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Between his 2004 gaudy post season and last nights huge game winning HR in spite of a strained abdominal muscle, Carlos is well on his way to claiming the title of best clutch post season player in NY.

Well, after four post-season games he has looked damn good. IMO though, a player should have to play in the post season at least twice for a particular team to be considered the best post-season performer in that citys history. JMO though.

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As a Michigander I admit I don't know much about Beltran. But several years ago I went to a Lansing Lugnuts (Cubs farm team at the time) Minor League game and got a Carlos Beltran bobblehead. I guess he played for them for a while.

If he gets to the HOF will my bobblehead be like a rookie card?

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As a Michigander I admit I don't know much about Beltran. But several years ago I went to a Lansing Lugnuts (Cubs farm team at the time) Minor League game and got a Carlos Beltran bobblehead. I guess he played for them for a while.

If he gets to the HOF will my bobblehead be like a rookie card?

If he makes the HOF your bobblehead will be worth a lot of $$$$$$.


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Beltran has definately proven a lot of people wrong as far as handling the pressures of playing in New York. A lot of fans gave him a hard time for his performance last year and towards the beginning of the year. I'm glad he's turned things around, he seems like a humble guy and someone you can genuinely root for.

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Well, after four post-season games he has looked damn good. IMO though, a player should have to play in the post season at least twice for a particular team to be considered the best post-season performer in that citys history. JMO though.

Good point Airforce.

Hopefully next year we can discuss further.

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Good point Airforce.

Hopefully next year we can discuss further.

If the Mets win the WS he will be well on his way. What he did with the Astros that year was amazing.

Getting past the Tigers is going to be tough IMO though and I would be surprised if they did it.

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If the Mets win the WS he will be well on his way. What he did with the Astros that year was amazing.

Getting past the Tigers is going to be tough IMO though and I would be surprised if they did it.

It'll be tough without the likes of Pedro, El Duke, Floyd, Zito and Kazmir but we've been doing it all year long.

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His post-game interview was pretty funny.

They went into detail about Reggie Jackson and his post-season sucsess, then asked Carlos if he knew anything about Reggie, and if he saw any comparissons...he simply stated, first line from his mouth...

"I am Carlos Beltran...."

Anyone else hear this?

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