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Zander and Nyn's Ebolaids Mafia Game

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16 minutes ago, Leelou said:

Seriously? You're taking that angle?

considering that last game verbal said he could hold you off for a day or so and then itd become difficult so he was down on a kill on you?  That he has said a bunch of times previously that he tends to kill you early when you two are on opposite sides?

Yep im taking this line.

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21 minutes ago, Dicetosser said:

considering that last game verbal said he could hold you off for a day or so and then itd become difficult so he was down on a kill on you?  That he has said a bunch of times previously that he tends to kill you early when you two are on opposite sides?

Yep im taking this line.

He's also left me alive to end game before. 

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42 minutes ago, Lizard King said:

I could get down on a Leelou lynch I just get a bad vibe now that this quiet little thread has all this excitement now that there's momentum on a vote. Feels opportunistic. Not saying it isn't valid. 

You're scum with Leelou and Verbal. amirite?

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19 minutes ago, Jetscode1 said:

You're scum with Leelou and Verbal. amirite?

I mean considering that I've been pining for reads and action the last two days and this thread wasn't moving at even a post of an hour pace. I just find it very interesting to have all this activity now. I'm still waiting for Hallia to checking in and react to being shot. I mean forCrissakes 

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2 minutes ago, Lizard King said:

I mean considering that I've been pining for reads and action the last two days and this thread wasn't moving at even a post of an hour pace. I just find it very interesting to have all this activity now. I'm still waiting for Hallia to checking in and react to being shot. I mean forCrissakes 


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3 hours ago, D P R said:

There is still a case on lissa, with reasons and everything.

Just putting that out there.

There were no reasons and is no real case.

But trying to explain/argue this was like talking to a 10-foot-thick brick wall and I'm not going to do it anymore.

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Crush actually kind of looks like he cares about figuring out my alignment so probably not a wolf I guess.

Shad appreciably sane.

LK, I made a list in response to your request. But apparently I don't have any actual stances. I guess it didn't actually exist or something? How nice.

Leelou my most likely scum on the Nolder wagon. Nothing to do with the vote itself.

I never cleared hallia I just thought/think the reasons she was being pushed over which that stupid argument started were terrible. Still do regardless of her alignment. Given the ita I think being shot and not dying is fairly meaningless. Her posts are pretty meh but in a way that feels stylistic to some degree? She feels tonally different from turbos I played with her as both alignments though.

Most of the people in that argument seemed pretty agenda-y in the flow of it but I don't think I was objectively assessing it at all. Looking again calder's posts on it were ok, I believe he believed it. The way jif and dpr engaged in it feels a little piggybacky. I'm not really happy with that word to describe it but close enough?

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On 12/16/2016 at 3:26 PM, Dicetosser said:

@lissa  they are assuming that people moved at the last minute to save a wolf. Problem is they arnt really considering that it could have been town moving or that it was town trains or that scum moved to a lynch they thought made them look better.  shrug figuring out EOD moves can be a exercise in frustration cause theres lots of options.

Yeah and trying to figure out why they were assuming that resulted in possibly the most unproductive argument I have ever had in a game of werewolf.

And re: quotes I just snipped that one fine by deleting stuff I don't know why it's not working for you but it's definitely possible?

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6 hours ago, lissa said:

Crush actually kind of looks like he cares about figuring out my alignment so probably not a wolf I guess.

Shad appreciably sane.

LK, I made a list in response to your request. But apparently I don't have any actual stances. I guess it didn't actually exist or something? How nice.

Leelou my most likely scum on the Nolder wagon. Nothing to do with the vote itself.

I never cleared hallia I just thought/think the reasons she was being pushed over which that stupid argument started were terrible. Still do regardless of her alignment. Given the ita I think being shot and not dying is fairly meaningless. Her posts are pretty meh but in a way that feels stylistic to some degree? She feels tonally different from turbos I played with her as both alignments though.

Most of the people in that argument seemed pretty agenda-y in the flow of it but I don't think I was objectively assessing it at all. Looking again calder's posts on it were ok, I believe he believed it. The way jif and dpr engaged in it feels a little piggybacky. I'm not really happy with that word to describe it but close enough?

Vote Lissa

You scum reading Leelou who I kept saying was one of the sketchy scum motivated posts that moved at EOD is absurd. How are you taking the stance that those votes moving were fine and I am wrong, while simultaneously scum reading some of those same people.

Hallia is your freaking teammate. Otherwise nothing you have said makes any sense to me.

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16 hours ago, Pac said:

You know what would be neato?

A theme and coherent scenes.  Kinda helps piece things together.

The theme is Eboliads Mafia.

wtf is coherent???

For someone who claims to be the best Mafia player ever, you make the 2nd dumbest posts in Mafia history.

(That Zander prick makes the dumbest tho....)

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10 hours ago, Jetscode1 said:

I chuckled.  What are your thoughts Crush?  Who is Verbal's partners?  I'm just glad I could speak Zander.

My thoughts on Lissa are in the thread from yesterday or Friday. The Leelou Verbal connection is no different than the me and sweet Boopsie connection.   We kill each other early and often as scum. I have a lot going on today but I want to go back and look if Leelou been digging in or going with the flow. She tends to dig in as town and tends to flow with games opinions as scum.  Though a game ago she was town but busy at work so she didn't dig in as much. Finally, her and Verbal recently had a big scum victory at DM were they had to really apply themselves "late" in the game. This is as told by Verb. Her early pressure on Verb was pretty interesting. She did feign digging in but very well could be to create distancing later in the game. That whole scenario also came with convenience of calling it early joke vote. Let me look at how she came off his train again and her play after that. 

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20 minutes ago, OH NO.....ITS ZANDER!!!!!! said:

Morning Crusher!!!!

Stupid question time....you save me any bacon?!?!!?!?!?!?

 Funny enough Mrs Crusher went foraging yesterday picked up couple impressive slabs of bacon. Actually had breakfast with a friend this a.m. Had nice bagels and lox.  Everything bagel, Nova Scotia lox and jalapeño pepper cream cheese. So good. 

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On 12/16/2016 at 6:42 AM, Lizard King said:


This actually could have answered your question. 80 hasn't been useful at all. 

Care now to comment on hallia?

Until he got busy, I found him useful, he was putting in effort.

On 12/16/2016 at 6:47 AM, Lizard King said:

So you ignore me three times when I'm asking your to explain why you're town-reading players and then when I draw attention to it you vote me. Omgus much? Reaction test failed btw

and then RubOneOut has a gut feel on me even though "he has never seen a game full of so many scummy players" so..there really is no basis for a vote on me from him except to defend you...yeah you're scum aren't you?

unvote vote hallia

You always try to do "reaction tests"  I'm on board with pretty much ignoring you for the most part.

On 12/16/2016 at 9:53 AM, JiF said:

Vote Smash - same logic as D1.  He's playing his scum game right now.  He even came and didnt argue with me when I pointed it out on D1.  That's not town Smash.

I agree that JC is focused on some flimsy stuff but not sure it makes him scum.

Shad's play has been interesting.  Not sure what to make of it.  Confrontational yet emotional. Kind of weird.

Pac is another I could lynch today.  He's not trying, has a vote buried on me and is the exact type of player that plays a coward scum game.



I like this post of JiF's

On 12/16/2016 at 0:23 PM, The Crusher said:

It's not AWOL Lizzie. It's nap time. 

Naps are good

On 12/16/2016 at 1:20 PM, Lizard King said:



I just proved I want Hallia dead.


On 12/16/2016 at 1:25 PM, Lizard King said:

Yep and she was wearing a vest obviously...interesting



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Roster of Victims: 

1. Leelou

2. Pac

3. Verbal - BAMFs Scum Tracker - Killed D2.

4. Nolder - Even Night Town Vig - Lynched D1.

5. 80

6. dice

7. Hallia

8. DPR

9. Shad

10. Calder

11. Lizard King

12. Notbob

13. Smash

14. JiF

15. The Crusher

16. Visor

17. Lissa

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27 minutes ago, Hallia said:

Until he got busy, I found him useful, he was putting in effort.

You always try to do "reaction tests"  I'm on board with pretty much ignoring you for the most part.

I like this post of JiF's

Naps are good




I'd be careful saying "always". I don't think you've played here in 18 months. Or at least it's been that long since we played together. Let's try and keep the conversation based in the here and now, shall we?

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Up to 60 - 

Poor Lissa - I remember being lost when I first came to JN, it takes time (hell I still get lost)

On 12/16/2016 at 1:37 PM, D P R said:

@Mod or anyone else with the answer:

I don't have time to go back and look, but did Hallia win an ITA? No reason.

Ty for at least asking.

On 12/16/2016 at 2:32 PM, JiF said:

Meh, you also voted Hali without much consideration.


On that I agree.  

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2 minutes ago, Lizard King said:

I'd be careful saying "always". I don't think you've played here in 18 months. Or at least it's been that long since we played together. Let's try and keep the conversation based in the here and now, shall we?

In the past then, better?  In games we have played together.

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5 hours ago, Calder said:

Vote Lissa

You scum reading Leelou who I kept saying was one of the sketchy scum motivated posts that moved at EOD is absurd. How are you taking the stance that those votes moving were fine and I am wrong, while simultaneously scum reading some of those same people.

Hallia is your freaking teammate. Otherwise nothing you have said makes any sense to me.

I have explained, or tried to explain, about 10 times that the thing I took issue with was the ASSUMPTION of scum having to have been saved and it had nothing to do with my reads on any of the involved players.

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