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Hess and Ape, on some level, were clearly coordinating to make the Ballin lynch happen, as they felt he was a power role. 

Thus they could have easily been trying to manipulate Spoot. 

Brett's play around that Ballin lynch is actually more damning. 

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6 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

I don't know. He seemed excited. I thought it was cute. I didn't feel like he was twisting, per say. More like a dog with a bone. I can see what he meant in the exchange. I just didn't think it was necessarily telling. And now that we know Ballin's flip, it obviously wasn't.

But, with the scum PR at risk of being lynched on D1 the rules change. I just question if he would go all in like that to help Ape. Eh. 

Yeah, seems like Hess and Ape were trying to provide more momentum/fuel behind Spoot's "case", not necessarily treating Spoot like a marionette, telling him what to do behind the scenes.  Spoot cased Ballin purely on his own volition from what I could tell. 

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1 minute ago, StraightCash said:

Honestly I just thought it was a good catch. If they didn't kill him I could have been convinced to lynch him over Ape today

Mind boggling that the scum team NK'd him.  Yet here we have the Ape parading around calling the town stupid.....

Ape = Town MVP this game.

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5 hours ago, AVM said:


But why go out of his way to counter Ape when momentum was already building against him without a counter from anyone?  You and Nyn even went back and forth that despite it being "against mafia 101" you wanted to lynch Ape.


5 hours ago, AVM said:

Don't really like this.

I expected you to say something along the lines of trying to stay well hidden so you could protect Nyn and not get shot...not that it was a joke.


5 hours ago, AVM said:

Vote Ape


AVM.... can you explain how you got from the two top posts to the third one?

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19 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:




AVM.... can you explain how you got from the two top posts to the third one?

haha..i had this same post ready to go and decided to wait till morning and he was around. 

I remember thinking avm is about to side with ape and then was perplexed when that vote dropped

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The time stamps are amusing as well. 2 minutes between the first two posts. one minute between the second and third. I'm dying to know what was going through his head in that one CRITICAL minute lol

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1 minute ago, Nynaeve said:

The time stamps are amusing as well. 2 minutes between the first two posts. one minute between the second and third. I'm dying to know what was going through his head in that one CRITICAL minute lol

yes, my suspicion was he that he checked QT and was told to bus, but the timing seems to short

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22 hours ago, JiF said:

Hess seems to be going through the motions.  I don't read him well but he rounds out my current top 3 because I feel like he has some town tells that I haven't seen from him.  It's flimsy meta mixed with gut.


2 hours ago, Nynaeve said:

You came through!

Ah thanks!  I'm honestly most happy on my above take on Hess.  I never read him well but I think I have some tells now. 

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1 hour ago, Nynaeve said:




AVM.... can you explain how you got from the two top posts to the third one?


1 hour ago, CTM said:

haha..i had this same post ready to go and decided to wait till morning and he was around. 

I remember thinking avm is about to side with ape and then was perplexed when that vote dropped


33 minutes ago, JiF said:

Great catch.  Speak up, umbrella boy.


7 hours ago, AVM said:

4 scum with 12 players is unrealistic, imo -- this would basically be JiF giving up the game just to get the Ape lynched as doc.  Just don't see it.

Should have been easy to see on an ISO, since it's the very next post after I voted Ape lol

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4 minutes ago, CTM said:

well why kill you unless it's to get to cop tomorrow?

Not sure.  I was a bit surprised to not see Nyn dead again.  I guess it leaves a little WIFOM for the scum.  Is she really Cop? etc.  I think she is, FWIW, Ape prodded her to reveal, allbeit wayyyyy to early.

I mean, did scum really not think I wouldnt protect myself?  Maybe it's a noob scum and Ape and Hess werent around...because Ape and Hess know how highly I value myself. :)

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Brett - investigated by uncountered cop Nyn, result - town

80 - could see as distancing from Ape

Ape  Mafia Roleblocker, lynched D2

Lily  - Investigated by uncountered cop Nyn, result - town

Spoot - his weird gotcha moment, I feel like if he was scum, they would have coached him on that play

Jif  - claimed doc

CTM - best town read based on his approach to the Ape lynch and his D1 play

Nyn - uncountered cop - inclined to believe her since their was a RB

Ballin Vanilla Town, NK'd N1

jet engine/Crusher - leaning town based on the fill in.

AVM - could see as distancing from Ape

Hess  Mafia Goon, random lynched D1

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80 or AVM today.

Could go either way really.  80 has come off pretty town as of late but he was disgusting before the Ape train. 

AVM flipped from about to come after me to deciding to lynch Ape in a blink of an eye.  Wondering if he was catching up and didnt realize where the Ape was at in his fight.

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