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JN NEWS | JN Fan Photos Section Is Up And Being Updated

The Gun Of Bavaria

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Ladies and Gentlemen of JN,

It is my pleasure to inform you that the Fan Photo section is up and running at this time. Maxman is continuing to update photos throughout the night and into tomorrow. If you have submitted one in the past, please be patient as it will appear shortly.

Just a friendly reminder. You MUST be a registered member of JN to view the photo galleries so if you're a lurker or just someone interested in what the crazies of JetNation look like, feel free to sign up and join the clan. It's fast and it's free.

To those of you who have JN Fan Photos you wish to add to the collection, please send them to photos@jetnation.com



2nd In Charge


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Added some more pictures. Still have about 100 more to go.

One comment though. Vinny your kid is adorable. Looks just like Mom thank God. Anyhow what exactly is your dog sniffing in that shot?


Also you are out of peanut butter. FYI.

Your a funny guy, you like my boxer and doberman pincher? I love dogs...I REALLY love dogs....in ways you cant even fathom. Thanks for the comment though.

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