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Zander and Nyn's Ebolaids Mafia Game

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6 minutes ago, JiF said:

Seemed like a lot of opportunistic votes on Hali.  Pac specifically.  He's playing lazy as ****.  

She blocked a shot in a game where I assume there a lot shots given the information we have.  sh*t happens.  This exact same scenario happened last game with Smash vs. Ape.  Ape was town.  And we're ignoring the fact she won a contest or whatever, so she could have gained a vest.

I'm not saying she's not scum, she very well could be...but the easy in which everyone voted her IMO is more concerning than her blocking a shot because you have to think there are some crazy mechanics in the game.  

2 Vig's already and no death at night.  And on the flip side, nobody even questioned Lizzie.

Seems like we're playing elementary mafia right now.

And Lissa's has just be disgusting for the 3 pages straight.  How long can you play the confused card before you make a stand? 


I have a ******* stand I just don't understand the one opposite of it that's why Ive been arguing over it what is this bullsh*t

you just don't like my stance I can't understand the other one because it has base assumptions I disagree with in my own

where have I been confused about my own stance ever. NOBODY HAS ******* EPXLAINED WHY THERE IS SCUM IN THE MOVEMENT EOD

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3 minutes ago, lissa said:

I have a ******* stand I just don't understand the one opposite of it that's why Ive been arguing over it what is this bullsh*t

you just don't like my stance I can't understand the other one because it has base assumptions I disagree with in my own

where have I been confused about my own stance ever. NOBODY HAS ******* EPXLAINED WHY THERE IS SCUM IN THE MOVEMENT EOD

You're playing the lost puppy, I dont understand card way too hard and not taking a stand on anything other than defending yourself.  Sprinkle it with emo and it's groooossssss.

And hat's hard to understand?  You've never heard of distancing or opportunistic votes toward the EOD? 

Serious question, are you a seasoned player? because this seems like mafia 101 sh*t.


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1 hour ago, Nynaeve said:

ITA Event will be in like 15 mins. There's apparently some kind of windy storm going on where the Canadian lives and his internet is very spotty. So you guys are stuck with me. Sorry, not sorry.

Im sorry guys and gals nets have been off and on all day.

Special thanks to NynGOAT for all her amazing help....and patience.!!!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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Official Vote Count

Lissa (3) - DPR, JiF, Lee

Hallia (3) - Calder, Lizzie, Pac

Smash (2) - Shat, Crusher

Lizzie (2) - Visor, Hallia

Lee (1) - JC

JC (1) - Gerbal


Not voting (4) - The rest of you puffsters.


With 16 players alive it takes 9 to lynch.


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20 minutes ago, JiF said:

You're clearly not lying but that doesnt tell me anything about your alignment. 

My initial instinct is town.  Dont see why you'd do this is as scum.  But I'm not clearing you because you admitted you shot someone.  Nor am I ready to lynch said player because they didnt die.  

We literally saw this exact scenario last game.  The town got fixated on it, we lynched both players and coward scum prevailed. 

Oh ok I got it now. Wasn't sure what you were trying to say there

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16 minutes ago, lissa said:


i didn't say anything about all the votes

i said my vote 

you asked about my vote

iexplained it

wtf are you talking about

what bullsh*t am I spreading

im so confused still

why so you think nobody would move if hallia and dice were both vollagers? why does there have to be scum in the movement

thats all I've reallywanted to know for the past 30 ******* minutes

this site is an atrocity on mobile

This site is absolutely an atrocity on mobile. 

In a nutshell, it is just not believable that anyone would make a last minute (literally) move in that situation (3 way tie). You can try to pass it off, but no one is going to buy it and you know that, further adding to the distrust building against you.

Now, please stop with the mobile emo posting. It's upsetting and there are people deciding to vote for you that shouldn't be disturbed. 

15 minutes ago, JiF said:

You're clearly not lying but that doesnt tell me anything about your alignment. 

My initial instinct is town.  Dont see why you'd do this is as scum.  But I'm not clearing you because you admitted you shot someone.  Nor am I ready to lynch said player because they didnt die.  

We literally saw this exact scenario last game.  The town got fixated on it, we lynched both players and coward scum prevailed. 

There was no NK last night.  

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13 minutes ago, JiF said:

You're playing the lost puppy, I dont understand card way too hard and not taking a stand on anything other than defending yourself.  Sprinkle it with emo and it's groooossssss.

And hat's hard to understand?  You've never heard of distancing or opportunistic votes toward the EOD? 

Serious question, are you a seasoned player? because this seems like mafia 101 sh*t.


The only thing I am purporting to not understand is what I have posted that is bullsh*t and how it makes any sense to assume there is wolves in eod vote movement so drop the lost puppy sh*t. I have been told I am posting bullsh*t repeatedly in a vague manner and as far as I can tell it is simply because people do not agree with me on theory stuff.

I am a very experienced player but in the cultures I am used to eod movement is commonplace.

I have taken several stands that were actual reads before this argument but when half the thread thinks you are posting bullsh*t for no reason and won't explain their POV whatsoever it is hard to focus on anything else.


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36 minutes ago, D P R said:

This is all based on EOD movement and assumes that OF COURSE the timing had everything to do with the moves. And - 1 to Alissa for trying to pull off the bullsh*t she's been spreading.

Start at the 5:54 VC:

I was the first to vote after that, putting my vote on Shat. I didn't have a vote down prior to that. I'm happy to answer why I voted there if anyone wants to know.

Crusher votes next, moving his vote from Hallia to Lizzie. 

Now, this important - at this point, Lee is going back and forth with Nolder and winding up her pitch to vote him. But...

lissa wouldn't have known that, and she pulled her vote from Dice to throw on Nolder just before Lee pulls her vote form JC to throw on Nolder.

Nolder flips town, and the rest is history.


Crusher protecting Hallia or Dice.

Lee protecting Dice.

lissa protecting Dice or Hallia.

One of these three is scum. I'm trying to avoid the "us vs. them" scenario, but I gotta go with lissa here based on her point that the timing of these votes had nothing to so with the votes themselves.

Vote lissa



Yeah kinda what I was talking about earlier. I moved to Lizzie to create action.  I lost interest in Nolder after he defended. Wanted to see if anyone followed to Halia. At the end just wanted to see if I could get you to jump off shat on to Nolder. Odd place for you to put a vote that late. I'm watching you pirate. So far got you as town but that can change in a blink of a eye. 

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6 minutes ago, lissa said:

The only thing I am purporting to not understand is what I have posted that is bullsh*t and how it makes any sense to assume there is wolves in eod vote movement so drop the lost puppy sh*t. I have been told I am posting bullsh*t repeatedly in a vague manner and as far as I can tell it is simply because people do not agree with me on theory stuff.

I am a very experienced player but in the cultures I am used to eod movement is commonplace.

I have taken several stands that were actual reads before this argument but when half the thread thinks you are posting bullsh*t for no reason and won't explain their POV whatsoever it is hard to focus on anything else.


Yep. That's how it is when I play at DM.  Tough to play with new group of people that most been playing together for 5-10 years.

Yet felt your move was strange as well. We have eod movement here as well. Sometimes town does it sometime scum does it. I don't see as alignment indicative to be honest. With the nature of how and when it happen it did look like you didn't want Dice to be lynched.

I moved off Halia  to Lizzie because I didn't feel strongly about my read on her and wanted to feel pirates conmitment on his weird shad vote. I apologize If you answer this ten times already but what made you move that late?

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43 minutes ago, lissa said:

I have a ******* stand I just don't understand the one opposite of it that's why Ive been arguing over it what is this bullsh*t

you just don't like my stance I can't understand the other one because it has base assumptions I disagree with in my own

where have I been confused about my own stance ever. NOBODY HAS ******* EPXLAINED WHY THERE IS SCUM IN THE MOVEMENT EOD

That's because nobody knows aware guessing. Your move be looked more like protecting Dice than a change in Nolder defending. Now I'm biased because I thought he defended well. I haven't decided if I'm ready to vote you because of it. Yet I would be lying if I wasn't mildly interested in finding out one of the two of yours alignment. At the moment I chose Dice. 

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Just now, The Crusher said:

That's because nobody knows aware guessing. Your move be looked more like protecting Dice than a change in Nolder defending. Now I'm biased because I thought he defended well. I haven't decided if I'm ready to vote you because of it. Yet I would be lying if I wasn't mildly interested in finding out one of the two of yours alignment. At the moment I chose Dice. 

I can get misunderstanding the purpose of/being concerned about my move if you thought he defended himself well.

Given you weren't the only person who thought this and he flipped villager, I probably communicated my problem with his posting rather badly; he kept saying he wasn't being serious because of the tone of the thread and I thought his vote was based on taking stuff TOO seriously.

That was probably a more coherent explanation of my problem than anything I said at eod actually. Whoops.

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5 hours ago, JiF said:

Vote Smash - same logic as D1.  He's playing his scum game right now.  He even came and didnt argue with me when I pointed it out on D1.  That's not town Smash.

I agree that JC is focused on some flimsy stuff but not sure it makes him scum.

Shad's play has been interesting.  Not sure what to make of it.  Confrontational yet emotional. Kind of weird.

Pac is another I could lynch today.  He's not trying, has a vote buried on me and is the exact type of player that plays a coward scum game.



this is ridiculous what do you mean "that's not town Smash" ?

Every game you come up with a new meta to impose on me claiming I'm scum. I explained why I was not as active as I was last game and TBH rather than get into a pointless argument with you and not be able to finish it out due to time constraints. Yet you seem to be pushing the same stale argument and your pushing it hard for some strange reason. 

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3 hours ago, Pac said:

Are you Visor?


3 hours ago, Pac said:

Are you Visor?


3 hours ago, Calder said:

Visor is the "randthewolfsubout" guy.


3 hours ago, The Crusher said:

I thought was Rand.  

can we please use the same names in the votes as the players :) 

Or is new people have issues getting a name maybe crush love can help them out rather than taking these long freaking names

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56 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

Yeah kinda what I was talking about earlier. I moved to Lizzie to create action.  I lost interest in Nolder after he defended. Wanted to see if anyone followed to Halia. At the end just wanted to see if I could get you to jump off shat on to Nolder. Odd place for you to put a vote that late. I'm watching you pirate. So far got you as town but that can change in a blink of a eye. 

You're hurting my heart just a little by cozying up to lissa while calling me out for voting Shat... you did see the part where he's he's having a spasm and crying to get my attention, right? He needed a vote. Sue me. 

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46 minutes ago, Smashmouth said:




can we please use the same names in the votes as the players :) 

Or is new people have issues getting a name maybe crush love can help them out rather than taking these long freaking names

Dude. Doung outside decorations. It's unreal the amount of stuff my wife and daughters have accumulated. About 20 huge Tupperware containers of 20 years of Christmas decorations. They also bought stuff this year. There go's the freaking power grid.  

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31 minutes ago, D P R said:

You're hurting my heart just a little by cozying up to lissa while calling me out for voting Shat... you did see the part where he's he's having a spasm and crying to get my attention, right? He needed a vote. Sue me. 

What? It's not me it's you. Only CTM knew how to speak Crusher. Your vote on Chad was strange. Deal with it.I'm not cozying to Lissa I'm handling this shit. Told you your playing townie. What? Do you need a reach around  around to reassure you? 

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1 hour ago, The Crusher said:

Dude. Doung outside decorations. It's unreal the amount of stuff my wife and daughters have accumulated. About 20 huge Tupperware containers of 20 years of Christmas decorations. They also bought stuff this year. There go's the freaking power grid.  

I hear ya brother ...I have 20 people coming over my house for Christmas Eve and I'm, as always, doing the 7 fish thing I may even do a bacon wrapped entre in the name of the crushlove LOL .

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Right that's it!!!!!!!


someone give me a JN multiquotes lesson!

a) can I cut pieces out of a quote without losing everything? this includes cutting out a quote I now don't want to respond to. everytime I highlight it and hit backspace I lose ALL the quotes and go back a page.


 b ) why is it that if I put a quote  or even a line of a post in the reply box  but don't send it  does it  after reloading or moving to a new page does it automatically pop up in the reply box  and wont be easily erased   when I then go to type there?


and how the FUBK does b and a ) equal B) ???


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an answer to the above woul;d be hugely appreciated


lets see if I can remember what I had there


@dpr   im glad the School of Dice was useful for you. It will soon surpass CCSOHW     wont it zander??

@lissa  they are assuming that people moved at the last minute to save a wolf. Problem is they arnt really considering that it could have been town moving or that it was town trains or that scum moved to a lynch they thought made them look better.  shrug figuring out EOD moves can be a exercise in frustration cause theres lots of options.


dammit I cant remember the rest. I had like 6 or 7. stoopid site.

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ahhh that's one of them  @dpr   re not moving at the last minute  I will almost always move for consolidation. I don't like Random. Have seen it land on the town PR too often. I do it as Town even more then I do it as Town. Had people howling at me for it last game on dm actually. I was town and it lynched town.

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12 hours ago, Verbal said:


You're coasting.  You know, that thing I did last game when I was scum?


srs question:  do you think you're obviously town, and therefore feel ok stating that first sentence?

you're still not hunting...do you have a Friday favorite...or should we wait till Wednesday?

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