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Empire State Mafia: Game Thread


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4 hours ago, StraightCash said:

He/she? has

It has not 


I'm a dude. I've played mafia before yeah.

It's weird, I don't remember AVM. Yet, itching to vote there. :) Maybe I should read back further, no kidding.



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3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Official Vote Count

Lily (4) - CTM, Verbal, Leelou, Spoot

AVM (2) - Ape, JiF

Leelou (1) - no penis

Ballin (1) - AVM

Verbal (1) - Hess

CTM (1) - Crusher

Spoot (1) - Brett


Not Voting (4) - decker, Pac, Lily, Ballin


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.


Deadline for what ?

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2 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

To decide on a lynch collectively (i.e. Achieve 8 votes on one player).

Otherwise the lynch will be a player chosen at random.

RANDOM ?? What kind of horse-hockey is that ? You pussies let LOULOU off the hook . I'm very disappointed !!!


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Official Vote Count

Lily (4) - CTM, Verbal, Leelou, Spoot

AVM (3) - Ape, JiF, decker

Leelou (1) - no penis

Ballin (1) - AVM

Verbal (1) - Hess

CTM (1) - Crusher

Spoot (1) - Brett


Not Voting (3) - Pac, Lily, Ballin


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.


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15 minutes ago, Lily said:

Got any sort of reason for this vote? Or just following the crowd?

It was suspicious how you were eager to jump onto Brett, and then quickly jumped off when the attention shifted away from him and onto you. Then your claim that you were essentially reaction testing was kinda... meh.

There's not much else to go off, though. It's been slow.

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36 minutes ago, no psls said:

I have proof that LOULOU should be voted out ; her shorts

images (4).jpg


31 minutes ago, no psls said:

It's getting boring in here . Hey Nynaeve , how about some more boob shots ?

Okay, I love the enthusiasm. I really do. But I don't really agree with the objectification of Leelou and Nyn. Random sluts on the internet, that I don't give a sh*t about, in their sexy and revealing clothes? Sure. Our own resident ladies on Jetnation? No. A little jab here and there is fine, and I feel you've really taken to the spirit of the early game (the same spirit that I carry with me throughout the whole game), but your trolling has sort of gone of the rails. Spread it around a bit. Don't rail on just one or two. Objectify JiF, he's a beautiful, young woman. Verb, too (we think; perhaps; no one really knows for sure, except for maybe Leelou.) Hell, my avatar is a beaver. Roll with that. The insults that we throw back and forth at each other aren't meant to hurt or be personal, they're meant to be playful. So when someone says that they've had enough, maybe it's time to lay off a bit. And Leelou has made it clear that she's had enough. You're broaching the limits of the spirit of the game. People here respect each other (except for Brett; nobody respects Brett). But by all means, you've been immensely entertaining so far, and I don't want you to leave. Just broaden your goofing around. You don't have to try hard to impress anyone here or to fit in; you've made your mark already.

Oh, and repped for the chick in the shorts.


<3 you, Brett!

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1 minute ago, Spoot-Face said:


Okay, I love the enthusiasm. I really do. But I don't really agree with the objectification of Leelou and Nyn. Random sluts on the internet, that I don't give a sh*t about, in their sexy and revealing clothes? Sure. Our own resident ladies on Jetnation? No. A little jab here and there is fine, and I feel you've really taken to the spirit of the early game (the same spirit that I carry with me throughout the whole game), but your trolling has sort of gone of the rails. Spread it around a bit. Don't rail on just one or two. Objectify JiF, he's a beautiful, young woman. Verb, too (we think; perhaps; no one really knows for sure, except for maybe Leelou.) Hell, my avatar is a beaver. Roll with that. The insults that we throw back and forth at each other aren't meant to hurt or be personal, they're meant to be playful. So when someone says that they've had enough, maybe it's time to lay off a bit. And Leelou has made it clear that she's had enough. You're broaching the limits of the spirit of the game. People here respect each other (except for Brett; nobody respects Brett). But by all means, you've been immensely entertaining so far, and I don't want you to leave. Just broaden your goofing around. You don't have to try hard to impress anyone here or to fit in; you've made your mark already.

Oh, and repped for the chick in the shorts.


<3 you, Brett!

Excuse me while I throw up 


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