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POTW - January 18, 2006


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Congrats go out to SouthernJet, my North Cackalackey cohort, for his award-winning, straight from the heart post concerning the hiring of Eric Mangini. It's a bit long, but well deserving. So, it appears that hell has indeed frozen over - I hope the devil has skates. Speaking of skates - how 'bout them Carolina Hurricanes!

The winning post can be viewed on the front page http://www.jetnation.com

Other posts that were considered were as follows:

GlennFoley wrote:

Ray Lucas never respected him...

stormshadow19 wrote:

Because we should all follow what Ray Lucas thinks...

I was always wondering What Would Ray Lucas Do?



maxman wrote:

Word on the street is that Hendu is going to show up late for the interview. When he arrives he is going to have d!ck Curl introduce him.

He feels this will demonstrate the skills that Bradway is looking for!


stormshadow19 wrote:

Don't lie to him... sworn my a$$. Just let him know the truth.

80... it was me. It wasn't a lovely lady. GB just wanted to get your hopes up.

And y'all are lucky I decided to go on vacation and have all the top notch posts I give this site go ignored. Yeah... lucky!


SlugORama99 wrote:

Please don't mistake my post for asking the bashing of TomShane to cease and desist. I think that homo, persian-cat owning, sackless wonder should be verbally flogged often.


Bob wrote:

My bullsh*t detector just jumped off the scale.

aec4 wrote:

It has to be tough for you to have a bullsh*t detector considering if it was near you it would go off all the time!


Alk wrote:




EricBarton50 wrote:

Here's an idea for you, tx.

Change your location from "2005 Dynasty Lane" to "2006 Dynasty Dead End"


PatsFanTX wrote:

That's pretty funny coming from a guy who was just a sperm cell the last time the Jets played in a Super Bowl.

EricBarton50 wrote:

And thats pretty funny coming from a guy who hasnt had sperm since the Jets played in a Super Bowl.


Bugg wrote:

From: Rwjohnson@nyjets.com

To: Diehermiedie.troll

RE-recent e-mail

Thanks for your input. unfortunately, murder is still a crime in both Missouri, New York, Kansas and New Jersey. We had our Legal Department look into it, and while I'm very much in favor of your recommendation, the penalties involved-trials, police, prison terms, etc.,making killing that worthless, gutless loser lying sack 'sh!t, even in midair flight to KC , a little too much. But I am sympathetic with and largely in agreement with the general idea.

Once again, your input is greatly appreciated. If only we could!

Yours, etc.

Robert Wood Johnson


Garb wrote:


You just have to love the bi-polar existence of the average Jets fan......high comedy!

I told you all that Mangini was going to be a lousy public speaker and provide very little in the form of soundbite. Who cares. Have you heard the Pats HC? Laughing As long as you give the fanbase a competitive, winning team......do public speaking skills really matter?

Smizzy wrote:

Yea and everybody but warfish said the same thing in this thread. Did you read any of it or just read 1 post and pass judgement on all of us?

Garb wrote:

I passed negative judgement on all of you immediately. Your collective past history dictates that.


JetFanFL wrote:

I value our friendship and look forward to supporting Eric's commitment to youth football in the future.


Damn, I can't believe BB slammed the Jets like that. d'oh!


Maxman wrote:

I have to say I was pretty much right on with this post. If that isn't a post of the week I am not sure what is.


Posted On Saturday morning 8:24 am by Maxman:

The Pats will lose tonight. Mangini will do a good job but Brady is going to have a rare bad game.

The Jets won't drop the ball. They will be waiting for Eric and will meet with him at his house on Sunday night.

Belly will flip out and lock Mangini out of the compound. Belly will try to talk Mangini out of taking the job. This whole process won't last long.

By Monday night Mangini will be in place.

Most likely it will be a 5 year deal. Donnie and Dinger will both be let go. A new beginning for the Jets.


BZ wrote:

Wow, what a surprise, a Boston paper ripping what a New York rival team does?

Next you are going to tell me that Pats fans who live in Texas troll this board.



Until next week -


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