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Appelas Judge: Brady's defense "ridiculous" and "made no sense whatsoever"


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56 minutes ago, Jet Fan RI said:

Here's a question about the appeal for the lawyers in the group. I understand it can take months for an appellate decision to be made. But can it also be made a lot quicker than that? For example, if the judges find they are all in agreement, can a decision be rendered in just 2-3 weeks? Just wondering if it is definite that we won't hear the outcome for 3 months or longer. 

Possible but extremely unlikely.  About three months would be the standard in that court.  If there was a compelling reason for them to decide sooner (like if the regular season was starting in five weeks) they might put it on a fast track for publication, but I don't think they are going to be in a huge hurry here.  On the other hand, because it is such a high profile case, they are unlikely to take much longer than that.

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9 hours ago, jgb said:

you cant just do whatever you want to a union and its members. there are special rules and laws that concern interactions with unions. this is where the "labor" in "employment and labor law" comes from. it's not just a redundant title.


You cannot just hire someone pay them millions of dollars and call their investigation independent.  Especially, after one of your employees edits the report adn then you deny Brady's camp from cross examining him.  On a whim equate an equipment violation being equal to a PED suspension.

As much as everyone wants to see the Patriots and Brady fall, the precedent's being set should scare the sh*t out of them as it will allow Rog-ah to literally do whatever he wants. 


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4 hours ago, EM31 said:

It wasn't the strap-on photos it was the texts to Belichick on the inflation topic that they were all trying to hide.

If BB ever got caught with his hand in that cookie jar then the potential punishments for the Patriots really stat to get interesting

BB is evil, possibly not human, and almost certainly an ahole but he ain't stupid. There is 0% chance that BB ever texted anyone about a deflated football. Come on now. Even Paulie from Goodfellas knew not to ever say anything over the phone.

BB is guilty in the sense that he created a team culture that rules don't apply to the Patriots and winning is all that matters. Why does there need to be anything beyond that?

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Funny how Goodell is suddenly being challenged for being an autocrat that should have no over reaching say on these matters on this issue.  This was never challenged in the past in almost anything.  Sudden rule changes, player punishment rulings (ie the overly sever New Orleans situation), destroying the Pats video taping evidence.

All of a sudden his reach needs to be examined and reigned it.

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13 hours ago, AFCEastFan said:

Yes, that is definitely it.  

TB: Guys, can I go back to using overinflated footballs like I did pre-2007?  That is how I prefer them.  Aaron Rodgers gets to use overinflated balls.  Why can't I??

BB: Tom, we've been through this before.  If we can deflate the balls to around 11.8 psi, our fumbles per game drop by 1.6 and drops per game fall by 2.7.

EA:  Actually, it's 1.74273114, not 1.6.

BB: Right.  So tell McNally to get his needles out and make sure he deflates the balls to 11.8.

TB:  Who?

BB:  McNally.  The guy who needs to lose weight.  The fat guy.

TB:  Oh, you mean Bird!  Whatever you say, Coach.  You know I would do ANYTHING for you.  I'm meeting Bird for drinks again tonight at our usual spot, so I will let him know then!







It is not about what kind of ball the QB supposedly prefers to throw.  It never was.  Nice deflection.

It is about the kind of football the head coach prefers that his players do not fumble.  It was always about that and everything else is smoke and mirrors.

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1 hour ago, EM31 said:

It is not about what kind of ball the QB supposedly prefers to throw.  It never was.  Nice deflection.

It is about the kind of football the head coach prefers that his players do not fumble.  It was always about that and everything else is smoke and mirrors.

Yes, the post of mine you quoted plays right along with your little theory.  No need to respond to my posts if you don't even read them. 

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