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I'm not sure what surgical procedure there is to make you look like you have five o'clock shadow, but she apparently went for it.  The Don Johnson? The Fred FLintstone? 


Same one to remove the adams apple?

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federal furloughs or state departments funded with fed money?




that's what i thought the don;t worry, we're going to minimize the impact memo was dancing around.


crap crap crap.


why do these people play chicken with our damn jobs?

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ok, now can someone explain what sequestration means?

it'll be on the mental status exam and I don't have a reasonable understanding of it.


I do not know why it is called sequestration other than it rhymes with castration which would seem more appropriate, but I digress.


The simple explanation, the only one I really understand is that it means a 20% cut across the board. in every facet of the government.  By this I mean, instead of going to DOD, DOJ or whatever government agency and saying cut 20% from your budget and give us your new revised budget by X date.  It means DOD your payroll is going to be cut 20%.  Training Funding is being cut 20%.  Maintenance is being cut 20%.  Every program that is funded is cut 20%.  

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I do not know why it is called sequestration other than it rhymes with castration which would seem more appropriate, but I digress.


The simple explanation, the only one I really understand is that it means a 20% cut across the board. in every facet of the government.  By this I mean, instead of going to DOD, DOJ or whatever government agency and saying cut 20% from your budget and give us your new revised budget by X date.  It means DOD your payroll is going to be cut 20%.  Training Funding is being cut 20%.  Maintenance is being cut 20%.  Every program that is funded is cut 20%.  

by your payroll do you mean regardless of seniority and attrition, I work 5 days get paid for four and the disability backlog leaves dying people waiting twice as long for health insurance and money to live on or do you mean the last thousand ppl hired after me who started families and bought homes and who are really nice hardworking smart good people are out on their asses?

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I am not sure.  A friend of mine is NAF and she is not missing anytime.


Our Director had a Town Hall meeting last week when the $hit hit the fan.


For us, he said we are not applying for any waivers.  Everyone, to include him, the deputy and all division chiefs will be furloughed. 


As far as leave (sick pay?), until you hit 80 hours (10 weeksX1 furloughed day a week) of furloughed leave, then you will miss one that pay check's leave earning.


An area of disagreement is special pay (night differential, ot comp. time).  The brief says it clearly that OT and comp. time is not authorized.  My director says night dif. is authorized.   We will see.  I am on a 2nd shift and if we do get furloughed and I do not get it, I am going to be a pretty pissed off person.

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I think each bureau gets to administer the cuts themselves.  They shouldn't be able to furlough anybody until 30 days after they get a letter indicating the furlough.  We (me?) are probably okay.  We have a hiring freeze and should be able to last at least through the fiscal quarter.  Offices with big program budgets will probably be able to skip the furlough because they will cut the money from the programs rather than salary.  Offices where salary is a huge percentage of the budget will be hit hard. I know people overseas that are getting cut 20%.  That's pretty rough.   

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I think each bureau gets to administer the cuts themselves.  They shouldn't be able to furlough anybody until 30 days after they get a letter indicating the furlough.  We (me?) are probably okay.  We have a hiring freeze and should be able to last at least through the fiscal quarter.  Offices with big program budgets will probably be able to skip the furlough because they will cut the money from the programs rather than salary.  Offices where salary is a huge percentage of the budget will be hit hard. I know people overseas that are getting cut 20%.  That's pretty rough.   


The way the guy on Fox explained it, the 20% is non-negotiable.  It is 20% against each part of the budget.


With this in mind, he explained, you cannot take more than 20% from other areas so you do not impact payroll.  It is 20% against payroll, training, maintenance, etc.


We have a hiring freeze in place, but from what I have been told, FWIW, we have a cap on the number of people we can have.  Anyone one that leaves above that number is not going to get replaced.  If we dip below that number, than we can do some hocus pocus and we can advertise a new job opening.  There are positions available on usajobs.  We have/will lose three people by mid-March and have not filled one position.


Now, maybe the furlough thing is a DOD thing to chop 20%.


We have already submitted our Furlough days up.  The union has been notified and the 30 day notice expires o/a the 22 April pay period.

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The way the guy on Fox explained it, the 20% is non-negotiable.  It is 20% against each part of the budget.


With this in mind, he explained, you cannot take more than 20% from other areas so you do not impact payroll.  It is 20% against payroll, training, maintenance, etc.


We have a hiring freeze in place, but from what I have been told, FWIW, we have a cap on the number of people we can have.  Anyone one that leaves above that number is not going to get replaced.  If we dip below that number, than we can do some hocus pocus and we can advertise a new job opening.  There are positions available on usajobs.  We have/will lose three people by mid-March and have not filled one position.


Now, maybe the furlough thing is a DOD thing to chop 20%.


We have already submitted our Furlough days up.  The union has been notified and the 30 day notice expires o/a the 22 April pay period.


I don't know how much/what we are supposed to release, but my understanding did not jibe with that.  I think we are going to have a hiring freeze and a 2-3 to one out before in replacement rate.  There will be issues overseas because I don't think the can furlough LES (foreign employees) and they always need a cleared American there.  I know that DoD was getting hit harder than us because of the way the cuts were structured. It also may have to do with how much that can be cut from contractors-or if you are a contractor.

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