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Sabres/Rangers Game 6


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Time to send the Rags where they belong, on the golf course.


I'm asking strictly for information only-do Czechs like golf? Swedes, spare that fruity Jesper Parnavick guy? Just an exc use to post gratutious photo of noted Swede golf fan, Mrs. Tiger Woods


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I'd be very suprised if this series doesn't end today, Buffalo has ALL the momentum.

It's not impossible of course, but I don't see it happening, this ends today, IMO.


Lets bring this series back to Buffalo where we should've won on Friday night!


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I'd be very suprised if this series doesn't end today, Buffalo has ALL the momentum.

It's not impossible of course, but I don't see it happening, this ends today, IMO.


With all due respect, the Sabres haven't quite been the super team you post they are. This series has been an even coin flip, and the Sabres have gotten every break but 1.
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The Sabre haven't played their "A" game yet, last game was pretty close, true. The Rangers have done a respectable job of shutting down our offense, thus far. We're long over due for a scoring break out however.

This series has been awesome thus far, but in my opinion it is highly likely the Sabres end it today. We're gonna want to put them away for good, and with the added momentum from last game, it's likely we will.

As I said this is my opinion, I can easily be wrong.

With all due respect, the Sabres haven't quite been the super team you post they are. This series has been an even coin flip, and the Sabres have gotten every break but 1.
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I'd be very suprised if this series doesn't end today, Buffalo has ALL the momentum.

It's not impossible of course, but I don't see it happening, this ends today, IMO.


I would hardly call it "all the momentum" and keep in mind you will be playing at MADISON SQUARE GARDEN.

This series won't end until Tuesday.

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Completely different situation. We STOLE a game from you, utterly STOLE it, you don't think that gives us momentum??

Momentum? You guys had all the "momentum" coming into the Garden for game 3 and we beat you both games. There will be a game 7.
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See my other post, WE STOLE THE GAME FROM YOU, that doesn't give us momentum??

and by the way, if you would beat us today, you have to play at HSBC, good luck with that.

I would hardly call it "all the momentum" and keep in mind you will be playing at MADISON SQUARE GARDEN.

This series won't end until Tuesday.

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Cullen gets slashed so bad he comes up witht he Sabres' defenseman's stick still in his clothes...no call.

Callahan gets elbowed in the head and gets called for slashing...penalty Callahan, PPG.

Enjoy your Cup, that's Bettman and Galisano's deal, you farking cheating scummers.

This is a joke.

Look forward to those great Ottawa/Buffalo ratings. If you'rre going to fix something, you at least ought to make a profit from it. Typical NHL-they cannot even fix things correctly.

In fairness, the Ranger defense might as well play from the 2nd row behind the net given how they back up all day. Karel Rachunek and Marek Malik need to be gone. Pock and Staal have to be better. I'm not even sure Vanek or Briere's jerseys have been touched all day.

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Its not over till its over. Were not gonna let you hillbilly peices of trailer park trash walk away because the refs can't get off their knees for the sabres.

LOL you guys are such whiny bitches. I love it.

And it is OVER. Sabres are 45-0 when up by 2 goals. You're not coming back.

Hillbilly, trailer trash? HAHAHAHAHA.

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who cares nobody is going to watch the sens/sabres game, i bet pre-season football games get better ratings than what there going to get.

LOL, I would bet you any money this series would draw more than Rangers/Sens, thats for sure.

Our ratings here alone, blow NYCs out of the water every game.

Its going to be a great series, with two very fast and high powerd teams, I can't wait for Saturday!!

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4-3 bitch were coming back. Its not over till its over and if we come back I will laugh in your ugly discusting sh*tty looking peice of trash face.

Ok. Im glad you can be mature and talk hockey!!

P.S. You're still not going to win this game :D

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oh yea i forgot buffalo doesnt have 3 other NHL teams in 20 mile radius do they? not sure how close they are to canadain teams.

Huh? I'm pretty sure the Isles have been done for a while now, and NJ hasnt been playing on the same nights.

Toronto is just over an hour away, the biggest hockey market in the NHL too, however, they always suck so, that helps.

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Ok. Im glad you can be mature and talk hockey!!

P.S. You're still not going to win this game :D

Yea the same should be said for you. All you can say is its over when its a one goal game. Show's how stupid you are but I would expect that type of stupidity out of a buffalo fan.

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Hell of a season guys. If we play like we did in the last 3 months of the regular sesaon + the postseason, we are going to be a very, very difficult team to beat next season.




Hats off to the Sabres, Go Sens!;)

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Your right 124 it was a hell of a season. Im very damn proud of this team. They played their asses off and they scrapped and played with heart. Their gonna be even better next season. Let's see how we can improve the team this off-season and WIN THE CUP NEXT YEAR!

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