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Empire State Mafia: Game Thread


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1 minute ago, StraightCash said:

Another "even if you are town, still want to lynch you" post. Why don't you go take a seat next to Lily

No, I didn't say I want to lynch you. I said you need "some pressure".

Two different things.

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Just now, Lily said:

Oh, and Brett? Thanks for convincing me you are scum. You don't hold up well under pressure. 

So now if you think I'm scum does that actually mean I'm town? Since you are "backwards". Maybe I should pull a Lily where when I get pressure I go run errands for a day or 2.

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17 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

Also, why was Ape on Lily's train to lynch her D1, if now he believes that Mason's mean it must be town or else it's bastard mod? Why did he want to kill her yesterday after she claimed and Decker confirmed.

Another contradiction

^Okay, this is a lie, Brett


On 3/29/2016 at 2:56 PM, Integrity28 said:

**** it.

Unvote, Vote Lily

I don't even think she's scum personally, but this is going nowhere.

^Ape puts Lily at L-2

On 3/29/2016 at 2:57 PM, Lily said:

I'm a mason with Decker.

^Lily immediately claims.

On 3/29/2016 at 2:59 PM, Integrity28 said:


@deckerfan you should confirm Lily's claim.

I guess we're expected to believe there are multiple Mason teams in this game... except why wouldn't Decker or Lily immediately vote JIF/Crusher upon their reveal? 

^Ape questions her claims and asks for Decker to vet her.

On 3/29/2016 at 3:14 PM, deckerfan said:

Confirming Lily claim

^Decker confirms

On 3/29/2016 at 3:27 PM, Integrity28 said:

in meeting unvote vote verb

^Ape's first post after Decker confirms.


Nothing here suggests that Ape wanted to lynch Lily after Decker confirmed. It actually shows the complete opposite.

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17 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

So are you voting someone you think is scum, or someone you just want to have pressure (that isn't you)--


If you think I'm scum, why would you qualify your vote with "town or not"?

Wow, okay. Now I know how it feels, Lily. ;)

I never said I thought you were scum. My "town or not" statement means I'm not sure what you are. For a while, I've thought you were town, but your play right now is so bad that I think you need some pressure.

Come on, dude. I know this is you, but...


Edit: The fuk is up with the editing? Weird sh*t.

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4 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

^Okay, this is a lie, Brett


^Ape puts Lily at L-2

^Lily immediately claims.

^Ape questions her claims and asks for Decker to vet her.

^Decker confirms

^Ape's first post after Decker confirms.


Nothing here suggests that Ape wanted to lynch Lily after Decker confirmed. It actually shows the complete opposite.

Fair enough, I was just looking at D1 voting results and saw that Ape was behind me on Lily's train in the final vote count

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10 minutes ago, Lily said:

Nope. You're scum. And I was here the whole time. I am getting tired of saying that. Nobody addressed me. If you were so concerned, why didn't you ask me something?

Yeah, typically I don't interact much (game play wise) unless I'm directly mentioned or quoted. I just yuk around a lot. Now, though, I'm starting to be a bit more vocal, and I think it's because it takes me a while to start to see the game a bit.

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Alright I'm going to get ready for bed, I have an early morning tomorrow but just in case everyone wants to lynch me before I can get on...


Spoot may want to explain why he visited Leelou last night. It's why he was my vote out of the gate today, and why there was only 1 NK last night, and it was scum. I was hoping I could get a lynch on him without having to reveal but that blew up in my face

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5 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

^Okay, this is a lie, Brett


^Ape puts Lily at L-2

^Lily immediately claims.

^Ape questions her claims and asks for Decker to vet her.

^Decker confirms

^Ape's first post after Decker confirms.


Nothing here suggests that Ape wanted to lynch Lily after Decker confirmed. It actually shows the complete opposite.

what is this? You left out several ape posts that i distinctly remember where he was suggesting lilly was fos? hold

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Here's the sequence that Spoot conveniently left out. I'm not sure how you don't view this as wanting to continue to lynch lilly when we were like 30 min from deadline 

The fact that he intentionally skipped over them to case brett is grotesque

unvote vote spoot


my post right after lilly's claim

On 3/29/2016 at 2:58 PM, CTM said:


lol.. 2 mason teams?


immediate casting doubt on claim

On 3/29/2016 at 2:59 PM, Integrity28 said:


@deckerfan you should confirm Lily's claim.

I guess we're expected to believe there are multiple Mason teams in this game... except why wouldn't Decker or Lily immediately vote JIF/Crusher upon their reveal? 


in response to my post above, suggesting the right course is not to unvote

On 3/29/2016 at 2:59 PM, Integrity28 said:

why so quick to unvote?


casting doubt again

On 3/29/2016 at 3:03 PM, Integrity28 said:

if they are masons, why wouldn't they immediately question JIF/Crushers reveal as masons?


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4 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Alright I'm going to get ready for bed, I have an early morning tomorrow but just in case everyone wants to lynch me before I can get on...


Spoot may want to explain why he visited Leelou last night. It's why he was my vote out of the gate today, and why there was only 1 NK last night, and it was scum. I was hoping I could get a lynch on him without having to reveal but that blew up in my face


4 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Unvote vote Spoot

da fuq, you said you doubted leelou was targetted in your post following morning opening. This is in no way consistent with that. 

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5 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

As far as I know, Mason is exclusively a town role.

Can anyone here recall there ever being a non-town Mason in the history of JetNation Mafia?


Unless you are proposing a neighbor scenario.


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14 hours ago, StraightCash said:

So dealing with a scum team and 3rd party it looks like.

So my first thought is that scum took a shot at Leelou... But thinking about that doesn't make very much sense because why would they test her claim on N1, when she had no reason not to protect herself.

Either 4 things happened, in order of most likely to least likely

1) someone had a BPV

2) Scum was blocked some other way

3) Leelou is lying, scum shot at actual doc

4) Scum shot at Leelou



but now you are claiming spoot visited leelou last night and therefore must be scum?

Doesn't make sense





vote Brett

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3 minutes ago, Leelou said:



what is this saying, other then I see Jf80 blocked a scum kill for the lulz as mod.. I'm not seeing where mason was a scum / town pairing. Did i miss something?

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2 minutes ago, CTM said:


what is this saying, other then I see Jf80 blocked a scum kill for the lulz as mod.. I'm not seeing where mason was a scum / town pairing. Did i miss something?

Wait...that was the wrong game. He totally put scum with JiF in one game as mason partners. Let me go find the right one. 

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1 minute ago, Leelou said:

Wait...that was the wrong game. He totally put scum with JiF in one game as mason partners. Let me go find the right one. 

80 did?

lol.. lots of twists and turns tonight if true

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3 minutes ago, Leelou said:

It was this one: 


wait.. so just to confirm. Ape was the player, 80 the character, but 80 was the mod .. and ape was scum Masoned with town Jif?

one would then think that ape would be the first person to not shoot down this scum mason theory 


for now, no rush I guess and a lot of things don't make sense here. Brett's spoot post was the worst of the lot so far though 

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4 minutes ago, CTM said:

wait.. so just to confirm. Ape was the player, 80 the character, but 80 was the mod .. and ape was scum Masoned with town Jif?

one would then think that ape would be the first person to not shoot down this scum mason theory 


for now, no rush I guess and a lot of things don't make sense here. Brett's spoot post was the worst of the lot so far though 

Yes, Ape was 80 and JiF was Hess.

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Just went through and looked at Brett's posts from start of day.

15 hours ago, StraightCash said:

So dealing with a scum team and 3rd party it looks like.

So my first thought is that scum took a shot at Leelou... But thinking about that doesn't make very much sense because why would they test her claim on N1, when she had no reason not to protect herself.

Either 4 things happened, in order of most likely to least likely

1) someone had a BPV

2) Scum was blocked some other way

3) Leelou is lying, scum shot at actual doc

4) Scum shot at Leelou



15 hours ago, StraightCash said:

I didn't read the scene very closely because I thought it was just flavor


15 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Because only scum ended up dead and I don't think it was because they shot themselves 


15 hours ago, StraightCash said:


I think Jifs question is fair. If there is meaning behind the scenes then I agree with Apes post that we could be looking at some kind of cult


14 hours ago, StraightCash said:

what of my logic hasn't been town? I was just analyzing the Night result based on only scum dying


14 hours ago, StraightCash said:

This is also ridiculous because I don't even know what you mean by saying process of elimination = Brett

you are making a bunch of assumptions, 1 that you think there had to be scum on Lily's train, and 2 that you buy the mason claim. 

Also you can't really analyze Lily's train like that. We both moved over to hammer Verbal but were ninjad by Spoot

Regardless, vote Spoot, I thought he was scummy earlier, and I think Ape exposed him about holding off on making a voting decision until it was close enough that he could use consolidation as an excuse


11 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Yeah... I don't know how much any of this really matters-- but I doubt it, Pac came and made that post right before the day started. The only action 80 was waiting on was a No PSL replacement, so it's most likely that the short on Pac was already submitted before Hallia subbed in.


Again though, not sure how much it really matters at this point.


10 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Spoot is my best bet for scum, but Ape is climbing. He is making a ton of flawed arguments against me to lead a lynch on me... Which he has done to me twice as scum in recent games.

My only hesitation is that I think he exposed Spoot at the end of D1


9 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Are you kidding? You were the first to bring up past games as a argument for voting me. You are sh*tting yourself now.

Unvote Vote Ape


6 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Alright I'm going to get ready for bed, I have an early morning tomorrow but just in case everyone wants to lynch me before I can get on...


Spoot may want to explain why he visited Leelou last night. It's why he was my vote out of the gate today, and why there was only 1 NK last night, and it was scum. I was hoping I could get a lynch on him without having to reveal but that blew up in my face


6 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Unvote vote Spoot

He's continuously on Spoot except when he's going back and forth with Ape for a bit. Now that I'm more awake, I can roll with Brett's reveal. I've had Brett as a light town read most game, and I'd like to hear from Spoot. 

vote Spoot


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2 hours ago, CTM said:


but now you are claiming spoot visited leelou last night and therefore must be scum?

Doesn't make sense





vote Brett


2 hours ago, Leelou said:

It was this one: 



2 hours ago, CTM said:

wait.. so just to confirm. Ape was the player, 80 the character, but 80 was the mod .. and ape was scum Masoned with town Jif?

one would then think that ape would be the first person to not shoot down this scum mason theory 


for now, no rush I guess and a lot of things don't make sense here. Brett's spoot post was the worst of the lot so far though 

Even though this has nothing to do with what I was trying to get at....at all...

I'll take credit.


Putting aside Brett's posts today, which are bleh at best, the "one scum must be on Lily" sort of presupposes she's town, right? If she's scum, can't see any more scum staying on her with a deadline approaching. I suppose they could, but with Verb being town, if they didn't have the votes they just expose themselves to a 25ish% chance of being randomed?

Who was offering to change last minute? Was Brett one of the people around saying they'd jump to Verb or vice versa? That actually would sort of explain it.

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