentences: Go **** yourself. You're the worst mafia player I've ever seen.


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